Commit 32f5cae5 by Will Daly

Merge pull request #190 from edx/will/TIM-367-rebase

Allow multiple feedback options to be selected
parents b4bf35d6 ce6e0b93
from django.contrib import admin from django.contrib import admin
from openassessment.assessment.models import Assessment, AssessmentFeedback, AssessmentPart, Rubric, Criterion, CriterionOption, PeerWorkflow, PeerWorkflowItem from openassessment.assessment.models import (
Assessment, AssessmentPart, Rubric,
AssessmentFeedback, AssessmentFeedbackOption,
Criterion, CriterionOption,
PeerWorkflow, PeerWorkflowItem,
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
from south.db import db
from south.v2 import SchemaMigration
from django.db import models
class Migration(SchemaMigration):
def forwards(self, orm):
# Adding model 'AssessmentFeedbackOption'
db.create_table('assessment_assessmentfeedbackoption', (
('text','django.db.models.fields.CharField')(unique=True, max_length=255)),
db.send_create_signal('assessment', ['AssessmentFeedbackOption'])
# Deleting field ''
db.delete_column('assessment_assessmentfeedback', 'feedback')
# Deleting field 'AssessmentFeedback.helpfulness'
db.delete_column('assessment_assessmentfeedback', 'helpfulness')
# Adding field 'AssessmentFeedback.feedback_text'
db.add_column('assessment_assessmentfeedback', 'feedback_text','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(default='', max_length=10000),
# Adding M2M table for field options on 'AssessmentFeedback'
db.create_table('assessment_assessmentfeedback_options', (
('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', primary_key=True, auto_created=True)),
('assessmentfeedback', models.ForeignKey(orm['assessment.assessmentfeedback'], null=False)),
('assessmentfeedbackoption', models.ForeignKey(orm['assessment.assessmentfeedbackoption'], null=False))
db.create_unique('assessment_assessmentfeedback_options', ['assessmentfeedback_id', 'assessmentfeedbackoption_id'])
def backwards(self, orm):
# Deleting model 'AssessmentFeedbackOption'
# Adding field ''
db.add_column('assessment_assessmentfeedback', 'feedback','django.db.models.fields.TextField')(default='', max_length=10000),
# Adding field 'AssessmentFeedback.helpfulness'
db.add_column('assessment_assessmentfeedback', 'helpfulness','django.db.models.fields.IntegerField')(default=2),
# Deleting field 'AssessmentFeedback.feedback_text'
db.delete_column('assessment_assessmentfeedback', 'feedback_text')
# Removing M2M table for field options on 'AssessmentFeedback'
models = {
'assessment.assessment': {
'Meta': {'ordering': "['-scored_at', '-id']", 'object_name': 'Assessment'},
'feedback': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '10000', 'blank': 'True'}),
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'rubric': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['assessment.Rubric']"}),
'score_type': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '2'}),
'scored_at': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': '', 'db_index': 'True'}),
'scorer_id': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '40', 'db_index': 'True'}),
'submission_uuid': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128', 'db_index': 'True'})
'assessment.assessmentfeedback': {
'Meta': {'object_name': 'AssessmentFeedback'},
'assessments': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'default': 'None', 'related_name': "'assessment_feedback'", 'symmetrical': 'False', 'to': "orm['assessment.Assessment']"}),
'feedback_text': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'default': "''", 'max_length': '10000'}),
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'options': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField', [], {'default': 'None', 'to': "orm['assessment.AssessmentFeedbackOption']", 'symmetrical': 'False'}),
'submission_uuid': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '128', 'db_index': 'True'})
'assessment.assessmentfeedbackoption': {
'Meta': {'object_name': 'AssessmentFeedbackOption'},
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'text': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '255'})
'assessment.assessmentpart': {
'Meta': {'object_name': 'AssessmentPart'},
'assessment': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'parts'", 'to': "orm['assessment.Assessment']"}),
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'option': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['assessment.CriterionOption']"})
'assessment.criterion': {
'Meta': {'ordering': "['rubric', 'order_num']", 'object_name': 'Criterion'},
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}),
'order_num': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {}),
'prompt': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'max_length': '10000'}),
'rubric': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'criteria'", 'to': "orm['assessment.Rubric']"})
'assessment.criterionoption': {
'Meta': {'ordering': "['criterion', 'order_num']", 'object_name': 'CriterionOption'},
'criterion': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'options'", 'to': "orm['assessment.Criterion']"}),
'explanation': ('django.db.models.fields.TextField', [], {'max_length': '10000', 'blank': 'True'}),
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'name': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '100'}),
'order_num': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {}),
'points': ('django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField', [], {})
'assessment.peerworkflow': {
'Meta': {'ordering': "['created_at', 'id']", 'object_name': 'PeerWorkflow'},
'completed_at': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'null': 'True', 'db_index': 'True'}),
'course_id': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '40', 'db_index': 'True'}),
'created_at': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': '', 'db_index': 'True'}),
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'item_id': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128', 'db_index': 'True'}),
'student_id': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '40', 'db_index': 'True'}),
'submission_uuid': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '128', 'db_index': 'True'})
'assessment.peerworkflowitem': {
'Meta': {'ordering': "['started_at', 'id']", 'object_name': 'PeerWorkflowItem'},
'assessment': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['assessment.Assessment']", 'null': 'True'}),
'author': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'graded_by'", 'to': "orm['assessment.PeerWorkflow']"}),
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'scored': ('django.db.models.fields.BooleanField', [], {'default': 'False'}),
'scorer': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'related_name': "'graded'", 'to': "orm['assessment.PeerWorkflow']"}),
'started_at': ('django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField', [], {'default': '', 'db_index': 'True'}),
'submission_uuid': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '128', 'db_index': 'True'})
'assessment.rubric': {
'Meta': {'object_name': 'Rubric'},
'content_hash': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'unique': 'True', 'max_length': '40', 'db_index': 'True'}),
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'})
complete_apps = ['assessment']
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -405,19 +405,60 @@ class AssessmentPart(models.Model): ...@@ -405,19 +405,60 @@ class AssessmentPart(models.Model):
]) ])
class AssessmentFeedbackOption(models.Model):
Option a student can select to provide feedback on the feedback they received.
