Commit 5295df1d by Will Daly

Optimize database queries for student training

parent d71c867f
......@@ -316,8 +316,8 @@ def get_training_example(submission_uuid, rubric, examples):
# Pick a training example that the student has not yet completed
# If the student already started a training example, then return that instead.
item = workflow.next_incomplete_item(examples)
return None if item is None else serialize_training_example(item.training_example)
next_example = workflow.next_training_example(examples)
return None if next_example is None else serialize_training_example(next_example)
except (InvalidRubric, InvalidTrainingExample) as ex:
"Could not deserialize training examples for submission UUID {}".format(submission_uuid)
Django models specific to the student training assessment type.
from django.db import models, transaction
from django.db import models
from django.utils import timezone
from submissions import api as sub_api
from .training import TrainingExample
......@@ -60,44 +60,6 @@ class StudentTrainingWorkflow(models.Model):
def create_workflow_item(self, training_example):
Create a workflow item for a training example
and add it to the workflow.
training_example (TrainingExample): The training example model
associated with the next workflow item.
order_num = self.items.count() + 1 # pylint:disable=E1101
item = StudentTrainingWorkflowItem.objects.create(
self.items.add(item) # pylint:disable=E1101
return item
def status(self):
The student's status within the workflow (num steps completed / num steps available).
tuple of `(num_completed, num_total)`, both integers
items = self.items.all() # pylint:disable=E1101
num_complete = sum([1 if item.is_complete else 0 for item in items])
num_total = len(items)
return num_complete, num_total
def num_completed(self):
......@@ -110,26 +72,36 @@ class StudentTrainingWorkflow(models.Model):
return self.items.filter(completed_at__isnull=False).count() # pylint:disable=E1101
def next_incomplete_item(self, examples):
def next_training_example(self, examples):
Find the next incomplete item in the workflow.
Return the next training example for the student to assess.
If the student is already working on an example, return that.
Otherwise, choose an example the student hasn't seen
from the list of available examples.
examples (list of TrainingExample): Training examples to choose from.
StudentTrainingWorkflowItem or None
TrainingExample or None
# Fetch all the items for this workflow from the database
# Since Django's `select_related` does not follow reverse keys
# we perform the filter ourselves.
items = StudentTrainingWorkflowItem.objects.select_related(
# If we're already working on an item, then return that item
current_item = self.current_item
if current_item is not None:
return current_item
incomplete_items = [item for item in items if not item.is_complete]
if len(incomplete_items) > 0:
return incomplete_items[0].training_example
# Otherwise, pick an item that we have not completed
# from the list of examples.
completed_examples = [
item.training_example for item in self.items.all() # pylint:disable=E1101
item.training_example for item in items
available_examples = [
available for available in examples
......@@ -142,7 +114,14 @@ class StudentTrainingWorkflow(models.Model):
# Otherwise, create a new workflow item for the example
# and add it to the workflow
return self.create_workflow_item(available_examples[0])
order_num = len(items) + 1
next_example = available_examples[0]
return next_example
def current_item(self):
......@@ -154,14 +133,13 @@ class StudentTrainingWorkflow(models.Model):
StudentTrainingWorkflowItem or None
next_incomplete = self.items.filter( # pylint:disable=E1101
next_incomplete = self.items.select_related(
).filter( # pylint:disable=E1101
if len(next_incomplete) > 0:
return next_incomplete[0]
return None
return None if len(next_incomplete) == 0 else next_incomplete[0]
class StudentTrainingWorkflowItem(models.Model):
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Django models for training (both student and AI).
import json
from hashlib import sha1
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.db import models
from .base import Rubric, CriterionOption
......@@ -22,29 +23,34 @@ class TrainingExample(models.Model):
# SHA1 hash
content_hash = models.CharField(max_length=40, unique=True, db_index=True)
# Version for models serialized to the cache
# Increment this number whenever you update this model!
class Meta:
app_label = "assessment"
def create_example(cls, answer, options_ids, rubric):
def create_example(cls, answer, options_selected, rubric):
Create a new training example.
answer (JSON-serializable): The answer associated with the training example.
option_ids (iterable of int): Selected option IDs for the training example.
