{% trans "Your peer's response to the question above" as translated_label %}
{% trans "Your peer's response to the prompt above" as translated_label %}
{% include "openassessmentblock/oa_submission_answer.html" with answer=topscore.submission.answer answer_text_label=translated_label %}
{% include "openassessmentblock/oa_uploaded_file.html" with file_upload_type=file_upload_type file_urls=topscore.files class_prefix="submission__answer" including_template="leaderboard_show" xblock_id=xblock_id %}
{% blocktrans with start_tag='<strong>'|safe end_tag="</strong>"|safe %}
Assignment submissions will close soon. To receive a grade, first provide a response to the question, then complete the steps below the {{ start_tag }}Your Response{{ end_tag }} field.
Assignment submissions will close soon. To receive a grade, first provide a response to the prompt, then complete the steps below the {{ start_tag }}Your Response{{ end_tag }} field.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% else %}
{% blocktrans with start_tag="<strong>"|safe end_tag="</strong>"|safe %}
This assignment has several steps. In the first step, you'll provide a response to the question. The other steps appear below the {{ start_tag }}Your Response{{ end_tag }} field.
This assignment has several steps. In the first step, you'll provide a response to the prompt. The other steps appear below the {{ start_tag }}Your Response{{ end_tag }} field.
<p>{% trans "This assignment has several steps. In the first step, you'll provide a response to the question. The other steps appear below the Your Response field." %}</p>
<p>{% trans "This assignment has several steps. In the first step, you'll provide a response to the prompt. The other steps appear below the Your Response field." %}</p>