Commit 9aad9f2d by gradyward

Merge pull request #11 from edx/update-demo-course

Updated the Demo Course to the version on Prod as of Mon. July 28th 2014
parents b0bb97db 1e5afde1
<chapter display_name="holding section" start="2970-01-01T05:00:00Z"/>
<chapter display_name="holding section" start="2970-01-01T05:00:00Z">
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<chapter display_name="Example Week 2: Get Interactive">
<sequential url_name="simulations"/>
<sequential url_name="graded_simulations"/>
<sequential url_name="machine_grading"/>
<sequential url_name="175e76c4951144a29d46211361266e0e"/>
<chapter display_name="Example Week 3: Be Social">
<sequential url_name="48ecb924d7fe4b66a230137626bfa93e"/>
<sequential url_name="dbe8fc027bcb4fe9afb744d2e8415855"/>
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<script src='/static/instanthangouts-0.1.0.js' ></script>
<div class='instanthangouts'></div>
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<html filename="55cbc99f262443d886a25cf84594eafb"/>
<h2>Protein BUILDER</h2>
<p>The protein builder allows you string together the building blocks of proteins, amino acids, and see how that string will form into a structure. You are presented with a goal protein shape, and your task is to try to re-create it. In the example below, the shape that you are asked to form is a simple line.&nbsp;</p>
<div id="ap_listener_added">&nbsp;</div>
<html filename="78e3719e864e45f3bee938461f3c3de6" display_name="Protein Builder"/>
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="/static/js/Lab_5B.js"/><h2>MOSFET AMPLIFIER EXPERIMENT</h2><p>This demonstration is to develop your intuition about
amplifiers and biasing, and to have fun with music! There are no responses
that need to be checked.</p><p>In the lab below, you will find:</p><ul><li><p>A circuit schematic of the MOSFET amplifier. You can use the sliders
to the left of the circuit to control various parameters of the MOSFET and
the amplifier.</p></li><li><p>A plot (as a function of time) of selected voltages from the amplifier
circuit. You can select the input waveform (e.g., sine wave, square wave,
various types of music) by using the \(v_\mathrm{IN}\)
drop-down menu and the associated sliders. (The parameter \(V_\mathrm{MAX}\)
sets the maximum range on the plots.)</p></li><li><p>The "Play" button which lets you listen to the selected voltage
waveform as sound. Try it out!</p></li></ul><section class="tool-wrapper"><div id="controlls-container"><div class="graph-controls"><div class="music-wrapper"><div id="graph-listen"><p>Listen to:</p><ul><li><label for="vinRadioButton"><input id="vinRadioButton" type="radio" checked="yes" name="listenToWhat"/>v<sub>IN</sub></label></li><li><label for="voutRadioButton"><input id="voutRadioButton" type="radio" name="listenToWhat"/>v<sub>OUT</sub></label></li><li><label for="vrRadioButton"><input id="vrRadioButton" type="radio" name="listenToWhat"/>v<sub>R</sub></label></li></ul></div><input id="playButton" type="button" value="Play"/></div><div class="inputs-wrapper"><p>Graph:</p><ul><li><label for="vinCheckbox"><input id="vinCheckbox" type="checkbox" checked="yes"/>v<sub>IN</sub></label></li><li><label for="voutCheckbox"><input id="voutCheckbox" type="checkbox" checked="yes"/>v<sub>OUT</sub></label></li><li><label for="vrCheckbox"><input id="vrCheckbox" type="checkbox"/>v<sub>R</sub></label></li></ul></div></div><div class="schematic-sliders"><div class="top-sliders"><p>v<sub>IN</sub>:</p><select id="musicTypeSelect" size="1"><option value="0">Zero Input</option><option value="1">Unit Impulse</option><option value="2">Unit Step</option><option selected="selected" value="3">Sine Wave</option><option value="4">Square Wave</option><option value="5">Classical Music</option><option value="6">Folk Music</option><option value="7">Jazz Music</option><option value="8">Reggae Music</option></select><div class="slider-label" id="vin"/><div class="slider" id="vinSlider"/><div class="slider-label" id="freq"/><div class="slider" id="freqSlider"/></div><div class="slider-label" id="vs"/><div class="slider" id="vsSlider"/><div class="slider-label" id="vbias"/><div class="slider" id="vbiasSlider"/><div class="slider-label" id="r"/><div class="slider" id="rSlider"/><div class="slider-label" id="k"/><div class="slider" id="kSlider"/><div class="slider-label" id="vt"/><div class="slider" id="vtSlider"/><div class="slider-label" id="vmax"/><div class="slider" id="vmaxSlider"/></div></div><div id="graph-container"><canvas id="graph" width="500" height="500">Your browser must support the Canvas element and have JavaScript enabled to view this tool.</canvas><canvas id="diag1" width="500" height="500">Your browser must support the Canvas element and have JavaScript enabled to view this tool.</canvas></div></section><br/><h2>Experiment 1: Distorted output</h2><p>Begin by selecting a sine wave input in the drop-down menu for \(v_\mathrm{IN}\).
