Commit 91a5c710 by gradyward

Changed some of models/ to reflect the increased complexity

parent 8a4e5d9f
......@@ -655,8 +655,8 @@ class AssessmentPart(models.Model):
# Validate that we have selections for all criteria
# This will raise an exception if we're missing any criteria
cls._check_has_all_criteria(rubric_index, set(selected.keys() + feedback.keys()))
# This will raise an exception if we're missing any selections/feedback required for criteria
cls._check_all_criteria_assessed(rubric_index, selected.keys(), feedback.keys())
# Retrieve the criteria/option/feedback for criteria that have options.
# Since we're using the rubric's index, we'll get an `InvalidRubricSelection` error
......@@ -773,3 +773,34 @@ class AssessmentPart(models.Model):
if len(missing_criteria) > 0:
msg = u"Missing selections for criteria: {missing}".format(missing=missing_criteria)
raise InvalidRubricSelection(msg)
def _check_all_criteria_assessed(cls, rubric_index, selected_criteria, criteria_feedback):
Verify that we've selected options OR have feedback for all criteria in the rubric.
Verifies the predicate for all criteria (X) in the rubric:
has-an-option-selected(X) OR (has-zero-options(X) AND has-criterion-feedback(X))
rubric_index (RubricIndex): The index of the rubric's data.
selected_criteria (list): list of criterion names
missing_option_selections = rubric_index.find_missing_criteria(selected_criteria)
zero_option_criteria = set([ for c in rubric_index.find_criteria_without_options()])
zero_option_criteria_missing_feedback = zero_option_criteria - set(criteria_feedback)
optioned_criteria_missing_selection = missing_option_selections - zero_option_criteria
missing_criteria = zero_option_criteria_missing_feedback | optioned_criteria_missing_selection
if len(missing_criteria) > 0:
msg = u"Missing selections for criteria: {missing}".format(missing=missing_criteria)
raise InvalidRubricSelection(msg)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class TestPeerApi(CacheResetTest):
Tests for the peer assessment API functions.
def test_create_assessment_points(self):
self._create_student_and_submission("Tim", "Tim's answer")
......@@ -169,8 +169,6 @@ class TestSelfApi(CacheResetTest):
options = copy.deepcopy(self.OPTIONS_SELECTED)
del options['clarity']
import pudb,sys as __sys;__sys.stdout=__sys.__stdout__;pudb.set_trace() # -={XX}=-={XX}=-={XX}=
# Attempt to create a self-assessment with options that do not match the rubric
with self.assertRaises(SelfAssessmentRequestError):
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