Commit 9a892d0e by Usman Khalid

Updated leaderboard to show new format submissions.

parent 4017f1de
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
{% if topscore.file %}
<img class="leaderboard__score__image" alt="{% trans "The image associated with your peer's submission." %}" src="{{ topscore.file }}" />
{% endif %}
{{ topscore.content|linebreaks }}
{% include "openassessmentblock/oa_submission_answer.html" with answer=topscore.submission.answer answer_text_label="Your peer's response to the question above:" %}
{% endfor %}
......@@ -4,9 +4,12 @@ Leaderboard step in the OpenAssessment XBlock.
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from xblock.core import XBlock
from openassessment.assessment.errors import SelfAssessmentError, PeerAssessmentError
from submissions import api as sub_api
from openassessment.assessment.errors import SelfAssessmentError, PeerAssessmentError
from openassessment.fileupload import api as file_upload_api
from openassessment.xblock.data_conversion import create_submission_dict
class LeaderboardMixin(object):
"""Leaderboard Mixin introduces all handlers for displaying the leaderboard
......@@ -72,13 +75,16 @@ class LeaderboardMixin(object):
for score in scores:
if 'file_key' in score['content']:
score['file'] = file_upload_api.get_download_url(score['content']['file_key'])
if 'text' in score['content']:
score['content'] = score['content']['text']
if 'text' in score['content'] or 'parts' in score['content']:
submission = {'answer': score.pop('content')}
score['submission'] = create_submission_dict(submission, self.prompts)
elif isinstance(score['content'], basestring):
# Currently, we do not handle non-text submissions.
score['content'] = ""
score['submission'] = ""
score.pop('content', None)
context = { 'topscores': scores,
'allow_latex': self.allow_latex,
<openassessment leaderboard_show="3">
<title>Open Assessment Test</title>
Given the state of the world today, what do you think should be done to
combat poverty? Please answer in a short essay of 200-300 words.
<description>Given the state of the world today, what do you think should be done to combat poverty?</description>
<description>Given the state of the world today, what do you think should be done to combat pollution?</description>
<prompt>Read for conciseness, clarity of thought, and form.</prompt>
<openassessment leaderboard_show="3" allow_file_upload="True">
<title>Open Assessment Test</title>
Given the state of the world today, what do you think should be done to
combat poverty? Please answer in a short essay of 200-300 words.
<description>Given the state of the world today, what do you think should be done to combat poverty?</description>
<description>Given the state of the world today, what do you think should be done to combat pollution?</description>
<prompt>Read for conciseness, clarity of thought, and form.</prompt>
<prompt>How concise is it?</prompt>
<openassessment leaderboard_show="10">
<title>Open Assessment Test</title>
Given the state of the world today, what do you think should be done to
combat poverty? Please answer in a short essay of 200-300 words.
<description>Given the state of the world today, what do you think should be done to combat poverty?</description>
<description>Given the state of the world today, what do you think should be done to combat pollution?</description>
<prompt>Read for conciseness, clarity of thought, and form.</prompt>
<prompt>How concise is it?</prompt>
......@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ import boto
from boto.s3.key import Key
from openassessment.fileupload import api
from openassessment.xblock.data_conversion import create_submission_dict, prepare_submission_for_serialization
class TestLeaderboardRender(XBlockHandlerTransactionTestCase):
......@@ -40,15 +42,20 @@ class TestLeaderboardRender(XBlockHandlerTransactionTestCase):
def test_show_submissions(self, xblock):
# Create some submissions (but fewer than the max that can be shown)
self._create_submissions_and_scores(xblock, [
("test answer 1", 1),
("test answer 2", 2)
(prepare_submission_for_serialization(("test answer 1 part 1", "test answer 1 part 2")), 1),
(prepare_submission_for_serialization(("test answer 2 part 1", "test answer 2 part 2")), 2)
self._assert_scores(xblock, [
{"content": "test answer 2", "score": 2},
{"content": "test answer 1", "score": 1}
{"score": 2, "submission": create_submission_dict(
{"answer": prepare_submission_for_serialization((u"test answer 2 part 1", u"test answer 2 part 2"))},
{"score": 1, "submission": create_submission_dict(
