Commit 74a9d63e by Will Daly

Implement AI grading task, database models, and API calls.

parent ec584292
......@@ -2,22 +2,29 @@
Public interface for AI training and grading, used by students/course authors.
import logging
from django.db import DatabaseError
from submissions import api as sub_api
from openassessment.assessment.serializers import (
deserialize_training_examples, InvalidTrainingExample, InvalidRubric
deserialize_training_examples, InvalidTrainingExample, InvalidRubric,
from openassessment.assessment.errors import (
AITrainingRequestError, AITrainingInternalError
AITrainingRequestError, AITrainingInternalError,
AIGradingRequestError, AIGradingInternalError
from openassessment.assessment.models import (
AITrainingWorkflow, InvalidOptionSelection, NoTrainingExamples
AITrainingWorkflow, InvalidOptionSelection, NoTrainingExamples,
Assessment, AITrainingWorkflow, AIGradingWorkflow,
from openassessment.assessment.worker import training as training_tasks
from openassessment.assessment.worker import grading as grading_tasks
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def submit(submission_uuid, rubric):
def submit(submission_uuid, rubric, algorithm_id):
Submit a response for AI assessment.
This will:
......@@ -27,6 +34,7 @@ def submit(submission_uuid, rubric):
submission_uuid (str): The UUID of the submission to assess.
rubric (dict): Serialized rubric model.
algorithm_id (unicode): Use only classifiers trained with the specified algorithm.
grading_workflow_uuid (str): The UUID of the grading workflow.
......@@ -39,7 +47,50 @@ def submit(submission_uuid, rubric):
workflow = AIGradingWorkflow.start_workflow(submission_uuid, rubric, algorithm_id)
except (sub_api.SubmissionNotFoundError, sub_api.SubmissionRequestError) as ex:
msg = (
u"An error occurred while retrieving the "
u"submission with UUID {uuid}: {ex}"
).format(uuid=submission_uuid, ex=ex)
raise AIGradingRequestError(msg)
except InvalidRubric as ex:
msg = (
u"An error occurred while parsing the serialized "
u"rubric {rubric}: {ex}"
).format(rubric=rubric, ex=ex)
raise AIGradingRequestError(msg)
except (sub_api.SubmissionInternalError, DatabaseError) as ex:
msg = (
u"An unexpected error occurred while submitting an "
u"essay for AI grading: {ex}"
raise AIGradingInternalError(msg)
classifier_set_candidates = AIClassifierSet.objects.filter(
rubric=workflow.rubric, algorithm_id=algorithm_id
# If we find classifiers for this rubric/algorithm
# then associate the classifiers with the workflow
# and schedule a grading task.
# Otherwise, the task will need to be scheduled later,
# once the classifiers have been trained.
if len(classifier_set_candidates) > 0:
workflow.classifier_set = classifier_set_candidates[0]
return workflow.uuid
except Exception as ex:
msg = (
u"An unexpected error occurred while scheduling the "
u"AI grading task for the submission with UUID {uuid}: {ex}"
).format(uuid=submission_uuid, ex=ex)
raise AIGradingInternalError(msg)
def get_latest_assessment(submission_uuid):
......@@ -51,13 +102,29 @@ def get_latest_assessment(submission_uuid):
dict: The serialized assessment model
or None if no assessments are available
assessments = Assessment.objects.filter(
except DatabaseError as ex:
msg = (
u"An error occurred while retrieving AI graded assessments "
u"for the submission with UUID {uuid}: {ex}"
).format(uuid=submission_uuid, ex=ex)
raise AIGradingInternalError(msg)
if len(assessments) > 0:
return full_assessment_dict(assessments[0])
return None
def train_classifiers(rubric_dict, examples, algorithm_id):
......@@ -5,63 +5,85 @@ import logging
from django.utils.timezone import now
from django.db import DatabaseError
from openassessment.assessment.models import (
AITrainingWorkflow, AIClassifierSet,
AITrainingWorkflow, AIGradingWorkflow, AIClassifierSet,
ClassifierUploadError, ClassifierSerializeError,
IncompleteClassifierSet, NoTrainingExamples
from openassessment.assessment.errors import (
AITrainingRequestError, AITrainingInternalError
AITrainingRequestError, AITrainingInternalError,
AIGradingRequestError, AIGradingInternalError
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_submission(grading_workflow_uuid):
def get_grading_task_params(grading_workflow_uuid):
Retrieve the submission associated with a particular grading workflow.
