Commit 98e53821 by Usman Khalid

Do not load fonts from since they are already included in edx-platform.

parent da015d5f
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......@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
// utilities and assets (needed in this order to override xb variables)
// --------------------
@import 'themes/edx/utilities'; // theme-based utilities (variables, mixins, extends)
@import 'themes/edx/assets'; // theme-based assets (fonts, graphics/sprites, animations)
// --------------------
// edX theme: assets
// ====================
// * This is where any edX-theme related assets (fonts, graphics/sprites, and animations) are defined
// --------------------
// font: Open Sans -
// --------------------
@import url(//,400italic,600italic,700italic,400,300,600,700);
// --------------------
// EXAMPLE: image - edX logo
// --------------------
// $logo--edx: '../images/logo--edx.png';
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