conditional.feature 1011 Bytes
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Feature: LMS.Conditional Module
  As a student, I want to view a Conditional component in the LMS

  Scenario: A Conditional hides content when conditions aren't satisfied
    Given that a course has a Conditional conditioned on problem attempted=True
    And that the conditioned problem has not been attempted
    When I view the conditional
    Then the conditional contents are hidden

  Scenario: A Conditional shows content when conditions are satisfied
    Given that a course has a Conditional conditioned on problem attempted=True
    And that the conditioned problem has been attempted
    When I view the conditional
    Then the conditional contents are visible

  Scenario: A Conditional containing a Poll is updated when the poll is answered
    Given that a course has a Conditional conditioned on poll poll_answer=yes
    When I view the conditional
    Then the conditional contents are hidden
    When I answer the conditioned poll "yes"
    Then the conditional contents are visible