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Django REST Framework serializers for the User API application
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from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from rest_framework import serializers
from student.models import UserProfile
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from .models import UserPreference
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class UserSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
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    Serializer that generates a representation of a User entity containing a subset of fields
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    name = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
    preferences = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
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    def get_name(self, user):
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        Return the name attribute from the user profile object
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        profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=user)

    def get_preferences(self, user):
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        Returns the set of preferences as a dict for the specified user
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        return dict([(pref.key, pref.value) for pref in user.preferences.all()])

    class Meta(object):
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        model = User
        # This list is the minimal set required by the notification service
        fields = ("id", "url", "email", "name", "username", "preferences")
        read_only_fields = ("id", "email", "username")
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class UserPreferenceSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
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    Serializer that generates a represenation of a UserPreference entity
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    user = UserSerializer()

    class Meta(object):
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        model = UserPreference
        depth = 1
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class RawUserPreferenceSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
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    Serializer that generates a raw representation of a user preference.
    user = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField(queryset=User.objects.all())

    class Meta(object):
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        model = UserPreference
        depth = 1
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class ReadOnlyFieldsSerializerMixin(object):
    Mixin for use with Serializers that provides a method
    `get_read_only_fields`, which returns a tuple of all read-only
    fields on the Serializer.
    def get_read_only_fields(cls):
        Return all fields on this Serializer class which are read-only.
        Expects sub-classes implement Meta.explicit_read_only_fields,
        which is a tuple declaring read-only fields which were declared
        explicitly and thus could not be added to the usual
        cls.Meta.read_only_fields tuple.
        return getattr(cls.Meta, 'read_only_fields', '') + getattr(cls.Meta, 'explicit_read_only_fields', '')
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    def get_writeable_fields(cls):
        Return all fields on this serializer that are writeable.
        all_fields = getattr(cls.Meta, 'fields', tuple())
        return tuple(set(all_fields) - set(cls.get_read_only_fields()))