Commit b0577bcd by Stephen Sanchez

Adding log messages when exceptions occur.

parent 6730e55a
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Public interface for the submissions app.
import copy
import logging
from django.db import DatabaseError
from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode
......@@ -10,6 +11,8 @@ from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode
from submissions.serializers import SubmissionSerializer, StudentItemSerializer
from submissions.models import Submission, StudentItem
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SubmissionInternalError(Exception):
......@@ -38,7 +41,7 @@ def create_submission(student_item_dict, answer, submitted_at=None,
Generic means by which to submit an answer for evaluation.
student_item_struct (StudentItemStruct): The student_item this
student_item_dict (dict): The student_item this
submission is associated with. This is used to determine which
course, student, and location this submission belongs to.
answer (str): The answer given by the student to be evaluated.
......@@ -50,11 +53,13 @@ def create_submission(student_item_dict, answer, submitted_at=None,
number of submissions associated with this student_item.
SubmissionStruct: A representation of the created Submission.
dict: A representation of the created Submission.
SubmissionAccessError: Raised when information regarding the student
item cannot be accessed or the submission cannot be saved.
SubmissionRequestError: Raised when information regarding the student
item fails validation.
SubmissionInternalError: Raised when submission access causes an
internal error.
student_item_model = _get_or_create_student_item(student_item_dict)
......@@ -63,7 +68,10 @@ def create_submission(student_item_dict, answer, submitted_at=None,
submissions = Submission.objects.filter(
except DatabaseError as err:
raise SubmissionInternalError(err)
error_message = u"An unexpected error occurred while filtering "
u"submissions for a create submission request: {}".format(err)
raise SubmissionInternalError(error_message)
attempt_number = submissions[0].attempt_number + 1 if submissions else 1
model_kwargs = {
......@@ -77,7 +85,10 @@ def create_submission(student_item_dict, answer, submitted_at=None,
submission = Submission.objects.create(**model_kwargs)
except DatabaseError as err:
raise SubmissionInternalError(err)
error_message = u"An unexpected error occurred while creating a "
u"submission for a create submission request: {}".format(err)
raise SubmissionInternalError(error_message)
return SubmissionSerializer(submission).data
......@@ -90,7 +101,7 @@ def get_submissions(student_item_dict, limit=None):
thrown if no submission is found relative to this location.
student_item_struct (StudentItemStruct): The location of the problem
student_item_dict (dict): The location of the problem
this submission is associated with, as defined by a course, student,
and item.
limit (int): Optional parameter for limiting the returned number of
......@@ -98,12 +109,11 @@ def get_submissions(student_item_dict, limit=None):
associated submissions are returned.
List SubmissionStruct: A list of SubmissionStruct for the associated
student item.
List dict: A list of dicts for the associated student item.
SubmissionAccessError: Raised when the associated student item cannot
be accessed.
SubmissionRequestError: Raised when the associated student item fails
SubmissionNotFoundError: Raised when a submission cannot be found for
the associated student item.
......@@ -112,8 +122,11 @@ def get_submissions(student_item_dict, limit=None):
submission_models = Submission.objects.filter(
except DatabaseError:
raise SubmissionNotFoundError()
except DatabaseError as err:
error_message = u"An unexpected error occurred while filtering "
u"submissions for a get submissions request: {}".format(err)
raise SubmissionNotFoundError(error_message)
if limit:
submission_models = submission_models[:limit]
......@@ -144,8 +157,8 @@ def _get_or_create_student_item(student_item_dict):
raise SubmissionRequestError(student_item_serializer.errors)
student_item_model = StudentItem.objects.create(**student_item_dict)
except DatabaseError:
raise SubmissionInternalError(
"An error occurred creating a student "
"item for: {!r}".format(student_item_dict)
error_message = u"An error occurred creating a student item for: {!r}".format(
raise SubmissionInternalError(error_message)
return student_item_model
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