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Test utils for CCX
import datetime
import pytz

from django.conf import settings

9 10 11 12 13
from student.roles import (
from student.tests.factories import (
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
from xmodule.modulestore.django import modulestore
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.django_utils import (
from xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories import (

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from lms.djangoapps.ccx.overrides import override_field_for_ccx
from lms.djangoapps.ccx.tests.factories import CcxFactory

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class CcxTestCase(SharedModuleStoreTestCase):
    General test class to be used in other CCX tests classes.

    It creates a course that can be used as master course for CCXs.

    def setUpClass(cls):
        super(CcxTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
        cls.course = course = CourseFactory.create(enable_ccx=True)
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        # Create a course outline
        cls.mooc_start = start = datetime.datetime(
            2010, 5, 12, 2, 42, tzinfo=pytz.UTC
        cls.mooc_due = due = datetime.datetime(
            2010, 7, 7, 0, 0, tzinfo=pytz.UTC

        cls.chapters = [
            ItemFactory.create(start=start, parent=course) for _ in xrange(2)
        cls.sequentials = flatten([
                ItemFactory.create(parent=chapter) for _ in xrange(2)
            ] for chapter in cls.chapters
        cls.verticals = flatten([
                    start=start, due=due, parent=sequential, graded=True, format='Homework', category=u'vertical'
                ) for _ in xrange(2)
            ] for sequential in cls.sequentials

        # Trying to wrap the whole thing in a bulk operation fails because it
        # doesn't find the parents. But we can at least wrap this part...
        with cls.store.bulk_operations(course.id, emit_signals=False):
            blocks = flatten([  # pylint: disable=unused-variable
                    ItemFactory.create(parent=vertical) for _ in xrange(2)
                ] for vertical in cls.verticals

    def setUp(self):
        Set up tests
        super(CcxTestCase, self).setUp()
        # Create instructor account
        self.coach = UserFactory.create(password="test")
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        # create an instance of modulestore
        self.mstore = modulestore()

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    def make_staff(self):
        create staff user.
        staff = UserFactory.create(password="test")
        role = CourseStaffRole(self.course.id)

        return staff

    def make_instructor(self):
        create instructor user.
        instructor = UserFactory.create(password="test")
        role = CourseInstructorRole(self.course.id)

        return instructor

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    def make_coach(self):
        create coach user
        role = CourseCcxCoachRole(self.course.id)

    def make_ccx(self, max_students_allowed=settings.CCX_MAX_STUDENTS_ALLOWED):
        create ccx
        ccx = CcxFactory(course_id=self.course.id, coach=self.coach)
        override_field_for_ccx(ccx, self.course, 'max_student_enrollments_allowed', max_students_allowed)
        return ccx

    def get_outbox(self):
        get fake outbox
        from django.core import mail
        return mail.outbox

def flatten(seq):
    For [[1, 2], [3, 4]] returns [1, 2, 3, 4].  Does not recurse.
    return [x for sub in seq for x in sub]

def iter_blocks(course):
    Returns an iterator over all of the blocks in a course.
    def visit(block):
        """ get child blocks """
        yield block
        for child in block.get_children():
            for descendant in visit(child):  # wish they'd backport yield from
                yield descendant
    return visit(course)