tasks_base.py 4.48 KB
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Base class for Instructor celery tasks.
import logging

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from celery import Task
from celery.states import FAILURE, SUCCESS

from lms.djangoapps.instructor_task.models import InstructorTask
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# define different loggers for use within tasks and on client side
TASK_LOG = logging.getLogger('edx.celery.task')

class BaseInstructorTask(Task):
    Base task class for use with InstructorTask models.

    Permits updating information about task in corresponding InstructorTask for monitoring purposes.

    Assumes that the entry_id of the InstructorTask model is the first argument to the task.

    The `entry_id` is the primary key for the InstructorTask entry representing the task.  This class
    updates the entry on success and failure of the task it wraps.  It is setting the entry's value
    for task_state based on what Celery would set it to once the task returns to Celery:
    FAILURE if an exception is encountered, and SUCCESS if it returns normally.
    Other arguments are pass-throughs to perform_module_state_update, and documented there.
    abstract = True

    def on_success(self, task_progress, task_id, args, kwargs):
        Update InstructorTask object corresponding to this task with info about success.

        Updates task_output and task_state.  But it shouldn't actually do anything
        if the task is only creating subtasks to actually do the work.

        Assumes `task_progress` is a dict containing the task's result, with the following keys:

          'attempted': number of attempts made
          'succeeded': number of attempts that "succeeded"
          'skipped': number of attempts that "skipped"
          'failed': number of attempts that "failed"
          'total': number of possible subtasks to attempt
          'action_name': user-visible verb to use in status messages.  Should be past-tense.
              Pass-through of input `action_name`.
          'duration_ms': how long the task has (or had) been running.

        This is JSON-serialized and stored in the task_output column of the InstructorTask entry.

        TASK_LOG.debug('Task %s: success returned with progress: %s', task_id, task_progress)
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        # We should be able to find the InstructorTask object to update
        # based on the task_id here, without having to dig into the
        # original args to the task.  On the other hand, the entry_id
        # is the first value passed to all such args, so we'll use that.
        # And we assume that it exists, else we would already have had a failure.
        entry_id = args[0]
        entry = InstructorTask.objects.get(pk=entry_id)
        # Check to see if any subtasks had been defined as part of this task.
        # If not, then we know that we're done.  (If so, let the subtasks
        # handle updating task_state themselves.)
        if len(entry.subtasks) == 0:
            entry.task_output = InstructorTask.create_output_for_success(task_progress)
            entry.task_state = SUCCESS

    def on_failure(self, exc, task_id, args, kwargs, einfo):
        Update InstructorTask object corresponding to this task with info about failure.

        Fetches and updates exception and traceback information on failure.

        If an exception is raised internal to the task, it is caught by celery and provided here.
        The information is recorded in the InstructorTask object as a JSON-serialized dict
        stored in the task_output column.  It contains the following keys:

               'exception':  type of exception object
               'message': error message from exception object
               'traceback': traceback information (truncated if necessary)

        Note that there is no way to record progress made within the task (e.g. attempted,
        succeeded, etc.) when such failures occur.
        TASK_LOG.debug(u'Task %s: failure returned', task_id)
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        entry_id = args[0]
            entry = InstructorTask.objects.get(pk=entry_id)
        except InstructorTask.DoesNotExist:
            # if the InstructorTask object does not exist, then there's no point
            # trying to update it.
            TASK_LOG.error(u"Task (%s) has no InstructorTask object for id %s", task_id, entry_id)
            TASK_LOG.warning(u"Task (%s) failed", task_id, exc_info=True)
            entry.task_output = InstructorTask.create_output_for_failure(einfo.exception, einfo.traceback)
            entry.task_state = FAILURE