test_queue.py 5.53 KB
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Tests for the XQueue certificates interface. """
from contextlib import contextmanager
import json
from mock import patch, Mock
from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
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from django.test import TestCase
from django.test.utils import override_settings

from opaque_keys.edx.locator import CourseLocator
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from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import ModuleStoreTestCase
from student.tests.factories import UserFactory, CourseEnrollmentFactory
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import CourseFactory

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# It is really unfortunate that we are using the XQueue client
# code from the capa library.  In the future, we should move this
# into a shared library.  We import it here so we can mock it
# and verify that items are being correctly added to the queue
# in our `XQueueCertInterface` implementation.
from capa.xqueue_interface import XQueueInterface

from certificates.queue import XQueueCertInterface
from certificates.models import ExampleCertificateSet, ExampleCertificate

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class XQueueCertInterfaceAddCertificateTest(ModuleStoreTestCase):
    """Test the "add to queue" operation of the XQueue interface. """

    def setUp(self):
        super(XQueueCertInterfaceAddCertificateTest, self).setUp()
        self.user = UserFactory.create()
        self.course = CourseFactory.create()
        self.enrollment = CourseEnrollmentFactory(
        self.xqueue = XQueueCertInterface()

    def test_add_cert_callback_url(self):
        with patch('courseware.grades.grade', Mock(return_value={'grade': 'Pass', 'percent': 0.75})):
            with patch.object(XQueueInterface, 'send_to_queue') as mock_send:
                mock_send.return_value = (0, None)
                self.xqueue.add_cert(self.user, self.course.id)

        # Verify that the task was sent to the queue with the correct callback URL
        __, kwargs = mock_send.call_args_list[0]
        actual_header = json.loads(kwargs['header'])
        self.assertIn('https://edx.org/update_certificate?key=', actual_header['lms_callback_url'])

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    def test_no_create_action_in_queue_for_html_view_certs(self):
        Tests there is no certificate create message in the queue if generate_pdf is False
        with patch('courseware.grades.grade', Mock(return_value={'grade': 'Pass', 'percent': 0.75})):
            with patch.object(XQueueInterface, 'send_to_queue') as mock_send:
                self.xqueue.add_cert(self.user, self.course.id, generate_pdf=False)

        # Verify that add_cert method does not add message to queue


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class XQueueCertInterfaceExampleCertificateTest(TestCase):
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    """Tests for the XQueue interface for certificate generation. """

    COURSE_KEY = CourseLocator(org='test', course='test', run='test')

    TEMPLATE = 'test.pdf'
    DESCRIPTION = 'test'
    ERROR_MSG = 'Kaboom!'

    def setUp(self):
        super(XQueueCertInterfaceExampleCertificateTest, self).setUp()
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        self.xqueue = XQueueCertInterface()

    def test_add_example_cert(self):
        cert = self._create_example_cert()
        with self._mock_xqueue() as mock_send:

        # Verify that the correct payload was sent to the XQueue
        self._assert_queue_task(mock_send, cert)

        # Verify the certificate status
        self.assertEqual(cert.status, ExampleCertificate.STATUS_STARTED)

    def test_add_example_cert_error(self):
        cert = self._create_example_cert()
        with self._mock_xqueue(success=False):

        # Verify the error status of the certificate
        self.assertEqual(cert.status, ExampleCertificate.STATUS_ERROR)
        self.assertIn(self.ERROR_MSG, cert.error_reason)

    def _create_example_cert(self):
        """Create an example certificate. """
        cert_set = ExampleCertificateSet.objects.create(course_key=self.COURSE_KEY)
        return ExampleCertificate.objects.create(

    def _mock_xqueue(self, success=True):
        """Mock the XQueue method for sending a task to the queue. """
        with patch.object(XQueueInterface, 'send_to_queue') as mock_send:
            mock_send.return_value = (0, None) if success else (1, self.ERROR_MSG)
            yield mock_send

    def _assert_queue_task(self, mock_send, cert):
        """Check that the task was added to the queue. """
        expected_header = {
            'lms_key': cert.access_key,
            'lms_callback_url': 'https://edx.org/update_example_certificate?key={key}'.format(key=cert.uuid),
            'queue_name': 'certificates'

        expected_body = {
            'action': 'create',
            'username': cert.uuid,
            'name': u'John Doë',
            'course_id': unicode(self.COURSE_KEY),
            'template_pdf': 'test.pdf',
            'example_certificate': True


        __, kwargs = mock_send.call_args_list[0]
        actual_header = json.loads(kwargs['header'])
        actual_body = json.loads(kwargs['body'])

        self.assertEqual(expected_header, actual_header)
        self.assertEqual(expected_body, actual_body)