Developer Workspace Migrations==============================This directory contains executable files which run once prior toinstallation of pre-requisites to bring a developers workspaceinto line.Specifications--------------Each file in this directory should meet the following criteria* Executable (`chmod +x ws_migrations/`)* Idempotent (ideally, each script is run only once, but no guarantees are made by the caller, so the script must do the right thing)* Either fast or verbose (if the script is going to take a long time, it should notify the user of that)* A comment at the top of the file explaining the migrationExecution---------The scripts are run by the rake task `ws:migrate`. That taskonly runs a given script if a corresponding marker filein .completed-ws-migrations doesn't already exist.If the SKIP_WS_MIGRATIONS environment variable is set, thenno workspace migrations will be run.