signup.feature 1.72 KB
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Feature: CMS.Sign in
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  In order to use the edX content
  As a new user
  I want to signup for a student account

  Scenario: Sign up from the homepage
    Given I visit the Studio homepage
    When I click the link with the text "Sign Up"
    And I fill in the registration form
    And I press the Create My Account button on the registration form
    Then I should see an email verification prompt
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  Scenario: Login with a valid redirect
    Given I have opened a new course in Studio
    And I am not logged in
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    And I visit the url "/course/slashes:MITx+999+Robot_Super_Course"
    And I should see that the path is "/signin?next=/course/slashes%3AMITx%2B999%2BRobot_Super_Course"
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    When I fill in and submit the signin form
    And I wait for "2" seconds
    Then I should see that the path is "/course/slashes:MITx+999+Robot_Super_Course"
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  Scenario: Login with an invalid redirect
    Given I have opened a new course in Studio
    And I am not logged in
    And I visit the url "/signin?next="
    When I fill in and submit the signin form
    And I wait for "2" seconds
Matjaz Gregoric committed
    Then I should see that the path is "/home/"
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  Scenario: Login with mistyped credentials
    Given I have opened a new course in Studio
    And I am not logged in
    And I visit the Studio homepage
    When I click the link with the text "Sign In"
    Then I should see that the path is "/signin"
    And I should not see a login error message
    And I fill in and submit the signin form incorrectly
    Then I should see a login error message
    And I edit the password field
    Then I should not see a login error message
    And I submit the signin form
    And I wait for "2" seconds
Matjaz Gregoric committed
    Then I should see that the path is "/home/"