options_selected (dict): The options selected from the rubric (mapping of criterion names to option names)
rubric (Rubric): The rubric associated with the training example.
content_hash = cls.calculate_hash(answer, options_ids, rubric)
content_hash = cls.calculate_hash(answer, options_selected, rubric)
example = TrainingExample.objects.create(
options_ids = rubric.options_ids(options_selected)
for option in CriterionOption.objects.filter(pk__in=list(options_ids)):
......@@ -71,19 +77,50 @@ class TrainingExample(models.Model):
dict: maps criterion names to selected option names
return {
for option in self.options_selected.all() # pylint:disable=E1101
# Since training examples are immutable, we can safely cache this
cache_key = self.cache_key_serialized(attribute="options_selected_dict")
options_selected = cache.get(cache_key)
if options_selected is None:
options_selected = {
for option in self.options_selected.all() # pylint:disable=E1101
cache.set(cache_key, options_selected)
return options_selected
def cache_key_serialized(self, attribute=None):
Create a cache key based on the content hash
for serialized versions of this model.
attribute: The name of the attribute being serialized.
If not specified, assume that we are serializing the entire model.
str: The cache key
if attribute is None:
key_template = u"TrainingExample.json.v{version}.{content_hash}"
key_template = u"TrainingExample.{attribute}.json.v{version}.{content_hash}"
cache_key = key_template.format(
return cache_key
def calculate_hash(answer, option_ids, rubric):
def calculate_hash(answer, options_selected, rubric):
Calculate a hash for the contents of training example.
answer (JSON-serializable): The answer associated with the training example.
option_ids (iterable of int): Selected option IDs for the training example.
options_selected (dict): The options selected from the rubric (mapping of criterion names to option names)
rubric (Rubric): The rubric associated with the training example.
......@@ -92,10 +129,28 @@ class TrainingExample(models.Model):
contents = json.dumps({
'answer': answer,
'option_ids': list(option_ids),
'options_selected': options_selected,
return sha1(contents).hexdigest()
class Meta:
app_label = "assessment"
def cache_key(cls, answer, options_selected, rubric):
Calculate a cache key based on the content hash.
answer (JSON-serializable): The answer associated with the training example.
options_selected (dict): The options selected from the rubric (mapping of criterion names to option names)
rubric (Rubric): The rubric associated with the training example.
tuple of `(cache_key, content_hash)`, both bytestrings
content_hash = cls.calculate_hash(answer, options_selected, rubric)
cache_key = u"TrainingExample.model.v{version}.{content_hash}".format(
return cache_key, content_hash
Serializers for the training assessment type.
import json
from django.core.cache import cache
from django.db import transaction, IntegrityError
from openassessment.assessment.models import TrainingExample
from .base import rubric_from_dict, RubricSerializer
......@@ -53,11 +53,17 @@ def serialize_training_example(example):
return {
'answer': example.answer,
'options_selected': example.options_selected_dict,
'rubric': RubricSerializer.serialized_from_cache(example.rubric),
# Since training examples are immutable, we can safely cache them
cache_key = example.cache_key_serialized()
example_dict = cache.get(cache_key)
if example_dict is None:
example_dict = {
'answer': example.answer,
'options_selected': example.options_selected_dict,
'rubric': RubricSerializer.serialized_from_cache(example.rubric),
cache.set(cache_key, example_dict)
return example_dict
......@@ -144,24 +150,31 @@ def deserialize_training_examples(examples, rubric_dict):
# Parse each example
created_examples = []
for example_dict in examples:
is_valid, errors = validate_training_example_format(example_dict)
if not is_valid:
raise InvalidTrainingExample("; ".join(errors))
options_ids = rubric.options_ids(example_dict['options_selected'])
# Try to retrieve the example from the cache
cache_key, content_hash = TrainingExample.cache_key(example_dict['answer'], example_dict['options_selected'], rubric)
example = cache.get(cache_key)
# Calculate the content hash to look up the example
content_hash = TrainingExample.calculate_hash(example_dict['answer'], options_ids, rubric)
# If we couldn't retrieve the example from the cache, create it
if example is None:
# Validate the training example
is_valid, errors = validate_training_example_format(example_dict)
if not is_valid:
raise InvalidTrainingExample("; ".join(errors))
example = TrainingExample.objects.get(content_hash=content_hash)
except TrainingExample.DoesNotExist:
# Get or create the training example
example = TrainingExample.create_example(
example_dict['answer'], options_ids, rubric
except IntegrityError:
example = TrainingExample.objects.get(content_hash=content_hash)
except TrainingExample.DoesNotExist:
example = TrainingExample.create_example(
example_dict['answer'], example_dict['options_selected'], rubric
except IntegrityError:
example = TrainingExample.objects.get(content_hash=content_hash)
# Add the example to the cache
cache.set(cache_key, example)
......@@ -159,6 +159,60 @@ class StudentTrainingAssessmentTest(CacheResetTest):
next_retrieved = training_api.get_training_example(self.submission_uuid, self.RUBRIC, self.EXAMPLES)
self.assertEqual(retrieved, next_retrieved)
def test_get_training_example_num_queries(self):