`AssessmentFeedback` stands in a one-to-many relationship with `AssessmentFeedbackOption`s:
a student can select zero or more `AssessmentFeedbackOption`s when providing feedback.
Over time, we may decide to add, delete, or reword assessment feedback options.
To preserve data integrity, we will always get-or-create `AssessmentFeedbackOption`s
based on the option text.
text = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
class AssessmentFeedback(models.Model): class AssessmentFeedback(models.Model):
"""A response to a submission's feedback, judging accuracy or helpfulness.""" """
Feedback on feedback. When students receive their grades, they
can provide feedback on how they were assessed, to be reviewed by course staff.
This consists of free-form written feedback
("Please provide any thoughts or comments on the feedback you received from your peers")
as well as zero or more feedback options
("Please select the statements below that reflect what you think of this peer grading experience")
submission_uuid = models.CharField(max_length=128, unique=True, db_index=True) submission_uuid = models.CharField(max_length=128, unique=True, db_index=True)
assessments = models.ManyToManyField(Assessment, related_name='assessment_feedback', default=None) assessments = models.ManyToManyField(Assessment, related_name='assessment_feedback', default=None)
HELPFULNESS_CHOICES = ( feedback_text = models.TextField(max_length=10000, default="")
(0, 'These results were not at all helpful'), options = models.ManyToManyField(AssessmentFeedbackOption, related_name='assessment_feedback', default=None)
(1, 'These results were somewhat helpful'),
(2, 'These results were helpful'), def add_options(self, selected_options):
(3, 'These results were very helpful'), """
(4, 'These results were extremely helpful'), Select feedback options for this assessment.
) Students can select zero or more options.
helpfulness = models.IntegerField(choices=HELPFULNESS_CHOICES, default=2)
feedback = models.TextField(max_length=10000, default="") Note: you *must* save the model before calling this method.
option_text_list (list of unicode): List of options that the user selected.
# First, retrieve options that already exist
options = list(AssessmentFeedbackOption.objects.filter(text__in=selected_options))
# If there are additional options that do not yet exist, create them
new_options = [text for text in selected_options if text not in [opt.text for opt in options]]
for new_option_text in new_options:
# Add all options to the feedback model
# Note that we've already saved each of the AssessmentFeedbackOption models, so they have primary keys
# (required for adding to a many-to-many relationship)
class PeerWorkflow(models.Model): class PeerWorkflow(models.Model):
...@@ -936,19 +936,17 @@ def _num_peers_graded(workflow): ...@@ -936,19 +936,17 @@ def _num_peers_graded(workflow):
def get_assessment_feedback(submission_uuid): def get_assessment_feedback(submission_uuid):
"""Retrieve a feedback object for an assessment whether it exists or not. """
Retrieve a feedback on an assessment.
Gets or creates a new Assessment Feedback model for the given submission.
Args: Args:
submission_uuid: The submission we want to create assessment feedback submission_uuid: The submission we want to retrieve assessment feedback for.
Returns: Returns:
The assessment feedback object that exists, or a newly created model. dict or None
PeerAssessmentInternalError: Raised when the AssessmentFeedback cannot
be created or retrieved because of internal exceptions.
PeerAssessmentInternalError: Error occurred while retrieving the feedback.
""" """
try: try:
feedback = AssessmentFeedback.objects.get( feedback = AssessmentFeedback.objects.get(
...@@ -967,46 +965,52 @@ def get_assessment_feedback(submission_uuid): ...@@ -967,46 +965,52 @@ def get_assessment_feedback(submission_uuid):
def set_assessment_feedback(feedback_dict): def set_assessment_feedback(feedback_dict):
"""Set a feedback object for an assessment to have some new values. """
Set a feedback object for an assessment to have some new values.
Sets or updates the assessment feedback with the given values in the Sets or updates the assessment feedback with the given values in the dict.
Args: Args:
feedback_dict (dict): A dictionary of all the values to update or create feedback_dict (dict): A dictionary of all the values to update or create
a new assessment feedback. a new assessment feedback.
Returns: Returns:
The modified or created feedback. None
""" """
submission_uuid = feedback_dict.get('submission_uuid') submission_uuid = feedback_dict.get('submission_uuid')
if not submission_uuid: feedback_text = feedback_dict.get('feedback_text')
error_message = u"An error occurred creating assessment feedback: bad or missing submission_uuid." selected_options = feedback_dict.get('options', list())
raise PeerAssessmentRequestError(error_message)
assessments = PeerWorkflowItem.get_scored_assessments(submission_uuid)
except DatabaseError:
error_message = (
u"An error occurred getting database state to set assessment feedback for {}."
raise PeerAssessmentInternalError(error_message)
feedback = AssessmentFeedbackSerializer(data=feedback_dict)
if not feedback.is_valid():
raise PeerAssessmentRequestError(feedback.errors)
try: try:
feedback_model = # Get or create the assessment model for this submission
# Assessments associated with feedback must be saved after the row is # If we receive an integrity error, assume that someone else is trying to create
# committed to the database in order to associated the PKs across both # another feedback model for this submission, and raise an exception.