Then, adjust the sliders to the baseline (default) setting shown below.</p><p>Baseline setting of sliders:</p><ul><li>Peak to peak voltage: \(v_\mathrm{IN}=3~\mathrm{V}\),</li><li>Frequency: \(f = 1000~\mathrm{Hz}\),</li><li>Supply voltage: \(V_\mathrm{S}=1.6~\mathrm{V}\),</li><li>Input bias voltage: \(V_\mathrm{BIAS}=2.5~\mathrm{V}\),</li><li>Pull-up resistor: \(R = 10~\mathrm{k}\Omega\),</li><li>MOSFET parameter: \(K=\frac{1~\mathrm{mA}}{\mathrm{V}^2}\),</li><li>MOSFET threshold voltage: \(V_\mathrm{T} = 1~\mathrm{V}\),</li><li>Vertical plot range: \(V_\mathrm{MAX} = 2~\mathrm{V}\).</li></ul><p>You should observe in the plot that with the baseline settings,
the amplifier produces a distorted sine wave signal for
\(v_{OUT}\). Next, go ahead and select one of the music signals as the input and
listen to each of \(v_{IN}\) and \(v_{OUT}\), and confirm for yourself that the
output sounds degraded at the chosen slider settings. You will notice
that the graph now plots the music signal waveforms. Think about the
reasons why the amplifier is producing a distorted output.</p><h2>Experiment 2: Linear regime</h2><p>We now study the amplifier's small signal
behavior. Select a sine wave as the input signal. To study the small
signal behavior, reduce the value of \(v_{IN}\) to 0.1V (peak-to-peak) by
using the \(v_{IN}\) slider. Keeping the rest of the parameters at their
baseline settings, derive an appropriate value of \(V_{BIAS}\) that will ensure
saturation region operation for the MOSFET for the 0.1V peak-to-peak swing
for \(v_{IN}\). Make sure to think about both positive and negative excursions
of the signals.</p><p>Next, use the \(V_{BIAS}\) slider to choose your computed value for \(V_{BIAS}\) and
see if the observed plot of \(v_{OUT}\) is more-or-less distortion free. If
your calculation was right, then the output will indeed be distortion free.</p><p>Next, select one of the music signals as the input and listen to each of
\(v_{IN}\) and \(v_{OUT}\), and confirm for yourself that the output sounds much
better than in Experiment 1. Also, based on sound volume, convince yourself that \(v_{OUT}\) is
an amplified version of \(v_{IN}\).</p><h2>Experiment 3: Your settings</h2><p>Now go ahead and experiment with various other settings while listening
to the music signal at \(v_{OUT}\). Observe the plots and listen to \(v_{OUT}\) as
you change, for example, the bias voltage \(V_{BIAS}\). You will notice that
the amplifier distorts the input signal when \(V_{BIAS}\) becomes too small, or
when it becomes too large. You can also experiment with various values of
\(v_{IN}\), \(R_{L}\), etc., and see how they affect the amplification and distortion.</p>
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<html filename="Lab_5B_Mosfet_Amplifier_Experiment" display_name="Electronic Sound Experiment"/>
<p>It is also possible to hang out with your classmates using Google Hangouts. See who's in there now, or arrange to meet people at specific times.</p>
<div id="ap_listener_added">&nbsp;</div>
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<html filename="d45779ad3d024a40a09ad8cc317c0970"/>
<p>The demonstrations that professors are able to put together for their edX videos can be extremely engaging and informative at the same time. Here is an example of another kind of presentation that you might encounter in a class.&nbsp;</p>
<div id="ap_listener_added">&nbsp;</div>
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<html filename="ed5dccf14ae94353961f46fa07217491" display_name=""/>
<problem display_name="Molecule Editor" graceperiod="18000 seconds" rerandomize="never" showanswer="attempted" start="2013-02-05T00:00:00Z" weight="null" xqa_key="qaijS3UatK020Wc0sfCtFe0V6jpB4d64">
<p> The Dopamine molecule, as shown, cannot make ionic bonds. Edit the dopamine molecule so it can make ionic bonds.
