## XBlocks count scriptThe script in this directory, xblock_counts.py, when run will produce 2 csv files containing a summaryof the XBlock usage in courses.This script requires a list of XBlock types. The xblock_studio_configuration.json file included is an example. The filecontains a list of types for the tool to summarize with counts.{ "data": [ { "name": "problem", }, { "name": "video", }, ... ]}### Steps for usage1. Ensure all python requirements are up to date including those listed in the requirements.txt file.2. Request a OAUTH2_Client ID on the api platform you are querying.3. Execute the command line to run the script.### Example command line usagepython xblock_counts.py -u <email> -p <password> -c <OAUTH2 Client_id> -m 12 -x xblock_studio_configuration.json -a https://courses.edx.orgUse python xblock_counts.py -h to get a list of command line options.