{"answer": prepare_submission_for_serialization((u"test answer 1 part 1", u"test answer 1 part 2"))},
self._assert_leaderboard_visible(xblock, True)
......@@ -58,27 +65,38 @@ class TestLeaderboardRender(XBlockHandlerTransactionTestCase):
# Create more submissions than the max
self._create_submissions_and_scores(xblock, [
("test answer 3", 0),
("test answer 4", 10),
("test answer 5", 3)
(prepare_submission_for_serialization(("test answer 3 part 1", "test answer 3 part 2")), 0),
(prepare_submission_for_serialization(("test answer 4 part 1", "test answer 4 part 2")), 10),
(prepare_submission_for_serialization(("test answer 5 part 1", "test answer 5 part 2")), 3),
self._assert_scores(xblock, [
{"content": "test answer 4", "score": 10},
{"content": "test answer 5", "score": 3},
{"content": "test answer 2", "score": 2}
{"score": 10, "submission": create_submission_dict(
{"answer": prepare_submission_for_serialization((u"test answer 4 part 1", u"test answer 4 part 2"))},
{"score": 3, "submission": create_submission_dict(
{"answer": prepare_submission_for_serialization((u"test answer 5 part 1", u"test answer 5 part 2"))},
{"score": 2, "submission": create_submission_dict(
{"answer": prepare_submission_for_serialization((u"test answer 2 part 1", u"test answer 2 part 2"))},
self._assert_leaderboard_visible(xblock, True)
def test_show_submissions_that_have_greater_than_0_score(self, xblock):
# Create some submissions (but fewer than the max that can be shown)
self._create_submissions_and_scores(xblock, [
("test answer 0", 0),
("test answer 1", 1),
(prepare_submission_for_serialization(("test answer 0 part 1", "test answer 0 part 2")), 0),
(prepare_submission_for_serialization(("test answer 1 part 1", "test answer 1 part 2")), 1)
self._assert_scores(xblock, [
{"content": "test answer 1", "score": 1}
{"score": 1, "submission": create_submission_dict(
{"answer": prepare_submission_for_serialization((u"test answer 1 part 1", u"test answer 1 part 2"))},
self._assert_leaderboard_visible(xblock, True)
......@@ -88,24 +106,31 @@ class TestLeaderboardRender(XBlockHandlerTransactionTestCase):
# Create more submissions than the max
self._create_submissions_and_scores(xblock, [
("test answer 2", 10),
("test answer 3", 0)
(prepare_submission_for_serialization(("test answer 2 part 1", "test answer 2 part 2")), 10),
(prepare_submission_for_serialization(("test answer 3 part 1", "test answer 3 part 2")), 0)
self._assert_scores(xblock, [
{"content": "test answer 2", "score": 10},
{"content": "test answer 1", "score": 1}
{"score": 10, "submission": create_submission_dict(
{"answer": prepare_submission_for_serialization((u"test answer 2 part 1", u"test answer 2 part 2"))},
{"score": 1, "submission": create_submission_dict(
{"answer": prepare_submission_for_serialization((u"test answer 1 part 1", u"test answer 1 part 2"))},
self._assert_leaderboard_visible(xblock, True)
def test_no_text_key_submission(self, xblock):
self.maxDiff = None
# Instead of using the default submission as a dict with "text",
# make the submission a string.
self._create_submissions_and_scores(xblock, [("test answer", 1)], submission_key=None)
# It should still work
self._assert_scores(xblock, [
{"content": "test answer", "score": 1}
{"score": 1}
......@@ -124,7 +149,7 @@ class TestLeaderboardRender(XBlockHandlerTransactionTestCase):
# Expect that we default to an empty string for content
self._assert_scores(xblock, [
{"content": "", "score": 1, "file": ""}
{"submission": "", "score": 1, "file": ""}
......@@ -143,16 +168,23 @@ class TestLeaderboardRender(XBlockHandlerTransactionTestCase):
key.set_contents_from_string("How d'ya do?")
downloadUrl = api.get_download_url("foo")
# Create a image and text submission
self._create_submissions_and_scores(xblock, [({"text": "test answer", "file_key": "foo"}, 1)], submission_key=None)
submission = prepare_submission_for_serialization(("test answer 1 part 1", "test answer 1 part 2"))
submission[u"file_key"] = "foo"
self._create_submissions_and_scores(xblock, [
(submission, 1)
self.maxDiff = None
# Expect that we retrieve both the text and the download URL for the file
self._assert_scores(xblock, [
{"content": "test answer", "score": 1, "file": downloadUrl}
{"file": downloadUrl, "score": 1, "submission": create_submission_dict(
{"answer": submission},
def _create_submissions_and_scores(
self, xblock, submissions_and_scores,
submission_key="text", points_possible=10
submission_key=None, points_possible=10
Create submissions and scores that should be displayed by the leaderboard.
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