# tables. if submission_uuid:
feedback_model.assessments.add(*assessments) feedback, created = AssessmentFeedback.objects.get_or_create(submission_uuid=submission_uuid)
error_message = u"An error occurred creating assessment feedback: bad or missing submission_uuid."
raise PeerAssessmentRequestError(error_message)
# Update the feedback text
if feedback_text is not None:
feedback.feedback_text = feedback_text
# Save the feedback model. We need to do this before setting m2m relations.
if created or feedback_text is not None:
# Associate the feedback with selected options
# Associate the feedback with scored assessments
assessments = PeerWorkflowItem.get_scored_assessments(submission_uuid)
except DatabaseError: except DatabaseError:
error_message = ( msg = u"Error occurred while creating or updating feedback on assessment: {}".format(feedback_dict)
u"An error occurred saving assessment feedback for {}." logger.exception(msg)
.format(submission_uuid) raise PeerAssessmentInternalError(msg)
raise PeerAssessmentInternalError(error_message)
...@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ from django.core.cache import cache ...@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ from django.core.cache import cache
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from rest_framework import serializers from rest_framework import serializers
from openassessment.assessment.models import ( from openassessment.assessment.models import (
Assessment, AssessmentFeedback, AssessmentPart, Criterion, CriterionOption, Rubric, Assessment, AssessmentPart, Criterion, CriterionOption, Rubric,
PeerWorkflowItem, PeerWorkflow) AssessmentFeedback, AssessmentFeedbackOption,
PeerWorkflowItem, PeerWorkflow
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
...@@ -299,15 +301,26 @@ def rubric_from_dict(rubric_dict): ...@@ -299,15 +301,26 @@ def rubric_from_dict(rubric_dict):
return rubric return rubric
class AssessmentFeedbackOptionSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
Serialize an `AssessmentFeedbackOption` model.
class Meta:
model = AssessmentFeedbackOption
fields = ('text',)
class AssessmentFeedbackSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class AssessmentFeedbackSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
submission_uuid = serializers.CharField(source='submission_uuid') """
helpfulness = serializers.IntegerField(source='helpfulness') Serialize feedback in response to an assessment.
feedback = serializers.CharField(source='feedback') """
assessments = AssessmentSerializer(many=True, default=None, required=False) assessments = AssessmentSerializer(many=True, default=None, required=False)
options = AssessmentFeedbackOptionSerializer(many=True, default=None, required=False)
class Meta: class Meta:
model = AssessmentFeedback model = AssessmentFeedback
fields = ('submission_uuid', 'helpfulness', 'feedback', 'assessments',) fields = ('submission_uuid', 'feedback_text', 'assessments', 'options')
class PeerWorkflowSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class PeerWorkflowSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" """
Tests for assessment models. Tests for assessment models.
""" """
from django.test import TestCase from django.test import TestCase
from openassessment.assessment.models import ( from openassessment.assessment.models import (
Rubric, Criterion, CriterionOption, InvalidOptionSelection Rubric, Criterion, CriterionOption, InvalidOptionSelection,
AssessmentFeedback, AssessmentFeedbackOption,
) )
...@@ -103,3 +105,96 @@ class TestRubricOptionIds(TestCase): ...@@ -103,3 +105,96 @@ class TestRubricOptionIds(TestCase):
"test criterion 2": "test option 2", "test criterion 2": "test option 2",
"test criterion 3": "test option 1", "test criterion 3": "test option 1",
}) })
class AssessmentFeedbackTest(TestCase):
Tests for assessment feedback.
This is feedback that students give in response to the peer assessments they receive.
def setUp(self): = AssessmentFeedback.objects.create(
feedback_text='test feedback',
def test_default_options(self):
self.assertEqual(, 0)
def test_add_options_all_new(self):
# We haven't created any feedback options yet, so these should be created.['I liked my assessment', 'I thought my assessment was unfair'])
# Check the feedback options
options =
self.assertEqual(len(options), 2)
self.assertEqual(options[0].text, 'I liked my assessment')
self.assertEqual(options[1].text, 'I thought my assessment was unfair')
def test_add_options_some_new(self):
# Create one feedback option in the database
AssessmentFeedbackOption.objects.create(text='I liked my assessment')
# Add feedback options. The one that's new should be created.['I liked my assessment', 'I thought my assessment was unfair'])
# Check the feedback options
options =
self.assertEqual(len(options), 2)
self.assertEqual(options[0].text, 'I liked my assessment')
self.assertEqual(options[1].text, 'I thought my assessment was unfair')
def test_add_options_empty(self):
# No options[])
self.assertEqual(len(, 0)
# Add an option['test'])
self.assertEqual(len(, 1)
# Add an empty list of options[])
self.assertEqual(len(, 1)
def test_add_options_duplicates(self):
# Add some options, which will be created['I liked my assessment', 'I thought my assessment was unfair'])
# Add some more options, one of which is a duplicate['I liked my assessment', 'I disliked my assessment'])
# There should be three options
options =
self.assertEqual(len(options), 3)
self.assertEqual(options[0].text, 'I liked my assessment')
self.assertEqual(options[1].text, 'I thought my assessment was unfair')
self.assertEqual(options[2].text, 'I disliked my assessment')
# There should be only three options in the database
self.assertEqual(AssessmentFeedbackOption.objects.count(), 3)
def test_add_options_all_old(self):
# Add some options, which will be created['I liked my assessment', 'I thought my assessment was unfair'])
# Add some more options, all of which are duplicates['I liked my assessment', 'I thought my assessment was unfair'])
# There should be two options
options =
self.assertEqual(len(options), 2)
self.assertEqual(options[0].text, 'I liked my assessment')
self.assertEqual(options[1].text, 'I thought my assessment was unfair')
# There should be two options in the database
self.assertEqual(AssessmentFeedbackOption.objects.count(), 2)