Retrieve the classifier set and algorithm ID
associated with a particular grading workflow.
grading_workflow_uuid (str): The UUID of the grading workflow.
submission (JSON-serializable): submission from the student.
dict with keys:
* essay_text (unicode): The text of the essay submission.
* classifier_set (dict): Maps criterion names to serialized classifiers.
* algorithm_id (unicode): ID of the algorithm used to perform training.
def get_classifier_set(grading_workflow_uuid):
Retrieve the classifier set associated with a particular grading workflow.
grading_workflow_uuid (str): The UUID of the grading workflow.
dict: Maps criterion names to serialized classifiers.
(binary classifiers are base-64 encoded).
workflow = AIGradingWorkflow.objects.get(uuid=grading_workflow_uuid)
except AIGradingWorkflow.DoesNotExist:
msg = (
u"Could not retrieve the AI grading workflow with uuid {}"
raise AIGradingRequestError(msg)
except DatabaseError as ex:
msg = (
u"An unexpected error occurred while retrieving the "
u"AI grading workflow with uuid {uuid}: {ex}"
).format(uuid=grading_workflow_uuid, ex=ex)
raise AIGradingInternalError(msg)
classifier_set = workflow.classifier_set
# Tasks shouldn't be scheduled until a classifier set is
# available, so this is a serious internal error.
if classifier_set is None:
msg = (
u"AI grading workflow with UUID {} has no classifier set"
raise AIGradingInternalError(msg)
return {
'essay_text': workflow.essay_text,
'classifier_set': classifier_set.classifiers_dict,
'algorithm_id': workflow.algorithm_id,
except (ValueError, IOError, DatabaseError) as ex:
msg = (
u"An unexpected error occurred while retrieving "
u"classifiers for the grading workflow with UUID {uuid}: {ex}"
).format(uuid=grading_workflow_uuid, ex=ex)
raise AIGradingInternalError(msg)
def create_assessment(grading_workflow_uuid, assessment):
def create_assessment(grading_workflow_uuid, criterion_scores):
Create an AI assessment (complete the AI grading task).
grading_workflow_uuid (str): The UUID of the grading workflow.
assessment (dict): The serialized assessment.
criterion_scores (dict): Dictionary mapping criteria names to integer scores.
......@@ -71,57 +93,59 @@ def create_assessment(grading_workflow_uuid, assessment):
def get_algorithm_id(training_workflow_uuid):
Retrieve the ID of the algorithm to use.
training_workflow_uuid (str): The UUID of the training workflow.
unicode: The algorithm ID associated with the training task.
workflow = AITrainingWorkflow.objects.get(uuid=training_workflow_uuid)
return workflow.algorithm_id
except AITrainingWorkflow.DoesNotExist:
workflow = AIGradingWorkflow.objects.get(uuid=grading_workflow_uuid)
except AIGradingWorkflow.DoesNotExist:
msg = (
u"Could not retrieve AI training workflow with UUID {}"
raise AITrainingRequestError(msg)
except DatabaseError:
u"Could not retrieve the AI grading workflow with uuid {}"
raise AIGradingRequestError(msg)
except DatabaseError as ex:
msg = (
u"An unexpected error occurred while retrieving "
u"the algorithm ID for training workflow with UUID {}"
u"An unexpected error occurred while retrieving the "
u"AI grading workflow with uuid {uuid}: {ex}"
).format(uuid=grading_workflow_uuid, ex=ex)
raise AITrainingInternalError(msg)
raise AIGradingInternalError(msg)
# Optimization: if the workflow has already been marked complete
# (perhaps the task was picked up by multiple workers),
# then we don't need to do anything.
# Otherwise, create the assessment mark the workflow complete.
if not workflow.is_complete:
except DatabaseError as ex:
msg = (
u"An unexpected error occurred while creating the assessment "
u"for AI grading workflow with uuid {uuid}: {ex}"
).format(uuid=grading_workflow_uuid, ex=ex)
raise AIGradingInternalError(msg)
def get_training_examples(training_workflow_uuid):
def get_training_task_params(training_workflow_uuid):
Retrieve the training examples associated with a training task.
