Commit 5e3f7691 by Stephen Sanchez

Updating the readme file

parent 99e35e6e
......@@ -3,12 +3,9 @@ This is an initial prototype for redesigning Peer Grading and general Open Ended
./ runserver
The intent of this prototype is to be installed as a plugin for the edx-platform. Refer to XBlock and
XModule documentation for more details. (Though I should have more here once this prototype is better
The intent of this project is to be installed as a plugin for the edx-platform. Use pip to install edx-tim against the
edx-platform's list of requirements. Refer to the XBlock documentation for more details on installing new XBlocks
against edx-platform.
......@@ -21,12 +18,18 @@ Please see ``LICENSE.txt`` for details.
This project currently the home of the peer grading module. edx-tim must be installed against the edx-platform for full
functionality. The goal of the edx-tim project is to build a clean, stable, scalable set of grading modules. All work
on this framework should be designed to be implementation independent at the schema level, such that submissions can
be resubmitted against any number of different grading modules.
How to Contribute
Currently locked down.
The edx-tim repository is now public. External pull requests may be limited currently, as the project is in initial
phases of development.
Please read [How To Contribute]( for details.
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