def test_unicode(self):
# Create options with unicode[u'𝓘 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮𝓭 𝓶𝔂 𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽', u'ノ イんougんイ ᄊリ ム丂丂乇丂丂ᄊ乇刀イ wム丂 u刀キムノ尺'])
# There should be two options in the database
self.assertEqual(AssessmentFeedbackOption.objects.count(), 2)
...@@ -509,18 +509,25 @@ class TestPeerApi(TestCase): ...@@ -509,18 +509,25 @@ class TestPeerApi(TestCase):
) )
feedback = peer_api.get_assessment_feedback(tim_sub['uuid']) feedback = peer_api.get_assessment_feedback(tim_sub['uuid'])
self.assertIsNone(feedback) self.assertIsNone(feedback)
feedback = peer_api.set_assessment_feedback( peer_api.set_assessment_feedback(
{ {
'submission_uuid': tim_sub['uuid'], 'submission_uuid': tim_sub['uuid'],
'helpfulness': 0, 'feedback_text': 'Bob is a jerk!',
'feedback': 'Bob is a jerk!' 'options': [
'I disliked this assessment',
'I felt this assessment was unfair',
} }
) )
self.assertEquals(feedback["assessments"][0]["submission_uuid"], assessment["submission_uuid"])
saved_feedback = peer_api.get_assessment_feedback(tim_sub['uuid']) saved_feedback = peer_api.get_assessment_feedback(tim_sub['uuid'])
self.assertEquals(feedback, saved_feedback) self.assertIsNot(saved_feedback, None)
self.assertEquals(saved_feedback['submission_uuid'], assessment['submission_uuid'])
self.assertEquals(saved_feedback['feedback_text'], 'Bob is a jerk!')
self.assertItemsEqual(saved_feedback['options'], [
{'text': 'I disliked this assessment'},
{'text': 'I felt this assessment was unfair'},
self.assertEquals(saved_feedback["assessments"][0]["submission_uuid"], assessment["submission_uuid"])
def test_close_active_assessment(self): def test_close_active_assessment(self):
buffy_answer, buffy = self._create_student_and_submission("Buffy", "Buffy's answer") buffy_answer, buffy = self._create_student_and_submission("Buffy", "Buffy's answer")
...@@ -576,8 +583,7 @@ class TestPeerApi(TestCase): ...@@ -576,8 +583,7 @@ class TestPeerApi(TestCase):
peer_api.set_assessment_feedback( peer_api.set_assessment_feedback(
{ {
'submission_uuid': tim_answer['uuid'], 'submission_uuid': tim_answer['uuid'],
'helpfulness': 0, 'feedback_text': 'Boo',
'feedback': 'Boo',
} }
) )
...@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ import os.path ...@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ import os.path
from ddt import ddt, file_data from ddt import ddt, file_data
from django.test import TestCase from django.test import TestCase
from openassessment.assessment.models import Criterion, CriterionOption, Rubric from openassessment.assessment.models import Criterion, CriterionOption, Rubric, AssessmentFeedback
from openassessment.assessment.serializers import ( from openassessment.assessment.serializers import (
InvalidRubric, RubricSerializer, rubric_from_dict InvalidRubric, RubricSerializer, rubric_from_dict,
) )
def json_data(filename): def json_data(filename):
...@@ -82,3 +83,36 @@ class TestCriterionOptionDeserialization(TestCase): ...@@ -82,3 +83,36 @@ class TestCriterionOptionDeserialization(TestCase):
] ]
} }
) )
class TestAssessmentFeedbackSerializer(TestCase):
def test_serialize(self):
feedback = AssessmentFeedback.objects.create(
submission_uuid='abc123', feedback_text='Test feedback'
feedback.add_options(['I liked my assessment', 'I thought my assessment was unfair'])
serialized = AssessmentFeedbackSerializer(feedback).data
self.assertItemsEqual(serialized, {
'submission_uuid': 'abc123',
'feedback_text': 'Test feedback',
'options': [
{'text': 'I liked my assessment'},
{'text': 'I thought my assessment was unfair'},
'assessments': [],
def test_empty_options(self):
feedback = AssessmentFeedback.objects.create(
submission_uuid='abc123', feedback_text='Test feedback'
serialized = AssessmentFeedbackSerializer(feedback).data
self.assertItemsEqual(serialized, {
'submission_uuid': 'abc123',
'feedback_text': 'Test feedback',
'options': [],
'assessments': [],
...@@ -134,7 +134,6 @@ ...@@ -134,7 +134,6 @@
{% endwith %} {% endwith %}
{% endfor %} {% endfor %}
</ul> </ul>
</li> </li>
</ol> </ol>
</article> </article>
...@@ -147,31 +146,56 @@ ...@@ -147,31 +146,56 @@
<p>Course staff will be able to see any feedback that you provide here when they review course records.</p> <p>Course staff will be able to see any feedback that you provide here when they review course records.</p>
</div> </div>
<div class="submission__feedback__elements"> <ol class="list list--fields submission__feedback__fields">
<ol class="list list--fields submission__feeedback__fields"> <li class="field field--radio feedback__overall" id="feedback__overall">
<li class="field field--select feedback__overall" id="feedback__overall"> <h4>Please select the statements below that reflect what you think of this peer grading experience:</h4>
<label for="feedback__overall__value">Overall how do you consider your peers’ assessments of your response?</label> <ol class="list--options">
<select id="feedback__overall__value"> <li class="option option--useful">
<option value="This assessment was useful">This assessment was useful</option> <input type="checkbox"
<option value="This assessment was not useful">This assessment was not useful</option> name="feedback__overall__value"
<option value="I disagree with this assessment">I disagree with this assessment</option> id="feedback__overall__value--useful"
<option value="This assessment was inappropriate">This assessment was inappropriate</option> class="feedback__overall__value"
</select> value="These assessments were useful." />
</li> <label for="feedback__overall__value--useful">These assessments were useful.</label>
<li class="field field--textarea feedback__remarks" id="feedback__remarks">
<label for="feedback__remarks__value">Provide any thoughts or comments on the feedback you received from your peers here.</label>
<textarea id="feedback__remarks__value" placeholder="I feel the feedback I received was...">{{ feedback_text }}</textarea>
<div class="submission__feeedback__actions">
<ul class="list list--actions submission__feeedback__actions">
<li class="list--actions__item">
<button type="submit" id="feedback__submit" class="action action--submit feedback__submit">Submit Feedback On Peer Evaluations</button>
</li> </li>
</ul> <li class="option option--notuseful">
