The intent of this project is to be installed as Django apps that will be included in `edx-platform <>`_.
But development is done in the Workbench which is part of the `xblock-sdk <>`_. Currently Ubuntu 12.04 is assumed. You can setup everything in a Vagrant instance.
To do so install the latest VirtualBox >= 4.3.12 and the latest Vagrant >= 1.6.5.
Clone the repo:
.. code:: bash
mkdir orastack
cd orastack
git clone
Create the Vagrant instance:
.. code:: bash
ln -s ./edx-ora2/Vagrantfile ./
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
vagrant up
The first vagrant up will fail when setting up shared folders (because the user ora2 does not exist) so do:
.. code:: bash
vagrant provision
vagrant reload
Now you can ssh into the vagrant machine:
.. code:: bash
vagrant ssh
sudo su ora2
To install all dependencies:
.. code:: bash
make install-sys-requirements
make install
make install-dev
Running the Development Server
.. code:: bash
Additional arguments are passed to ``runserver``. For example,
to start the server on port 9000:
.. code:: bash
Combining and Minifying JavaScript and Sass
To reduce page size, the OpenAssessment XBlock serves combined/minified
versions of JavaScript and CSS. This combined/minified files are checked
into the git repository.
If you modify JavaScript or Sass, you MUST regenerate the combined/minified
.. code:: bash
# Combine/minify JavaScript
make javascript
# Combine/minify CSS (from Sass)
make sass
Make sure you commit the combined/minified files to the git repository!
To run the JavaScript tests in Chrome so you can use the debugger:
.. code:: bash
make test-js-debug
There are also acceptance and accessibility tests that run can be run against a sandbox. For more information, about how to run these from your machine, check out `test/acceptance/README.rst <>`__.