Unverified Commit 8807661b by Alex Dusenbery Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #1065 from edx/aed/EDUCATOR-1817

EDUCATOR-1817 | be defensive about serializing training examples, log…
parents 8c195c0b 1b8b8871
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
Serialize and deserialize OpenAssessment XBlock content to/from XML.
from uuid import uuid4 as uuid
import logging
import dateutil.parser
import defusedxml.ElementTree as safe_etree
......@@ -11,6 +12,9 @@ import pytz
from openassessment.xblock.data_conversion import update_assessments_format
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class UpdateFromXmlError(Exception):
Error occurred while deserializing the OpenAssessment XBlock content from XML.
......@@ -606,9 +610,21 @@ def serialize_training_examples(examples, assessment_el):
# Answer provided in the example (default to empty string)
answer_el = etree.SubElement(example_el, 'answer')
for part in example_dict.get('answer', {}).get('parts', []):
part_el = etree.SubElement(answer_el, 'part')
part_el.text = unicode(part.get('text', u''))
answer = example_dict.get('answer')
if answer is None:
parts = []
elif isinstance(answer, dict):
parts = answer.get('parts', [])
elif isinstance(answer, list):
parse = answer
for part in example_dict.get('answer', {}).get('parts', []):
part_el = etree.SubElement(answer_el, 'part')
part_el.text = unicode(part.get('text', u''))
except: # excuse the bare-except, looking for more information on EDUCATOR-1817
log.exception('Error parsing training exapmle: %s', example_dict)
# Options selected from the rubric
options_selected = example_dict.get('options_selected', [])
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