Commit 2f4a8093 by Eric Fischer

Merge pull request #746 from edx/efischer/update_docs

Updating outdated documentation
parents 158a3044 49889917
......@@ -17,3 +17,4 @@ Bastien Abadie <>
Omar Al-Ithawi <>
Ahsan Ulhaq <>
Ben Patterson <>
Eric Fischer <>
......@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ class PeerAssessmentMixin(object):
a new peer assessment. This dict should have the following attributes:
`submission_uuid` (string): The unique identifier for the submission being assessed.
`options_selected` (dict): Dictionary mapping criterion names to option values.
`feedback` (unicode): Written feedback for the submission.
`overall_feedback` (unicode): Written feedback for the submission as a whole.
`criterion_feedback` (unicode): Written feedback per the criteria for the submission.
Dict with keys "success" (bool) indicating success/failure.
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