Retrieve the training examples and algorithm ID
associated with a training task.
training_workflow_uuid (str): The UUID of the training workflow.
list of dict: Serialized training examples, of the form:
dict with keys:
* training_examples (list of dict): The examples used to train the classifiers.
* algorithm_id (unicode): The ID of the algorithm to use for training.
Example usage:
>>> get_training_examples('abcd1234')
>>> params = get_training_task_params('abcd1234')
>>> params['algorithm_id']
>>> params['training_examples']
"text": u"Example answer number one",
......@@ -161,7 +185,10 @@ def get_training_examples(training_workflow_uuid):
'scores': scores
return returned_examples
return {
'training_examples': returned_examples,
'algorithm_id': workflow.algorithm_id
except AITrainingWorkflow.DoesNotExist:
msg = (
u"Could not retrieve AI training workflow with UUID {}"
......@@ -166,6 +166,48 @@ class Rubric(models.Model):
return option_id_set
def options_ids_for_points(self, criterion_points):
Given a mapping of selected point values, return the option IDs.
If there are multiple options with the same point value,
this will return the first one (lower order number).
criterion_points (dict): Mapping of criteria names to point values.
list of option IDs
# This is a really inefficient initial implementation
# TODO -- refactor to add caching
rubric_options = CriterionOption.objects.filter(
rubric_points_dict = defaultdict(dict)
for option in rubric_options:
if option.points not in rubric_points_dict[]:
rubric_points_dict[][option.points] =
option_id_set = set()
for criterion_name, option_points in criterion_points.iteritems():
if (criterion_name in rubric_points_dict and
option_points in rubric_points_dict[criterion_name]
option_id = rubric_points_dict[criterion_name][option_points]
msg = _("{criterion} option with point value {points} not found in rubric").format(
criterion=criterion_name, points=option_points
raise InvalidOptionSelection(msg)
return option_id_set
class Criterion(models.Model):
"""A single aspect of a submission that needs assessment.
......@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ so import the tasks we want the workers to implement.
# pylint:disable=W0611
from import train_classifiers
from .worker.grading import grade_essay
......@@ -7,11 +7,13 @@ import mock
from django.db import DatabaseError
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from openassessment.test_utils import CacheResetTest
from submissions import api as sub_api
from openassessment.assessment.api import ai as ai_api
from openassessment.assessment.models import AITrainingWorkflow
from openassessment.assessment.models import AITrainingWorkflow, AIClassifierSet
from openassessment.assessment.worker.algorithm import AIAlgorithm
from openassessment.assessment.serializers import rubric_from_dict
from openassessment.assessment.errors import AITrainingRequestError, AITrainingInternalError
from openassessment.assessment.test.constants import RUBRIC, EXAMPLES
from openassessment.assessment.test.constants import RUBRIC, EXAMPLES, STUDENT_ITEM, ANSWER
class StubAIAlgorithm(AIAlgorithm):
......@@ -34,14 +36,25 @@ class StubAIAlgorithm(AIAlgorithm):
# so we can test that the correct inputs were used
classifier = copy.copy(self.FAKE_CLASSIFIER)
classifier['examples'] = examples
classifier['score_override'] = 0
return classifier
def score(self, text, classifier):
Not implemented, but we need to make the abstact
method concrete.
Stub implementation that returns whatever scores were
provided in the serialized classifier data.
Expect `classifier` to be a dict with a single key,
"score_override" containing the score to return.
raise NotImplementedError
return classifier['score_override']
ALGORITHM_ID = "test-stub"
ALGORITHM_ID: '{module}.StubAIAlgorithm'.format(module=__name__)
class AITrainingTest(CacheResetTest):
......@@ -49,11 +62,6 @@ class AITrainingTest(CacheResetTest):
Tests for AI training tasks.
