Commit 35e17d03 by Stephen Sanchez

Small changes to fix a few broken BDD tests

parent e01e812c
Feature: An author can configure the peer review start and end dates
As an author
I can configure the date when a question is open for peer review
I can configure the date when a question is closed for peer review
As an author
I can configure the date when a question is open for peer review
I can configure the date when a question is closed for peer review
Scenario: An author can configure the peer review start and end dates
Given: I am an author
And: I configure a start date in the "<RelativeStartTime>"
And: I configure an end date in the "<RelativeEndTime>"
When: I attempt to review a peer submission
Then: My attempt to review a peer submission "<Result>"
Scenario: An author can configure the peer review start and end dates
Given: I am an author
And: I configure a start date in the "<RelativeStartTime>"
And: I configure an end date in the "<RelativeEndTime>"
When: I attempt to review a peer submission
Then: My attempt to review a peer submission "<Result>"
| RelativeStartTime | RelativeEndTime | Result |
......@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ def given_i_am_an_author(step):
@step(u'And: I configure a start date in the "([^"]*)"')
def and_i_configure_a_start_date(step):
def and_i_configure_a_start_date(step, start_date):
@step(u'And: I configure an end date in the "([^"]*)"')
def and_i_configure_an_end_date(step):
def and_i_configure_an_end_date(step, end_date):
@step(u'When: I attempt to review a peer submission')
......@@ -18,5 +18,5 @@ def when_i_attempt_to_submit_a_submission(step):
@step(u'Then: My attempt to review a peer submission "([^"]*)"')
def then_my_attempt_to_submit_a_submission(step):
def then_my_attempt_to_submit_a_submission(step, result):
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Test-specific Django settings.
# Inherit from base settings
from .base import *
TEST_APPS = ('common_grading', 'peer_grading')
TEST_APPS = ('peer_grading', 'common_grading',)
# Configure nose
......@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ LETTUCE_APPS = TEST_APPS
# Install test-specific Django apps
INSTALLED_APPS += ('django_nose', 'lettuce.django')
INSTALLED_APPS += ('django_nose', 'lettuce.django',)
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