</div> <input type="checkbox"
</div> name="feedback__overall__value"
value="These assessments were not useful." />
<label for="feedback__overall__value--notuseful">These assessments were not useful.</label>
<li class="option option--disagree">
<input type="checkbox"
value="I disagree with the ways that my peers assessed me." />
<label for="feedback__overall__value--notuseful">I disagree with the ways that my peers assessed me.</label>
<li class="option option--inappropriate">
<input type="checkbox"
value="I received some inappropriate comments." />
<label for="feedback__overall__value--notuseful">I received some inappropriate comments.</label>
<li class="field field--textarea feedback__remarks" id="feedback__remarks">
<label for="feedback__remarks__value">Please provide any thoughts or comments on the feedback you received from your peers here.</label>
<textarea id="feedback__remarks__value" placeholder="I feel the feedback I received was...">{{ feedback_text }}</textarea>
<div class="submission__feeedback__actions">
<ul class="list list--actions submission__feeedback__actions">
<li class="list--actions__item">
<button type="submit" id="feedback__submit" class="action action--submit feedback__submit">Submit Feedback On Peer Evaluations</button>
</div> </div>
</form> </form>
</div> </div>
...@@ -71,35 +71,30 @@ class GradeMixin(object): ...@@ -71,35 +71,30 @@ class GradeMixin(object):
return self.render_assessment(path, context) return self.render_assessment(path, context)
@XBlock.json_handler @XBlock.json_handler
def feedback_submit(self, data, suffix=''): def submit_feedback(self, data, suffix=''):
"""Attach the Assessment Feedback text to some submission.""" """
assessment_feedback = data.get('feedback', '') Submit feedback on an assessment.
if not assessment_feedback:
return { Args:
'success': False, data (dict): Can provide keys 'feedback_text' (unicode) and 'feedback_options' (list of unicode).
'msg': _(u"No feedback given, so none recorded")
} Kwargs:
suffix (str): Unused
Dict with keys 'success' (bool) and 'msg' (unicode)
feedback_text = data.get('feedback_text', u'')
feedback_options = data.get('feedback_options', list())
try: try:
peer_api.set_assessment_feedback( peer_api.set_assessment_feedback({
{ 'submission_uuid': self.submission_uuid,
'submission_uuid': self.submission_uuid, 'feedback_text': feedback_text,
'feedback': assessment_feedback, 'options': feedback_options,
'helpfulness': 0 })
} except (peer_api.PeerAssessmentInternalError, peer_api.PeerAssessmentRequestError):
) return {'success': False, 'msg': _(u"Assessment feedback could not be saved.")}
except ( else:
peer_api.PeerAssessmentInternalError, return {'success': True, 'msg': _(u"Feedback saved!")}
return {
'success': False,
'msg': _(
u"Assessment Feedback could not be saved due to an internal "
u"server error."
return {
'success': True,
'msg': _(u"Feedback saved!")
<div id='openassessment-base'>
<form id="submission__feeedback" class="submission__feeedback" method="post">
<h3 class="submission__feeedback__title">Give Feedback On Peer Evaluations</h3>
<div class="submission__feeedback__content">
<div class="submission__feeedback__instructions">
<p>Course staff will be able to see any feedback that you provide here when they review course records.</p>
<ol class="list list--fields submission__feedback__fields">
<li class="field field--radio feedback__overall" id="feedback__overall">
<h4>Please select the statements below that reflect what you think of this peer grading experience:</h4>
<ol class="list--options">
<li class="option option--useful">
<input type="checkbox"
value="These assessments were useful." />
<label for="feedback__overall__value--useful">These assessments were useful.</label>
<li class="option option--notuseful">
<input type="checkbox"
value="These assessments were not useful." />
<label for="feedback__overall__value--notuseful">These assessments were not useful.</label>
<li class="option option--disagree">
<input type="checkbox"
value="I disagree with the ways that my peers assessed me." />
<label for="feedback__overall__value--notuseful">I disagree with the ways that my peers assessed me.</label>
<li class="option option--inappropriate">
<input type="checkbox"
value="I received some inappropriate comments." />
<label for="feedback__overall__value--notuseful">I received some inappropriate comments.</label>
<li class="field field--textarea feedback__remarks" id="feedback__remarks">
<label for="feedback__remarks__value">Please provide any thoughts or comments on the feedback you received from your peers here.</label>
<textarea id="feedback__remarks__value" placeholder="I feel the feedback I received was...">{{ feedback_text }}</textarea>
...@@ -35,6 +35,15 @@ describe("OpenAssessment.BaseUI", function() { ...@@ -35,6 +35,15 @@ describe("OpenAssessment.BaseUI", function() {
defer.resolveWith(this, [server.fragments[component]]); defer.resolveWith(this, [server.fragments[component]]);
}).promise(); }).promise();
}; };
this.submitFeedbackOnAssessment = function(text, options) {
// Store the args we receive so we can check them later
this.feedbackText = text;
this.feedbackOptions = options;
// Return a promise that always resolves successfully
return $.Deferred(function(defer) { defer.resolve() }).promise();
}; };
// Stub runtime // Stub runtime
...@@ -102,4 +111,31 @@ describe("OpenAssessment.BaseUI", function() { ...@@ -102,4 +111,31 @@ describe("OpenAssessment.BaseUI", function() {
expect(server.selfAssess).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(server.selfAssess).toHaveBeenCalled();
}); });
}); });
it("Sends feedback on a submission to the server", function() {
jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath = 'base/fixtures';
// Simulate user feedback
$('#feedback__remarks__value').val('I disliked the feedback I received.');
// Create a new stub server
server = new StubServer();
// Create the object under test
var el = $("#openassessment-base").get(0);
ui = new OpenAssessment.BaseUI(runtime, el, server);
// Submit feedback on an assessment
// Expect that the feedback was retrieved from the DOM and sent to the server
expect(server.feedbackText).toEqual('I disliked the feedback I received.');
'These assessments were not useful.',
'I disagree with the ways that my peers assessed me.'
