Commit 20c82ea6 by Christina Roberts Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #941 from edx/christina/tnl-5195

Link tip to input fields.
parents bc5008be c4c666c2
......@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
id="submission__answer__part__text__{{ forloop.counter }}__{{ xblock_id }}"
aria-describedby="submission__answer__tip__{{ xblock_id }}"
placeholder="{% trans "Enter your response to the question above." %}"
>{{ part.text }}</textarea>
......@@ -93,7 +94,7 @@
{% include "openassessmentblock/oa_uploaded_file.html" with file_upload_type=file_upload_type file_url=file_url class_prefix="submission__answer"%}
<span class="tip">{% trans "You may continue to work on your response until you submit it." %}</span>
<span class="tip" id="submission__answer__tip__{{ xblock_id }}">{% trans "You may continue to work on your response until you submit it." %}</span>
<div class="response__submission__actions">
<div class="message message--inline message--error message--error-server" tabindex="-1">
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