Commit 60e28a6c by Will Daly

Merge pull request #451 from edx/will/ai-internal-settings

Default settings for dependency injection
parents e237df58 3d4fa8fc
......@@ -14,6 +14,12 @@ import base64
from django.conf import settings
'fake': 'openassessment.assessment.worker.algorithm.FakeAIAlgorithm',
'ease': 'openassessment.assessment.worker.algorithm.EaseAIAlgorithm'
class AIAlgorithmError(Exception):
An error occurred when using an AI algorithm.
......@@ -128,7 +134,7 @@ class AIAlgorithm(object):
algorithms = getattr(settings, "ORA2_AI_ALGORITHMS", dict())
algorithms = getattr(settings, "ORA2_AI_ALGORITHMS", DEFAULT_AI_ALGORITHMS)
cls_path = algorithms.get(algorithm_id)
if cls_path is None:
......@@ -149,21 +149,6 @@ CACHES = {
BASE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
# Configuration for the workflow API
# We use dependency injection to tell the workflow API
# which assessments to use and where to find the corresponding
# assessment API Python modules.
'peer': 'openassessment.assessment.api.peer',
'self': 'openassessment.assessment.api.self',
'training': 'openassessment.assessment.api.student_training',
'ai': '',
# If peer-assessment provides a score, use that;
# otherwise fall back to self-assessment.
ORA2_ASSESSMENT_SCORE_PRIORITY = ['peer', 'self', 'ai']
# Celery configuration
# Note: Version 3.1 of Celery includes Django support, but since we're using
# version 3.0 (same as edx-platform), we need to use an external library.
......@@ -101,12 +101,6 @@ LOGGING = {
# Store uploaded files in a dev-specific directory
MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'storage/dev')
# AI algorithm configuration
'fake': 'openassessment.assessment.worker.algorithm.FakeAIAlgorithm',
'ease': 'openassessment.assessment.worker.algorithm.EaseAIAlgorithm'
# Celery Broker
CELERY_BROKER_HOSTNAME = "localhost:5672//"
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