}); });
...@@ -106,6 +106,26 @@ describe("OpenAssessment.Server", function() { ...@@ -106,6 +106,26 @@ describe("OpenAssessment.Server", function() {
}); });
}); });
it("Sends feedback on an assessment to the XBlock", function() {
stubAjax(true, {success: true, msg: ''});
var success = false;
var options = ["Option 1", "Option 2"];
server.submitFeedbackOnAssessment("test feedback", options).done(function() {
success = true;
url: '/submit_feedback',
type: "POST",
data: JSON.stringify({
feedback_text: "test feedback",
feedback_options: options,
it("loads the XBlock's XML definition", function() { it("loads the XBlock's XML definition", function() {
stubAjax(true, { success: true, xml: "<openassessment />" }); stubAjax(true, { success: true, xml: "<openassessment />" });
...@@ -291,4 +311,26 @@ describe("OpenAssessment.Server", function() { ...@@ -291,4 +311,26 @@ describe("OpenAssessment.Server", function() {
expect(receivedMsg).toEqual("Test error"); expect(receivedMsg).toEqual("Test error");
}); });
it("informs the caller of an AJAX error when sending feedback on submission", function() {
stubAjax(false, null);
var receivedMsg = null;
var options = ["Option 1", "Option 2"];
server.submitFeedbackOnAssessment("test feedback", options).fail(
function(errMsg) { receivedMsg = errMsg; }
expect(receivedMsg).toEqual("Could not contact server.");
it("informs the caller of a server error when sending feedback on submission", function() {
stubAjax(true, { success: false, msg: "Test error" });
var receivedMsg = null;
var options = ["Option 1", "Option 2"];
server.submitFeedbackOnAssessment("test feedback", options).fail(
function(errMsg) { receivedMsg = errMsg; }
expect(receivedMsg).toEqual("Test error");
}); });
...@@ -260,8 +260,8 @@ OpenAssessment.BaseUI.prototype = { ...@@ -260,8 +260,8 @@ OpenAssessment.BaseUI.prototype = {
// Install a click handler for assessment feedback // Install a click handler for assessment feedback
sel.find('#feedback__submit').click(function(eventObject) { sel.find('#feedback__submit').click(function(eventObject) {
eventObject.preventDefault(); eventObject.preventDefault();
ui.feedback_assess(); ui.submitFeedbackOnAssessment();
}); });
} }
).fail(function(errMsg) { ).fail(function(errMsg) {
...@@ -275,11 +275,11 @@ OpenAssessment.BaseUI.prototype = { ...@@ -275,11 +275,11 @@ OpenAssessment.BaseUI.prototype = {
**/ **/
save: function() { save: function() {
// Retrieve the student's response from the DOM // Retrieve the student's response from the DOM
var submission = $('#submission__answer__value', this.element).val();
var ui = this; var ui = this;
this.setSaveStatus('Saving...'); var submission = $('#submission__answer__value', ui.element).val();
this.toggleActionError('save', null); ui.setSaveStatus('Saving...'); { ui.toggleActionError('save', null); {
ui.setSaveStatus("Saved but not submitted"); ui.setSaveStatus("Saved but not submitted");
}).fail(function(errMsg) { }).fail(function(errMsg) {
ui.setSaveStatus('Error'); ui.setSaveStatus('Error');
...@@ -302,10 +302,10 @@ OpenAssessment.BaseUI.prototype = { ...@@ -302,10 +302,10 @@ OpenAssessment.BaseUI.prototype = {
**/ **/
submit: function() { submit: function() {
// Send the submission to the server // Send the submission to the server
var submission = $('#submission__answer__value', this.element).val();
var ui = this; var ui = this;
this.toggleActionError('response', null); var submission = $('#submission__answer__value', ui.element).val();
this.server.submit(submission).done( ui.toggleActionError('response', null);
// When we have successfully sent the submission, expand the next step // When we have successfully sent the submission, expand the next step
function(studentId, attemptNum) { function(studentId, attemptNum) {
ui.renderSubmissionStep(); ui.renderSubmissionStep();
...@@ -319,14 +319,19 @@ OpenAssessment.BaseUI.prototype = { ...@@ -319,14 +319,19 @@ OpenAssessment.BaseUI.prototype = {
/** /**
Send assessment feedback to the server and update the UI. Send assessment feedback to the server and update the UI.
