Commit 75c5f7ed by Will Daly

Merge pull request #458 from edx/will/TIM-660

Bugfix: validate duplicate point values for rubrics with example-based assessments
parents 3c73e818 ccfa559c
......@@ -321,6 +321,7 @@ class ValidationIntegrationTest(TestCase):
# for a particular criterion.
# This should cause a validation error with example-based assessment.
mutated_rubric = copy.deepcopy(self.RUBRIC)
mutated_rubric['criteria'][0]['options'] = copy.deepcopy(self.CRITERION_OPTIONS)
for option in mutated_rubric['criteria'][0]['options']:
option['points'] = 1
......@@ -186,14 +186,14 @@ def validate_rubric(rubric_dict, current_rubric, is_released, is_example_based):
return (False, msg)
# Example-based assessments impose the additional restriction
# that the point values for options must be unique within
# a particular rubric criterion.
if is_example_based:
duplicates = _duplicates([option['points'] for option in criterion['options']])
if len(duplicates) > 0:
msg = _(u"Example-based assessments cannot have duplicate point values.")
return (False, msg)
# Example-based assessments impose the additional restriction
# that the point values for options must be unique within
# a particular rubric criterion.
if is_example_based:
duplicates = _duplicates([option['points'] for option in criterion['options']])
if len(duplicates) > 0:
msg = _(u"Example-based assessments cannot have duplicate point values.")
return (False, msg)
# After a problem is released, authors are allowed to change text,
# but nothing that would change the point value of a rubric.
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