ALGORITHM_ID = "test-stub"
ALGORITHM_ID: '{module}.StubAIAlgorithm'.format(module=__name__)
u'vøȼȺƀᵾłȺɍɏ': [1, 0],
u'ﻭɼค๓๓คɼ': [0, 2]
......@@ -65,7 +73,7 @@ class AITrainingTest(CacheResetTest):
# Schedule a training task
# Because Celery is configured in "always eager" mode,
# expect the task to be executed synchronously.
workflow_uuid = ai_api.train_classifiers(RUBRIC, EXAMPLES, self.ALGORITHM_ID)
workflow_uuid = ai_api.train_classifiers(RUBRIC, EXAMPLES, ALGORITHM_ID)
# Retrieve the classifier set from the database
workflow = AITrainingWorkflow.objects.get(uuid=workflow_uuid)
......@@ -106,12 +114,12 @@ class AITrainingTest(CacheResetTest):
# Expect a request error
with self.assertRaises(AITrainingRequestError):
ai_api.train_classifiers(RUBRIC, mutated_examples, self.ALGORITHM_ID)
ai_api.train_classifiers(RUBRIC, mutated_examples, ALGORITHM_ID)
def test_train_classifiers_no_examples(self):
# Empty list of training examples
with self.assertRaises(AITrainingRequestError):
ai_api.train_classifiers(RUBRIC, [], self.ALGORITHM_ID)
ai_api.train_classifiers(RUBRIC, [], ALGORITHM_ID)
@mock.patch.object(AITrainingWorkflow.objects, 'create')
......@@ -119,7 +127,7 @@ class AITrainingTest(CacheResetTest):
# Simulate a database error when creating the training workflow
mock_create.side_effect = DatabaseError("KABOOM!")
with self.assertRaises(AITrainingInternalError):
ai_api.train_classifiers(RUBRIC, EXAMPLES, self.ALGORITHM_ID)
ai_api.train_classifiers(RUBRIC, EXAMPLES, ALGORITHM_ID)
......@@ -127,4 +135,47 @@ class AITrainingTest(CacheResetTest):
# Simulate an exception raised when scheduling a training task
mock_training_tasks.train_classifiers.apply_async.side_effect = Exception("KABOOM!")
with self.assertRaises(AITrainingInternalError):
ai_api.train_classifiers(RUBRIC, EXAMPLES, self.ALGORITHM_ID)
ai_api.train_classifiers(RUBRIC, EXAMPLES, ALGORITHM_ID)
class AIGradingTest(CacheResetTest):
Tests for AI grading tasks.
u"vøȼȺƀᵾłȺɍɏ": {'score_override': 1},
u"ﻭɼค๓๓คɼ": {'score_override': 2}
def setUp(self):
Create a submission and a fake classifier set.
# Create a submission
submission = sub_api.create_submission(STUDENT_ITEM, ANSWER)
self.submission_uuid = submission['uuid']
# Create the classifier set for our fake AI algorithm
# To isolate these tests from the tests for the training
# task, we use the database models directly.
# We also use a stub AI algorithm that simply returns
# whatever scores we specify in the classifier data.
rubric = rubric_from_dict(RUBRIC)
def test_grade_essay(self):
# Schedule a grading task
# Because Celery is configured in "always eager" mode, this will
# be executed synchronously.
ai_api.submit(self.submission_uuid, RUBRIC, ALGORITHM_ID)
# Verify that we got the scores we provided to the stub AI algorithm
assessment = ai_api.get_latest_assessment(self.submission_uuid)
for part in assessment['parts']:
criterion_name = part['option']['criterion']['name']
expected_score = self.CLASSIFIER_SCORE_OVERRIDES[criterion_name]['score_override']
self.assertEqual(part['option']['points'], expected_score)
......@@ -45,22 +45,8 @@ class AIWorkerTrainingTest(CacheResetTest):
workflow = AITrainingWorkflow.start_workflow(examples, self.ALGORITHM_ID)
self.workflow_uuid = workflow.uuid
def test_get_algorithm_id(self):
algorithm_id = ai_worker_api.get_algorithm_id(self.workflow_uuid)
self.assertEqual(algorithm_id, self.ALGORITHM_ID)
def test_get_algorithm_id_no_workflow(self):
with self.assertRaises(AITrainingRequestError):
@mock.patch.object(AITrainingWorkflow.objects, 'get')
def test_get_algorithm_id_database_error(self, mock_get):
mock_get.side_effect = DatabaseError("KABOOM!")