When you are ready, click "Check.” If you need to start over, click
<script type="loncapa/python">
def check1(expect, ans):
import json
mol_info = json.loads(ans)["info"]
return any(res == "Can Make Ionic Bonds" for res in mol_info)
<customresponse cfn="check1">
<editamoleculeinput file="/static/molecules/dopamine.mol">
<img src="/c4x/edX/DemoX/asset/Screen_Shot_2013-04-16_at_1.43.36_PM.png"/>
<problem attempts="10" display_name="Designing Proteins in Two Dimensions" graceperiod="" max_attempts="" rerandomize="never" showanswer="always" start="2013-02-05T00:00" weight="" xqa_key="qaijS3UatK020Wc0sfCtFe0V6jpB4d64">
<script type="loncapa/python">
def two_d_grader(expect,ans):
import json
if "ERROR" in ans["protex_answer"]:
raise ValueError("Protex did not understand your answer... try folding the protein")
return ans["protex_answer"]=="CORRECT"
<customresponse cfn="two_d_grader">
<designprotein2dinput width="855" height="500" target_shape="W;W;W;W;W;W;W"/>
<p>Be sure to click "Fold" to fold your protein before you click "Check".</p>
There are many protein sequences that will fold to the shape we asked you
about. Here is a sample sequence that will work. You can play around with
it if you are curious.
<problem max_attempts="" weight="" display_name="Molecule Structures" rerandomize="never" showanswer="never">
<problem display_name="Molecule Structures" max_attempts="" rerandomize="never" showanswer="never" weight="">
<p> Carbon reacts with chlorine and hydrogen to form the compound CH<sub>3</sub>Cl.</p>
<p>Construct the structure of CH<sub>3</sub>Cl.</p>
<problem display_name="Chemical Equations" rerandomize="never" showanswer="never">
<p>Some problems may ask for a particular chemical equation. You can practice this technique by writing out the following reaction in the box below.</p>
<center>\( \text{H}_2\text{SO}_4 \longrightarrow \text{ H}^+ + \text{ HSO}_4^-\)</center>
<chemicalequationinput size="50"/>
<answer type="loncapa/python">
if chemcalc.chemical_equations_equal(submission[0], 'H2SO4 -&gt; H^+ + HSO4^-'):
correct = ['correct']
correct = ['incorrect']
<p> Some tips:<ul><li>Only real element symbols are permitted.</li><li>Subscripts are entered with plain text.</li><li>Superscripts are indicated with a caret (^).</li><li>The reaction arrow (\(\longrightarrow\)) is indicated with "-&gt;".</li></ul>
So, you can enter "H2SO4 -&gt; H^+ + HSO4^-".</p>
<problem max_attempts="" weight="" display_name="Instructor-Programmed Responses" rerandomize="never" showanswer="never">
<problem display_name="Instructor-Programmed Responses" max_attempts="null" rerandomize="never" showanswer="never" weight="null">
Consider the game tree shown below.
