business_order_confirmation_email.txt 4.55 KB
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<%! from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ %>
${_("Hi {name},").format(name=recipient_name)}
${_("Thank you for your purchase of ")} <b> ${course_names} </b>
%if recipient_type == 'user':
<p>${_("Your payment was successful.")}</p>
% if marketing_link('FAQ'):
<p>${_("If you have billing questions, please read the FAQ ({faq_url}) or contact {billing_email}.").format(billing_email=payment_support_email, faq_url=marketing_link('FAQ'))}</p>
% else:
<p>${_("If you have billing questions, please contact {billing_email}.").format(billing_email=payment_support_email)}</p>
% endif

%elif recipient_type == 'company_contact':

<p>${_("{order_placed_by} placed an order and mentioned your name as the Organization contact.").format(order_placed_by=order_placed_by)}</p>

%elif recipient_type == 'email_recipient':

<p>${_("{order_placed_by} placed an order and mentioned your name as the additional receipt recipient.").format(order_placed_by=order_placed_by)}</p>


<p>${_("The items in your order are:")}</p>

<p>${_("Quantity - Description - Price")}<br>
%for order_item in order_items:
    ${order_item.qty} - ${order_item.line_desc} - ${currency_symbol}${order_item.line_cost}</p>
31 32

<p>${_("Total billed to credit/debit card: {currency_symbol}{total_cost}").format(total_cost=order.total_cost, currency_symbol=currency_symbol)}</p>
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

% if order.company_name:
${_('Company Name:')} ${order.company_name}<br>
% if order.customer_reference_number:
${_('Purchase Order Number:')} ${order.customer_reference_number}<br>
% if order.company_contact_name:
${_('Company Contact Name:')} ${order.company_contact_name}<br>
% if order.company_contact_email:
${_('Company Contact Email:')} ${order.company_contact_email}<br>
% if order.recipient_name:
## Translators: this will be the name of a person receiving an email
50 51 52
${_('Recipient Name:')} ${order.recipient_name}<br>
% if order.recipient_email:
## Translators: this will be the email address of a person receiving an email
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
${_('Recipient Email:')} ${order.recipient_email}<br>

% if has_billing_info:
${order.bill_to_cardtype} ${_("#:")} ${order.bill_to_ccnum}<br>
${order.bill_to_first} ${order.bill_to_last}<br>
${order.bill_to_city}, ${order.bill_to_state} ${order.bill_to_postalcode}<br>
% endif
<p>${_("Order Number: {order_number}").format(}</p>

<p><b>${_("A CSV file of your registration URLs is attached. Please distribute registration URLs to each student planning to enroll using the email template below.")}</b></p>

% if payment_email_signature:
## Translators: This is followed by the instructor or course team name (so could be singular or plural)
<p>${_("Warm regards,")}<br>
73 74
% else:
## Translators: The <br> is a line break (empty line), please keep this html in the string after the sign off.
76 77
<p>${_("Warm regards,<br>"
"The {platform_name} Team").format(platform_name=platform_name)}
78 79 80 81 82 83 84


## Translators: please translate the text inside [[ ]]. This is meant as a template for course teams to use.
<p>${_("Dear [[Name]]")}</p>

<p>${_("To enroll in {course_names} we have provided a registration URL for you.  Please follow the instructions below to claim your access.").format(course_names=course_names)}</p>

## Translators: please translate the text inside [[ ]]. This is meant as a template for course teams to use.
<p>${_("Your redeem url is: [[Enter Redeem URL here from the attached CSV]]")}</p>

<p>${_("(1) Register for an account at {site_name}").format(site_name=u"<a href='https://{sn}'>https://{sn}</a>".format(sn=site_name))}<br>
94 95
${_("(2) Once registered, copy the redeem URL and paste it in your web browser.")}<br>
${_("(3) On the enrollment confirmation page, Click the 'Activate Enrollment Code' button. This will show the enrollment confirmation.")}<br>
96 97 98
${_("(4) You should be able to click on 'view course' button or see your course on your student dashboard at {url}").format(
	 url=u"<a href='https://{dashboard_url}'>https://{dashboard_url}</a>".format(dashboard_url=dashboard_url)
99 100
${_("(5) Course materials will not be available until the course start date.")}</p>

## Translators: please translate the text inside [[ ]]. This is meant as a template for course teams to use. Please also keep the <p> and </p> HTML tags in place.
102 103
"<p>[[Your Signature]]</p>")}