Commit fa5df3dd by David Ormsbee

Add outline for overall Workflow plan to docs for review.

parent e321692c
.. _dev_guide:
Understanding the Workflow
.. warning:: The following section refers to features that are not yet fully
The `openassessment.workflow` application is tasked with managing the overall
life-cycle of a student's submission as it goes through various evaluation steps
(e.g. peer assessment, self assessment). A new workflow entry is created as soon
as the student submits their response to a question, and it is initialized with
the steps (and step order) are initialized at that time.
Canonical Status
Except in the case of `done`, the `status` value stored in the
`AssessmentWorkflow` model is not the canonical status. This is because the
determination of what we need to do in order to be "done" is specified by the
OpenAssessmentBlock problem definition and can change. So every time we are
asked where the student is, we have to query the assessment APIs (peer, self,
AI, etc.) with the latest requirements(e.g. "number of submissions you have
to assess = 5"). The "status" field on this model is an after the fact
recording of the last known state of that information so we can search
However, once a workflow has transitioned to `done`, it means that a score
has been created for this workflow and it should not be possible to pull it
back into an "in progress" state. Once you're finished, you're finished.
Isolation of Assessment types
The various assessment types a workflow invokes are not aware of where they
are in the grander scheme of things. So for instance, the peer assessment API
is unaware that self assessment exists and vice versa. The overall workflow
is responsible for querying these sub-APIs through a small set of pre-defined
`bool is_submitter_done(submission_uuid)`
Has the person submitting the problem (the owner of `submission_uuid`) done
everything they need to do in order to advance to the next step?
`bool is_assessment_done(submission_uuid)`
Is there enough information to score this assessment step? In the case of
peer grading, this would mean that a sufficient number of people have
assessed it.
`dict get_score(submission_uuid)`
Returns a dict with keys `points_earned` and `points_possible` where both
values are integers. This represents the recorded score for this
assessment step. If no score is possible at this time, return `None`. Once
a non `None` value has been returned by this function for a given
`submission_uuid`, repeated calls to this function should return the same
In the long run, it could be that `OpenAssessmentBlock` becomes a wrapper
that talks to child XBlocks via this kind of API, and that each child would
be responsible for answering these questions and proxy to relevant backend
APIs as appropriate. For now though, the workflow just calls these things
Determining Completion
We start with the first assessment step as a status (unsubmitted items have
no workflow, so there is no step for that). As each step completes, we move
to the next one specified in the XML. If we have completed all steps, then
we check to see if the `is_assessment_done()` is `True` for all steps. If
the assessments are complete, we give the submission a `Score` in the
submissions API. If there are steps for which the assessment is incomplete,
we move the status to `waiting`.
Simple Order/Dependency Assumptions
We assume that the user is never blocked from going to the next step because
a previous step needs assessment. They may be unable to proceed because they
can't complete a step for reasons beyond their control (e.g. there are no
other submissions to assess in peer), but the gating thing is always
`is_submitter_done()`, and never `is_assessment_done()`. There are no gating
dependencies where, for instance, you might be restricted from starting peer
grading until AI grading has assessed you and given you a score.
This assumption will not be true forever, but it's a simplifying assumption
for the next six months or so.
Steps Stay Completed
In the interests of not surprising/enraging students, once a step is complete,
it stays complete. So if peer grading requires two assessors and a particular
submission meets that threshold, it will be considered complete at that point
in time. Raising the threshold to three required assessors in the future will
not cause that step for that submission workflow to be considered incomplete
Handling Problem Definition Change
Not all of this is going to be implemented in the first cut, but a longer
term plan for how conflict resolution should happen in the case of the
overall submission workflow:
1. Any completed steps stay completed. If a completed step is no longer part
of the workflow (e.g. we removed self-assessment), then we keep around
the model information for that step anyway, but just don't reference it.
2. If the sequence of steps changes, we look at the new steps and advance to
the first step that the user has not completed (`is_submitter_done()`
returns `False`).
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