registration.feature 797 Bytes
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Feature: Register for a course
  As a registered user
  In order to access my class content
  I want to register for a class on the edX website

  	Scenario: I can register for a course
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    Given The course "6.002x" exists
    And I am logged in
    And I visit the courses page
    When I register for the course "6.002x"
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  	Then I should see the course numbered "6.002x" in my dashboard

    Scenario: I can unregister for a course
    Given I am registered for the course "6.002x"
    And I visit the dashboard
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    Then I should see the course numbered "6.002x" in my dashboard
    When I unregister for the course numbered "6.002x"
    Then I should be on the dashboard page
    And I should see an empty dashboard message
    And I should NOT see the course numbered "6.002x" in my dashboard