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<vertical display_name="Homework - Find Your Study Buddy" parent_sequential_url="i4x://edX/DemoX/sequential/48ecb924d7fe4b66a230137626bfa93e" index_in_children_list="3">
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<vertical display_name="Molecule Structures" parent_sequential_url="i4x://edX/DemoX/sequential/graded_simulations" index_in_children_list="5">
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<vertical display_name="When Are Your Exams? " parent_sequential_url="i4x://edX/DemoX/sequential/19a30717eff543078a5d94ae9d6c18a5" index_in_children_list="9">
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<vertical display_name="Instructor Programmed Responses" parent_sequential_url="i4x://edX/DemoX/sequential/basic_questions" index_in_children_list="7">
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<assessment name="peer-assessment" must_grade="3" must_be_graded_by="2"/>
<assessment name="self-assessment"/>
Describe your favorite meal, and write a persuasive argument to convince someone to try that meal. Support your position with facts and examples from your experience.
<criterion feedback="optional">
<prompt>Did the response describe a meal and did it describe why someone should chose to eat it? </prompt>
<option points="0">
<name>Off Topic</name>
<explanation>The essay is off-topic or does not answer all or part of the question.</explanation>
<option points="5">
<name>No Explanation</name>
<explanation>A meal is described, but no argument is made to persuade the reader to try it.</explanation>
<option points="5">
<name>Unclear recommendation</name>
<explanation>A meal is not described, but an argument is made to persuade the reader to try it.</explanation>
<option points="10">
<name>Persuasive recommendation</name>
<explanation>The essay give a good description of the meal and provides supporting reasons for trying the meal.</explanation>
<name>Organization &amp; Clarity</name>
<prompt>How well did the response use language?</prompt>
<option points="0">
<explanation>It is difficult to identify the argument and main idea. </explanation>
<option points="1">
<name>Basic Structure</name>
<explanation>The essay provides a main idea. Additional details are provided, and some support the main idea.</explanation>
<option points="2">
<name>Clear Structure</name>
<explanation>The essay provides a clear main idea supported by specific details.</explanation>
<option points="3">
<name>Complete Structure</name>
<explanation>The essay has a complete structure: an introduction, statement of main idea, supporting details and summary.
<prompt>How well did the response convince you to try the meal that it describes?</prompt>
<option points="0">
<explanation>The author did not present a persuasive argument, and I have no interest in trying this meal.</explanation>
<option points="2">
<explanation>The author’s argument was somewhat persuarsive. I need more information to consider trying this meal.</explanation>
<option points="4">
<explanation>The author’s argument was persuasive, and I will consider trying the meal.</explanation>
<option points="6">
<explanation>The author presented an exceptionally strong case and has convinced me to try the meal.
<feedbackprompt>How does this meal compare with the meal you submitted?</feedbackprompt>
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<vertical display_name="Introduction: Video and Sequences" parent_sequential_url="i4x://edX/DemoX/sequential/edx_introduction" index_in_children_list="0">
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<html url_name="2b94658d2eee4d85ae13f83bc24cfca9"/>
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<vertical display_name="Chemical Equations" parent_sequential_url="i4x://edX/DemoX/sequential/basic_questions" index_in_children_list="4">
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<h2>WELCOME TO ESSAYS!&nbsp;</h2>
<p>While taking a course, you may be asked to write an essay or other written response. Follow the sequence above to see how assessment tools for written answers at edX work. &nbsp;In some cases, your peers grade your answer, in another scenario, a rather sophisticated AI like tool &ldquo;reads&rdquo; and provides you feedback. In every case, working with the assessment tools is easy and can help you showcase your best thinking. &nbsp;</p>
<html filename="02010ad64e514c47a241bbb656df06b9" display_name="Welcome to Essays!" source_code="\subsection{Example of E-text in LaTeX}&#10;&#10;It is very convenient to write complex equations in LaTeX. &#10;&#10;\begin{equation}&#10; x = \frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4*a*c}}{2a}&#10;\end{equation}&#10;&#10;Seize the moment.&#10;"/>
<h2>FEEDBACK AND AI-&ldquo;GRADED&rdquo; ESSAYS</h2>
<p>This edX platform has AI like tools that give you detailed feedback on essays and can even apply the teacher&rsquo;s rubric to provide you a &ldquo;grade&rdquo; on answers that is similar to the grade a human grader would award. &nbsp;This feedback engine is a great way to get ongoing, detailed feedback in an online setting.</p>