**/ **/
feedback_assess: function() { submitFeedbackOnAssessment: function() {
// Send the submission to the server // Send the submission to the server
var feedback = $('#feedback__remarks__value', this.element).val();
var ui = this; var ui = this;
this.server.feedback_submit(feedback).done( var text = $('#feedback__remarks__value', ui.element).val();
var options = $.map(
$('.feedback__overall__value:checked', ui.element),
function(element, index) { return $(element).val(); }
ui.server.submitFeedbackOnAssessment(text, options).done(function() {
// When we have successfully sent the submission, textarea no longer editable // When we have successfully sent the submission, textarea no longer editable
console.log("Feedback to the assessments submitted, thanks!") // TODO
).fail(function(errMsg) { console.log("Feedback to the assessments submitted, thanks!");
}).fail(function(errMsg) {
// TODO: display to the user // TODO: display to the user
ui.toggleActionError('feedback_assess', errMsg); ui.toggleActionError('feedback_assess', errMsg);
}); });
...@@ -161,42 +161,41 @@ OpenAssessment.Server.prototype = { ...@@ -161,42 +161,41 @@ OpenAssessment.Server.prototype = {
}).promise(); }).promise();
}, },
/** /**
* Send feedback on assessments to the XBlock. * Send feedback on assessments to the XBlock.
* Args: * Args:
* feedback: The feedback given on a series of assessments associated * text (string): Written feedback from the student.
* with this current submission. * options (list of strings): One or more options the student selected.
* *
* Returns: * Returns:
* A JQuery promise, which resolves with no args if successful and * A JQuery promise, which resolves with no args if successful and
* fails with an error message otherwise. * fails with an error message otherwise.
* *
* Example: * Example:
* server.feedback_submit("I dislike my reviews.").done( * server.submit_feedback(
* "Good feedback!", ["I liked the feedback I received"]
* ).done(function() {
* console.log("Success!"); * console.log("Success!");
* ).fail(function(errMsg) { * }).fail(function(errMsg) {
* console.log("Error: " + errMsg); * console.log("Error: " + errMsg);
* }); * });
*/ */
feedback_submit: function(feedback) { submitFeedbackOnAssessment: function(text, options) {
var url = this.url('feedback_submit'); var url = this.url('submit_feedback');
var payload = JSON.stringify({ var payload = JSON.stringify({
feedback: feedback 'feedback_text': text,
'feedback_options': options
}); });
return $.Deferred(function(defer) { return $.Deferred(function(defer) {
$.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: payload }).done( $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: payload }).done(
function(data) { function(data) {
if (data.success) { if (data.success) { defer.resolve(); }
defer.resolve(); else { defer.rejectWith(this, [data.msg]); }
else {
defer.rejectWith(this, [data.msg]);
} }
).fail(function(data) { ).fail(function(data) {
defer.rejectWith(this, ['Could not contact server.']); defer.rejectWith(this, ['Could not contact server.']);
}); });
}).promise() }).promise();
}, },
/** /**
...@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ ...@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@
<assessment name="peer-assessment" <assessment name="peer-assessment"
start="2014-03-11T10:00-18:10" start="2014-03-11T10:00-18:10"
due="2014-12-21T22:22-7:00" due="2014-12-21T22:22-7:00"
must_grade="3" must_grade="1"
must_be_graded_by="3" /> must_be_graded_by="1" />
<assessment name="self-assessment" /> <assessment name="self-assessment" />
</assessments> </assessments>
</openassessment> </openassessment>
...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ class SubmissionMixin(object): ...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ class SubmissionMixin(object):
student_sub_dict = {'text': student_sub} student_sub_dict = {'text': student_sub}
submission = api.create_submission(student_item_dict, student_sub_dict) submission = api.create_submission(student_item_dict, student_sub_dict)
workflow = workflow_api.create_workflow(submission["uuid"]) workflow_api.create_workflow(submission["uuid"])
self.submission_uuid = submission["uuid"] self.submission_uuid = submission["uuid"]
return submission return submission
...@@ -4,11 +4,18 @@ Tests for grade handlers in Open Assessment XBlock. ...@@ -4,11 +4,18 @@ Tests for grade handlers in Open Assessment XBlock.
""" """
import copy import copy
import json import json
from submissions import api as sub_api
from openassessment.workflow import api as workflow_api
from openassessment.assessment import peer_api, self_api from openassessment.assessment import peer_api, self_api
from .base import XBlockHandlerTestCase, scenario from .base import XBlockHandlerTestCase, scenario
class TestGrade(XBlockHandlerTestCase): class TestGrade(XBlockHandlerTestCase):
View-level tests for the XBlock grade handlers.