with self.assertRaises(AITrainingInternalError):
def test_get_training_examples(self):
examples = ai_worker_api.get_training_examples(self.workflow_uuid)
def test_get_training_task_params(self):
params = ai_worker_api.get_training_task_params(self.workflow_uuid)
expected_examples = [
'text': EXAMPLES[0]['answer'],
......@@ -77,17 +63,18 @@ class AIWorkerTrainingTest(CacheResetTest):
self.assertItemsEqual(examples, expected_examples)
self.assertItemsEqual(params['training_examples'], expected_examples)
self.assertItemsEqual(params['algorithm_id'], self.ALGORITHM_ID)
def test_get_training_examples_no_workflow(self):
def test_get_training_task_params_no_workflow(self):
with self.assertRaises(AITrainingRequestError):
@mock.patch.object(AITrainingWorkflow.objects, 'get')
def test_get_training_examples_database_error(self, mock_get):
def test_get_training_task_params_database_error(self, mock_get):
mock_get.side_effect = DatabaseError("KABOOM!")
with self.assertRaises(AITrainingInternalError):
def test_create_classifiers(self):
ai_worker_api.create_classifiers(self.workflow_uuid, self.CLASSIFIERS)
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
Tests for AI worker tasks.
from contextlib import contextmanager
import datetime
import mock
from django.test.utils import override_settings
from openassessment.test_utils import CacheResetTest
......@@ -64,13 +63,6 @@ class AITrainingTaskTest(CacheResetTest):
workflow = AITrainingWorkflow.start_workflow(examples, self.ALGORITHM_ID)
self.workflow_uuid = workflow.uuid
def test_get_algorithm_id_api_error(self, mock_call):
mock_call.side_effect = AITrainingRequestError("Test error!")
with self._assert_retry(train_classifiers, AITrainingRequestError):
def test_unknown_algorithm(self):
# Since we haven't overridden settings to configure the algorithms,
# the worker will not recognize the workflow's algorithm ID.
......@@ -92,8 +84,8 @@ class AITrainingTaskTest(CacheResetTest):
def test_get_training_examples_api_error(self, mock_call):
def test_get_training_task_params_api_error(self, mock_call):
mock_call.side_effect = AITrainingRequestError("Test error!")
with self._assert_retry(train_classifiers, AITrainingRequestError):
......@@ -160,12 +152,12 @@ class AITrainingTaskTest(CacheResetTest):
examples = ai_worker_api.get_training_examples(self.workflow_uuid)
params = ai_worker_api.get_training_task_params(self.workflow_uuid)
call_signature = ''
call_signature = ''
with mock.patch(call_signature) as mock_call:
mock_call.return_value = examples
mock_call.return_value = params
with self._assert_retry(train_classifiers, InvalidExample):
Asynchronous tasks for grading essays using text classifiers.
from celery import task
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
from openassessment.assessment.api import ai_worker as ai_worker_api
from openassessment.assessment.errors import AIError
from .algorithm import AIAlgorithm, AIAlgorithmError
logger = get_task_logger(__name__)
@task(max_retries=MAX_RETRIES) # pylint: disable=E1102
def grade_essay(workflow_uuid):
Asynchronous task to grade an essay using a text classifier
(trained using a supervised ML algorithm).
If the task could not be completed successfully,
it will be retried a few times; if it continues to fail,
it is left incomplete. Incomplate tasks can be rescheduled
manually through the AI API.
workflow_uuid (str): The UUID of the workflow associated
with this grading task.
AIError: An error occurred while making an AI worker API call.
AIAlgorithmError: An error occurred while retrieving or using an AI algorithm.