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<p style="font-size: 16px;"><span style="line-height: 1.6;">If you passed your edX course, your certificate will be delivered online through&nbsp;</span><a style="line-height: 1.6;" href=""></a><span style="line-height: 1.6;">. &nbsp;Be sure to check your email in the weeks following the final grading &ndash; you will be able to download and print your certificate.</span>&nbsp;Once the certificate generation process has completed, you will be able to download it from your profile page.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="/static/edX-SampleCertificate-Ux_x400.png" /></p>
<p><img alt="" src="/c4x/edX/DemoX/asset/edX-SampleCertificate-Ux_x400.png" /></p>
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<p>This demo course is meant to show you the workflow of the edX essay grading options, not to make you write essays. If you don't want to compose your own essay, you can try these responses:</p>
<li>Books that are offensive should not be taken off the shelf all together, but should be put in a section made for adult readers only. This way no children would see the book anyway. If an offensive book is in a school or any other place that the readers are children for the majority than it should be ok to take that book off of the shelf. All together it should be ok to remove an offensive book from a shelf but only if the book is offencive to the wrong audience.</li>
<li>No, i do not think that books, magizines, movies and music should be removed. However, I do think that the books, magizines, movies, and music should be monitred by age. The reason why is because younger children sould not be reading , listening, or watching material that is for adults or teenagers. They way these type of things can be monitred is by the child's library card. The card could have their name, age, grade, and date of birth. If there is a certain book, magizine, movie, and music that the child want a parent has to be there with them. The parent needs to show a form of identification so that the librian knows that the parent is of age. Teenagers should also be moniterd. Event though they are almost adults. Some parents not agree with some of the material. So, if their parents does not want them reading certain things their should be stickers on their cards. Even though there are plenty of opinions about what a persons child is reading , watching, or listening to I think there should be certain ways to watch what children are reading, watching or listening to.</li>
<li>In libraries, there should not be censorship on materials considering that it's an individual's decision to read what they prefer. There is no appropriate standard on what makes a book offensive to a group, so it should be undetermined as to what makes a book offensive. In a public library, many children, who the books are censored for, are with their parents. Parents should make an independent choice on what they can allow their children to read. Letting society ban a book simply for the use of inappropriate materials is ridiculous. If an author spent time creating a story, it should be appreciated, and should not put on a list of no-nos. If a certain person doesn't like a book's reputation, all they have to do is not read it. Even in school systems, librarians are there to guide kids to read good books. If a child wants to read an inappropriate book, the librarian will most likely discourage him or her not to read it. In my experience, I wanted to read a book that my mother suggested to me, but as I went to the school library it turned out to be a censored book. Some parents believe children should be ignorant about offensive things written in books, but honestly many of the same ideas are exploited to them everyday on television and internet. So trying to shield your child from the bad things may be a great thing, but the efforts are usually failed attempts. It also never occurs to the people censoring the books, that some people can't afford to buy the books they want to read. The libraries, for some, are the main means for getting books. To conclude there is very little reason to ban a book from the shelves. Many of the books banned have important lessons that can be obtained through reading it. If a person doesn't like a book, the simplest thing to do is not to pick it up.</li>
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<html filename="23706de8d68441e5a7d2e571cf0031ea" display_name="Sample Answers"/>
<h2>Labs and Demos</h2>
<p><img src="/static/labs_x250.png" alt="" width="250" hspace="12" vspace="12" border="0" align="right" />Professors that create courses on edX are able to implement highly interactive experiences that allow you as a student to experiment using easy to use online web applications. These labs are customized to each class and subject area. We have collected a couple of the more popular lab environments here for you to experience and play with.</p>
<p><img src="/c4x/edX/DemoX/asset/labs_x250.png" alt="Labs" width="250" hspace="12" vspace="12" border="0" align="right" />Professors that create courses on edX are able to implement highly interactive experiences that allow you as a student to experiment using easy to use online web applications. These labs are customized to each class and subject area. We have collected a couple of the more popular lab environments here for you to experience and play with.</p>