PEERS = ['McNulty', 'Moreland']
{ {
...@@ -25,19 +32,107 @@ class TestGrade(XBlockHandlerTestCase): ...@@ -25,19 +32,107 @@ class TestGrade(XBlockHandlerTestCase):
@scenario('data/grade_scenario.xml', user_id='Greggs') @scenario('data/grade_scenario.xml', user_id='Greggs')
def test_render_grade(self, xblock): def test_render_grade(self, xblock):
# Submit, assess, and render the grade view
xblock, self.SUBMISSION, self.PEERS, self.ASSESSMENTS, self.ASSESSMENTS[0]
resp = self.request(xblock, 'render_grade', json.dumps(dict()))
# Verify that feedback from each scorer appears in the view
self.assertIn(u'єאςєɭɭєภՇ ฬ๏гк!', resp.decode('utf-8'))
self.assertIn(u'Good job!', resp.decode('utf-8'))
@scenario('data/grade_scenario.xml', user_id='Greggs')
def test_submit_feedback(self, xblock):
# Create submissions and assessments
xblock, self.SUBMISSION, self.PEERS, self.ASSESSMENTS, self.ASSESSMENTS[0]
# Submit feedback on the assessments
payload = json.dumps({
'feedback_text': u'I disliked my assessment',
'feedback_options': [u'Option 1', u'Option 2'],
resp = self.request(xblock, 'submit_feedback', payload, response_format='json')
# Verify that the feedback was created in the database
feedback = peer_api.get_assessment_feedback(xblock.submission_uuid)
self.assertIsNot(feedback, None)
self.assertEqual(feedback['feedback_text'], u'I disliked my assessment')
feedback['options'], [{'text': u'Option 1'}, {'text': u'Option 2'}]
@scenario('data/grade_scenario.xml', user_id='Bob')
def test_submit_feedback_no_options(self, xblock):
# Create submissions and assessments
xblock, self.SUBMISSION, self.PEERS, self.ASSESSMENTS, self.ASSESSMENTS[0]
# Submit feedback on the assessments with no options specified
payload = json.dumps({
'feedback_text': u'I disliked my assessment',
'feedback_options': [],
resp = self.request(xblock, 'submit_feedback', payload, response_format='json')
# Verify that the feedback was created in the database
feedback = peer_api.get_assessment_feedback(xblock.submission_uuid)
self.assertIsNot(feedback, None)
self.assertItemsEqual(feedback['options'], [])
@scenario('data/grade_scenario.xml', user_id='Bob')
def test_submit_feedback_invalid_options(self, xblock):
# Create submissions and assessments
xblock, self.SUBMISSION, self.PEERS, self.ASSESSMENTS, self.ASSESSMENTS[0]
# Options should be a list, not a string
payload = json.dumps({
'feedback_text': u'I disliked my assessment',
'feedback_options': u'should be a list!',
resp = self.request(xblock, 'submit_feedback', payload, response_format='json')
self.assertGreater(len(resp['msg']), 0)
def _create_submission_and_assessments(self, xblock, submission_text, peers, peer_assessments, self_assessment):
Create a submission and peer/self assessments, so that the user can receive a grade.
xblock (OpenAssessmentBlock): The XBlock, loaded for the user who needs a grade.
submission_text (unicode): Text of the submission from the user.
peers (list of unicode): List of user IDs of peers who will assess the user.
peer_assessments (list of dict): List of assessment dictionaries for peer assessments.
self_assessment (dict): Dict of assessment for self-assessment.
# Create a submission from the user # Create a submission from the user
student_item = xblock.get_student_item_dict() student_item = xblock.get_student_item_dict()
submission = xblock.create_submission(student_item, self.SUBMISSION) student_id = student_item['student_id']
xblock.get_workflow_info() submission = xblock.create_submission(student_item, submission_text)
# Create submissions and assessments from other users
scorer_submissions = [] scorer_submissions = []
for scorer_name, assessment in zip(['McNulty', 'Freamon'], self.ASSESSMENTS): for scorer_name, assessment in zip(peers, peer_assessments):
# Create a submission for each scorer
# Create a submission for each scorer for the same problem
scorer = copy.deepcopy(student_item) scorer = copy.deepcopy(student_item)
scorer['student_id'] = scorer_name scorer['student_id'] = scorer_name
scorer_sub = xblock.create_submission(scorer, self.SUBMISSION)
xblock.get_workflow_info() scorer_sub = sub_api.create_submission(scorer, {'text': submission_text})
submission = peer_api.get_submission_to_assess(scorer, 2) workflow_api.create_workflow(scorer_sub['uuid'])
submission = peer_api.get_submission_to_assess(scorer, len(peers))
# Store the scorer's submission so our user can assess it later # Store the scorer's submission so our user can assess it later
scorer_submissions.append(scorer_sub) scorer_submissions.append(scorer_sub)
...@@ -47,28 +142,15 @@ class TestGrade(XBlockHandlerTestCase): ...@@ -47,28 +142,15 @@ class TestGrade(XBlockHandlerTestCase):
assessment, {'criteria': xblock.rubric_criteria} assessment, {'criteria': xblock.rubric_criteria}
) )
# Since xblock.create_submission sets the xblock's submission_uuid,
# we need to set it back to the proper user for this test.
xblock.submission_uuid = submission["uuid"]
# Have our user make assessments (so she can get a score) # Have our user make assessments (so she can get a score)
for _ in range(2): for asmnt in peer_assessments:
new_submission = peer_api.get_submission_to_assess(student_item, 2) new_submission = peer_api.get_submission_to_assess(student_item, len(peers))
peer_api.create_assessment( peer_api.create_assessment(
new_submission['uuid'], 'Greggs', new_submission['uuid'], student_id, asmnt, {'criteria': xblock.rubric_criteria}
self.ASSESSMENTS[0], {'criteria': xblock.rubric_criteria}
) )
# Have the user submit a self-assessment (so she can get a score) # Have the user submit a self-assessment (so she can get a score)
self_api.create_assessment( self_api.create_assessment(
submission['uuid'], 'Greggs', submission['uuid'], student_id, self_assessment['options_selected'],
{'criteria': xblock.rubric_criteria} {'criteria': xblock.rubric_criteria}
) )
# Render the view
resp = self.request(xblock, 'render_grade', json.dumps(dict()))
# Verify that feedback from each scorer appears in the view
self.assertIn(u'єאςєɭɭєภՇ ฬ๏гк!', resp.decode('utf-8'))
self.assertIn(u'Good job!', resp.decode('utf-8'))
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