<p>This problem requires that you work through 3 parts. You can begin by reading the question below and <adata-behavior="ui-scroll"href="#openassessment__response">providing your response</a>.</p>
<h3class="message__title">Your Response Has Been Submitted for Peer Assessment</h3>
<p>You still need to complete <adata-behavior="ui-scroll"href="#openassessment__peer-assessment">assessing your peers</a> and <adata-behavior="ui-scroll"href="#openassessment__self-assessment">assessing yourself</a> in order to complete this problem and receive your grade.</p>
<h3class="message__title">Your Response Has Been Graded</h3>
<p>You still need to complete <adata-behavior="ui-scroll"href="#openassessment__peer-assessment">assessing your peers</a> and <adata-behavior="ui-scroll"href="#openassessment__self-assessment">assessing yourself</a> in order to complete this problem and receive your grade.</p>
<!-- if the problem's due date is approaching and tasks remain -->
<h3class="message__title">You still need to complete 2 Tasks</h3>
<p>You still need to complete <adata-behavior="ui-scroll"href="#openassessment__peer-assessment">assessing your peers</a> and <adata-behavior="ui-scroll"href="#openassessment__self-assessment">assessing yourself</a> in order to complete this problem and receive your grade.</p>
<!-- if no peer assessments remain for student to grade -->
<h3class="message__title">Awaiting More Peer Responses</h3>
<p>There are currently no responses for you to assess. This should change momentarily. Check back shortly to continue completing this problem. One this and all other steps are completed, you will receive a grade.</p>
<!-- if student has completed the entire problem and received a grade -->
<h3class="message__title">The deadline for this part of the problem has passed</h3>
<divclass="message__content">You can no longer submit a response or continue with the problem's next steps. Any progress you've made to this point is saved however.</div>
<p> You can no longer assess your peers' responses or continue with the problem's next steps. Any progress you've made to this point is saved however.</p>
<h3class="message__title">The due date for this part of the problem has passed</h3>
<divclass="message__content">You can no longer submit a response or continue with the problem's next steps. Any progress you've made to this point is saved however.</div>
<p> You can no longer submit a response or continue with the problem's next steps. Any progress you've made to this point is saved however.</p>
<h3class="message__title">The due date for this part of the problem has passed</h3>
<divclass="message__content">You can no longer submit a response or continue with the problem's next steps. Any progress you've made to this point is saved however.</div>
<p> You can no longer assess your response to this problem or continue with the problem's next steps. Any progress you've made to this point is saved however.</p>