# Retrieve the task parameters
params = ai_worker_api.get_grading_task_params(workflow_uuid)
essay_text = params['essay_text']
classifier_set = params['classifier_set']
algorithm_id = params['algorithm_id']
except (AIError, KeyError):
msg = (
u"An error occurred while retrieving the AI grading task "
u"parameters for the workflow with UUID {}"
raise grade_essay.retry()
# Retrieve the AI algorithm
algorithm = AIAlgorithm.algorithm_for_id(algorithm_id)
except AIAlgorithmError:
msg = (
u"An error occurred while retrieving "
u"the algorithm ID (grading workflow UUID {})"
raise grade_essay.retry()
# Use the algorithm to evaluate the essay for each criterion
scores_by_criterion = {
criterion_name: algorithm.score(essay_text, classifier)
for criterion_name, classifier in classifier_set.iteritems()
except AIAlgorithmError:
msg = (
u"An error occurred while scoring essays using "
u"an AI algorithm (worker workflow UUID {})"
raise grade_essay.retry()
# Create the assessment and mark the workflow complete
ai_worker_api.create_assessment(workflow_uuid, scores_by_criterion)
except AIError:
msg = (
u"An error occurred while creating assessments "
u"for the AI grading workflow with UUID {uuid}. "
u"The assessment scores were: {scores}"
).format(uuid=workflow_uuid, scores=scores_by_criterion)
raise grade_essay.retry()
......@@ -53,10 +53,22 @@ def train_classifiers(workflow_uuid):
InvalidExample: The training examples provided by the AI API were not valid.
# Retrieve task parameters
params = ai_worker_api.get_training_task_params(workflow_uuid)
examples = params['training_examples']
algorithm_id = params['algorithm_id']
except (AIError, KeyError):
msg = (
u"An error occurred while retrieving AI training "
u"task parameters for the workflow with UUID {}"
raise train_classifiers.retry()
# Retrieve the ML algorithm to use for training
# (based on task params and worker configuration)
algorithm_id = ai_worker_api.get_algorithm_id(workflow_uuid)
algorithm = AIAlgorithm.algorithm_for_id(algorithm_id)
except AIAlgorithmError:
msg = (
......@@ -73,19 +85,6 @@ def train_classifiers(workflow_uuid):
raise train_classifiers.retry()
# Retrieve training examples, then transform them into the
# data structures we use internally.
examples = ai_worker_api.get_training_examples(workflow_uuid)
except AIError:
msg = (
u"An error occurred while retrieving "
u"training examples for AI training "
u"(training workflow UUID {})"
raise train_classifiers.retry()
# Train a classifier for each criterion
# The AIAlgorithm subclass is responsible for ensuring that
# the trained classifiers are JSON-serializable.
......@@ -240,17 +240,15 @@ Data Model
1. **GradingWorkflow**
a. Submission UUID (varchar)
b. Rubric UUID (varchar)
c. ClassifierSet (Foreign Key, Nullable)
d. Assessment (Foreign Key, Nullable)
e. Scheduled at (timestamp): The time the task was placed on the queue.
f. Started at (timestamp): The time the task was picked up by the worker.
b. ClassifierSet (Foreign Key, Nullable)
c. Assessment (Foreign Key, Nullable)
d. Rubric (Foreign Key): Used to search for classifier sets if none are available when the workflow is started.
e. Algorithm ID (varchar): Used to search for classifier sets if none are available when the workflow is started.
f. Scheduled at (timestamp): The time the task was placed on the queue.
g. Completed at (timestamp): The time the task was completed. If set, the task is considered complete.
h. Course ID (varchar): The ID of the course associated with the submission. Useful for rescheduling
failed grading tasks in a particular course.
i. Item ID (varchar): The ID of the item (problem) associated with the submission. Useful for rescheduling
failed grading tasks in a particular item in a course.
j. Worker version (varchar): Identifier for the code running on the worker when the task was started. Useful for error tracking.
h. Course ID (varchar): The ID of the course associated with the submission. Useful for rescheduling failed grading tasks in a particular course.
i. Item ID (varchar): The ID of the item (problem) associated with the submission. Useful for rescheduling failed grading tasks in a particular item in a course.
2. **TrainingWorkflow**
......@@ -269,13 +267,13 @@ Data Model
a. Rubric (Foreign Key)
b. Created at (timestamp)
c. Algorithm ID (varchar)
5. **Classifier**
a. ClassifierSet (Foreign Key)
b. URL for trained classifier (varchar)
c. Algorithm ID (varchar)
d. Criterion (Foreign Key)
c. Criterion (Foreign Key)
6. **Assessment** (same as current implementation)
......@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
set -e
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./scripts/ $1
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