Commit 0e79014f by srpearce

Merge pull request #474 from edx/sylvia/docs/ORA-43

Add information about uploading an image in a response
parents 1fac6604 9436c029
...@@ -74,6 +74,29 @@ Note that you can view your response at any time after you submit it. To do this ...@@ -74,6 +74,29 @@ Note that you can view your response at any time after you submit it. To do this
:alt: Image of the Response field collapsed and then expanded :alt: Image of the Response field collapsed and then expanded
:width: 550 :width: 550
Submit an Image with Your Response
Some assignments require you to submit an image with your text response. If you have to submit an image, you'll see buttons that you'll use to upload your image.
.. image:: /Images/PA_Upload_ChooseFile.png
:alt: Open response assessment example with Choose File and Upload Your Image buttons circled
:width: 500
To upload your image:
#. Click **Choose File**.
#. In the dialog box that opens, select the file that you want, and then click **Open**.
#. When the dialog box closes, click **Upload Your Image**.
Your image appears below the response field, and the name of the image file appears next to the **Choose File** button. If you want to change the image, follow steps 1-3 again.
.. image:: /Images/PA_Upload_WithImage.png
:alt: Example response with an image of Paris
:width: 500
.. note:: You must submit text as well as your image in your response. You can't submit a response that doesn't contain text.
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Learn to Assess Responses Learn to Assess Responses
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Change Log
July 2014
.. list-table::
:widths: 10 70
:header-rows: 1
* - Date
- Change
* - 07/15/14
- Added information about uploading an image file in a response to both :ref:`Peer Assessments` and :ref:`PA for Students`.
* -
- Added information about providing a criterion that includes a comment field only to :ref:`Peer Assessments`.
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