Commit 42833184 by Will Daly

Implement self_api.is_complete() to hook self-assessment into the workflow api

parent 4d2b35d2
......@@ -144,6 +144,16 @@ def get_submission_and_assessment(student_item_dict):
return (submissions[0], None)
# TODO: fill in this stub
def is_complete(submission_uuid):
return True
Check whether a self-assessment has been completed for a submission.
submission_uuid (str): The unique identifier of the submission.
return Assessment.objects.filter(
score_type=SELF_TYPE, submission__uuid=submission_uuid
......@@ -217,9 +217,11 @@ class TestPeerApi(TestCase):
# Tim has met the critera, and should now have a score.
score = workflow_api.get_workflow_for_submission(
tim["uuid"], requirements
# We patch the call to `self_api.is_complete()` simulate having completed a self-assessment.
with patch('openassessment.workflow.models.self_api.is_complete') as mock_complete:
mock_complete.return_value = True
score = workflow_api.get_workflow_for_submission(tim["uuid"], requirements)["score"]
self.assertEqual(score["points_earned"], 6)
self.assertEqual(score["points_possible"], 14)
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import pytz
from django.test import TestCase
from submissions.api import create_submission
from openassessment.assessment.self_api import (
create_assessment, get_submission_and_assessment,
create_assessment, get_submission_and_assessment, is_complete,
......@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ class TestSelfApi(TestCase):
received_submission, assessment = get_submission_and_assessment(self.STUDENT_ITEM)
self.assertItemsEqual(received_submission, submission)
self.assertIs(assessment, None)
# Create a self-assessment for the submission
assessment = create_assessment(
......@@ -70,6 +71,9 @@ class TestSelfApi(TestCase):
scored_at=datetime.datetime(2014, 4, 1).replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
# Self-assessment should be complete
# Retrieve the self-assessment
received_submission, retrieved = get_submission_and_assessment(self.STUDENT_ITEM)
self.assertItemsEqual(received_submission, submission)
......@@ -194,3 +198,7 @@ class TestSelfApi(TestCase):
# Expect that we still have the original assessment
_, retrieved = get_submission_and_assessment(self.STUDENT_ITEM)
self.assertItemsEqual(assessment, retrieved)
def test_is_complete_no_submission(self):
# This submission uuid does not exist
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Tests for grade handlers in Open Assessment XBlock.
import copy
import json
from openassessment.assessment import peer_api
from openassessment.assessment import peer_api, self_api
from submissions import api as sub_api
from .base import XBlockHandlerTestCase, scenario
......@@ -48,12 +48,19 @@ class TestGrade(XBlockHandlerTestCase):
# Have our user make assessments (so she can get a score)
for submission in scorer_submissions:
for scorer_sub in scorer_submissions:
submission['uuid'], 'Greggs', 2, 2,
scorer_sub['uuid'], 'Greggs', 2, 2,
self.ASSESSMENTS[0], {'criteria': xblock.rubric_criteria}
# Have the user submit a self-assessment (so she can get a score)
submission['uuid'], 'Greggs',
{'criteria': xblock.rubric_criteria}
# Render the view
resp = self.request(xblock, 'render_grade', json.dumps(dict()))
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