Commit 9701adb4 by Eric Fischer

Revert "actually check if staff grade is staff grade"

This reverts commit 7cd8e282, which was accidentally pushed to master
parent 7cd8e282
......@@ -82,8 +82,6 @@ class AssessmentWorkflow(TimeStampedModel, StatusModel):
STAFF_ANNOTATION_TYPE = "staff_defined"
submission_uuid = models.CharField(max_length=36, db_index=True, unique=True)
uuid = UUIDField(version=1, db_index=True, unique=True)
......@@ -318,8 +316,8 @@ class AssessmentWorkflow(TimeStampedModel, StatusModel):
old_score = sub_api.get_latest_score_for_submission(self.submission_uuid)
if (
not old_score or # There is no recorded score
not self.STAFF_ANNOTATION_TYPE in old_score.get('annotation_types') or # Not a staff score
old_score['points_earned'] != new_staff_score['points_earned'] # Previous staff score doesn't match
not old_score.get('staff_id') or # The recorded score is not a staff score
old_score['points_earned'] != new_staff_score['points_earned'] # Previous staff score doesn't match
# Set the staff score using submissions api, and log that fact
......@@ -428,6 +426,7 @@ class AssessmentWorkflow(TimeStampedModel, StatusModel):
will be used in the event that this parameter is not provided.
annotation_type = "staff_defined"
if reason is None:
reason = "A staff member has defined the score for this submission"
sub_dict = sub_api.get_submission_and_student(self.submission_uuid)
......@@ -441,7 +440,7 @@ class AssessmentWorkflow(TimeStampedModel, StatusModel):
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