Commit ff144f93 by Will Daly

Update leaderboard messaging

parent 3ddd47ad
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
<li id="openassessment_leaderboard_wrapper" class="field comp-setting-entry">
<div class="wrapper-comp-setting">
<label for="openassessment_leaderboard_editor" class="setting-label">{% trans "Number of Leaderboard Scores" %}</label>
<label for="openassessment_leaderboard_editor" class="setting-label">{% trans "Top Responses" %}</label>
class="input setting-input"
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
min="0" max="99"
<p class="setting-help">{% trans "Set the number of scores to display on the leaderboard. If set to 0, the leaderboard will not be shown." %}</p>
<p class="setting-help">{% trans "Specify the number of top-scoring responses to display. If the number is 0, the Top Responses section won't appear to students." %}</p>
......@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
<header class="step__header">
<h2 class="step__title">
<span class="wrapper--copy">
<span class="step__label">{% trans "Leaderboard" %} </span>
<span class="step__label">{% trans "Top Responses" %} </span>
<div class="wrapper--step__content">
<h3 class="leaderboard__title">{% trans "Best Responses For This Assignment" %}</h3>
<h3 class="leaderboard__title">{% trans "Top-Scoring Responses for This Assignment" %}</h3>
<ol class="list leaderboard__score__list">
{% for topscore in topscores %}
<li class="leaderboard__score__item">
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<header class="step__header">
<h2 class="step__title">
<span class="wrapper--copy">
<span class="step__label">{% trans "Leaderboard" %} </span>
<span class="step__label">{% trans "Top Responses" %} </span>
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<div class="wrapper--step__content">
<div class="step__content">
<div class="leaderboard__description">
<p>{% trans "The leaderboard is not available until your final grade is complete." %}</p>
<p>{% trans "After you complete all the steps of this assignment, you can see the top-scoring responses from your peers." %}</p>
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