# Run through the training example once using a different submission
# Training examples and rubrics will be cached and shared for other
# students working on the same problem.
self._warm_cache(self.RUBRIC, self.EXAMPLES)
# First training example
# This will need to create the student training workflow and the first item
# NOTE: we *could* cache the rubric model to reduce the number of queries here,
# but we're selecting it by content hash, which is indexed and should be plenty fast.
with self.assertNumQueries(6):
training_api.get_training_example(self.submission_uuid, self.RUBRIC, self.EXAMPLES)
# Without assessing the first training example, try to retrieve a training example.
# This should return the same example as before, so we won't need to create
# any workflows or workflow items.
with self.assertNumQueries(3):
training_api.get_training_example(self.submission_uuid, self.RUBRIC, self.EXAMPLES)
# Assess the current training example
training_api.assess_training_example(self.submission_uuid, self.EXAMPLES[0]['options_selected'])
# Retrieve the next training example, which requires us to create
# a new workflow item (but not a new workflow).
with self.assertNumQueries(4):
training_api.get_training_example(self.submission_uuid, self.RUBRIC, self.EXAMPLES)
def test_submitter_is_finished_num_queries(self):
# Complete the first training example
training_api.get_training_example(self.submission_uuid, self.RUBRIC, self.EXAMPLES)
training_api.assess_training_example(self.submission_uuid, self.EXAMPLES[0]['options_selected'])
# Check whether we've completed the requirements
requirements = {'num_required': 2}
with self.assertNumQueries(2):
training_api.submitter_is_finished(self.submission_uuid, requirements)
def test_get_num_completed_num_queries(self):
# Complete the first training example
training_api.get_training_example(self.submission_uuid, self.RUBRIC, self.EXAMPLES)
training_api.assess_training_example(self.submission_uuid, self.EXAMPLES[0]['options_selected'])
# Check the number completed
with self.assertNumQueries(2):
def test_assess_training_example_num_queries(self):
# Populate the cache with training examples and rubrics
self._warm_cache(self.RUBRIC, self.EXAMPLES)
training_api.get_training_example(self.submission_uuid, self.RUBRIC, self.EXAMPLES)
with self.assertNumQueries(4):
training_api.assess_training_example(self.submission_uuid, self.EXAMPLES[0]['options_selected'])
def test_validate_training_examples(self, data):
errors = training_api.validate_training_examples(
......@@ -319,3 +373,22 @@ class StudentTrainingAssessmentTest(CacheResetTest):
example = training_api.get_training_example(submission_uuid, input_rubric, input_examples)
expected_example = self._expected_example(input_examples[order_num], input_rubric)
self.assertItemsEqual(example, expected_example)
def _warm_cache(self, rubric, examples):
Create a submission and complete student training.
This will populate the cache with training examples and rubrics,
which are immutable and shared for all students training on a particular problem.
rubric (dict): Serialized rubric model.
examples (list of dict): Serialized training examples
pre_submission = sub_api.create_submission(self.STUDENT_ITEM, self.ANSWER)
for example in examples:
training_api.get_training_example(pre_submission['uuid'], rubric, examples)
training_api.assess_training_example(pre_submission['uuid'], example['options_selected'])
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