Commit 77afe349 by Will Daly

Merge pull request #335 from edx/will/tim-575

Fix for date validation error TIM-575
parents 8d6bb67d 56233672
......@@ -64,11 +64,13 @@ def resolve_dates(start, end, date_ranges):
(The last assessment defaults to the problem end date.)
5) `start` resolves to the earliest start date.
6) `end` resolves to the latest end date.
7) If `start` is later than `end`, move `start` to just before `end`.
7) Ensure that `start` is before `end`.
8) Ensure that `start` is before the earliest due date.
9) Ensure that `end` is after the latest start date.
Overriding start/end dates:
* Rules 5, 6, and 7 may seem strange, but they're necessary. Unlike `date_ranges`,
* Rules 5-9 may seem strange, but they're necessary. Unlike `date_ranges`,
the `start` and `end` values are inherited by the XBlock from the LMS.
This means that you can set `start` and `end` in Studio, effectively bypassing
our validation rules.
......@@ -160,9 +162,13 @@ def resolve_dates(start, end, date_ranges):
# defaults. See the docstring above for a more detailed justification.
for step_start, step_end in date_ranges:
if step_start is not None:
start = min(start, _parse_date(step_start))
parsed_start = _parse_date(step_start)
start = min(start, parsed_start)
end = max(end, parsed_start + dt.timedelta(milliseconds=1))
if step_end is not None:
end = max(end, _parse_date(step_end))
parsed_end = _parse_date(step_end)
end = max(end, parsed_end)
start = min(start, parsed_end - dt.timedelta(milliseconds=1))
# Iterate through the list forwards and backwards simultaneously
# As we iterate forwards, resolve start dates.
......@@ -97,3 +97,25 @@ class ResolveDatesTest(TestCase):
(None, None)
def test_start_after_step_due(self):
# Bugfix: this should not raise a validation error
"2040-01-01", None,
(None, "2014-08-01"),
(None, None),
(None, None)
def test_due_before_step_start(self):
# Bugfix: this should not raise a validation error
None, "2001-01-01",
(None, None),
("2014-02-03", None),
(None, None)
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