<p>Please be patient with yourself as you take a look around at these lab environments. You probably will not be able to answer these questions without taking a course on the topic first!</p>
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<h2>Self-Assessed Essay</h2>
<p>In one of the most straight-forward assessment mechanisms, you are given an opportunity to answer a question, and are then asked to assess your own performance based on an instructor-provided rubric or rule. Writing and assessing your own answers allows you to develop high levels of reflection as you revisit your answers, discovering for yourself your strengths and weaknesses in a way that will make it easier to understand how to learn. You can use the example below to see how it works.&nbsp;</p>
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<html filename="2c0c2b4fc0ae4da381cb534268f17d07" display_name="Self-Assessed Essay"/>
<h2>Combined Open-Ended Assessment</h2>
<p>All of the options for open-ended grading can be combined in order to provide multiple ways of grading the same problem. &nbsp;The combination can even require that you pass a certain level on one phase of grading before continuing on to the next phase of getting feedback.</p>
<p>The example below has combined self-assessment, machine assessment, and peer assessment.&nbsp;</p>
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<script src='/static/instanthangouts-0.1.0.js' ></script>
<div class='instanthangouts'></div>
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<h2>Passing a COurse</h2>
<p><span style="line-height: 1.6;"><span style="line-height: 1.6;">After the last assignment in a class has been due, you will see the entry in your student profile change to show progress toward generating your certificate. After the certificate generation process has completed, you will be able to download it from your profile page.</span></span></p>
<p><img alt="" src="/static/passing.png" /></p>
<p><img alt="" src="/c4x/edX/DemoX/asset/passing.png" /></p>
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<h2>Find Your Study Buddy</h2>
<p>Working with other students offline can help you get the most out of an edX course and even increase the likelihood you will successfully complete the course. So, your homework is to find a study buddy.</p>
<p>The <a href="">edX Meetup Community</a> is a fantastic way to find study buddies in your area. Meetups make it easy for students to organize get-togethers or study sessions in coffee shops and cafes, libraries, or at local schools. If there isn&rsquo;t an edX Meetup Community in your area, you can easily start one up.</p>
<p>Here are some Meetup Communities near you:<br /> <iframe src=";w=600&amp;bg=light" height="320" width="600" title="Communities Near You"></iframe> <br /> The course specific discussion forums are also a great place to find neighbors or even new friends to invite to a Meetup you are looking to organize or even a virtual Google Hangout. Make sure you also join the edX community on <a href="">Facebook</a>, <a href="">Google+</a> or <a href="">Vkontakte</a> and to share with friends your edX experience. You may even inspire a friend to join edX and enroll in the course with you.</p>
<br /> The course specific discussion forums are also a great place to find neighbors or even new friends to invite to a Meetup you are looking to organize or even a virtual Google Hangout. Make sure you also join the edX community on <a href="">Facebook</a>, <a href="">Google+</a> or <a href="">Vkontakte</a> and to share with friends your edX experience. You may even inspire a friend to join edX and enroll in the course with you.</p>
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<h2>Peer-Graded Essay</h2>
<p>Lastly, your course might use peer-graded essay assignments. &nbsp;One of the best ways to learn is to be exposed to other people's responses to a question that you have already thought critically about. Reading incorrect responses will make you more aware of many of the subtleties in a question that you might have otherwise taken for granted. Reading correct responses allows you to see different perspectives on the same question. &nbsp;</p>
<p>In some courses, several of these essays tools are used together to really provide a great learning experience.&nbsp;</p>
<p>How does the peer-grading tool work? &nbsp;There are three steps:</p>
<li>Answer the question. Write a response to the prompt to the best of your ability.</li>
<li>Contributing to the student community: grade other people's responses. You will be provided with a rubric by the instructor, and asked to evaluate how other people's responses compare to the rubric. You can participate in this grading workflow by clicking on the "Open Ended Panel" option on the top of the screen, or by using the "Peer Grading" panel on this page below your submission.</li>
<li>After you have graded other student responses, your response will be included in the pool of responses to be graded, and other students will provide you with feedback on how you have done. You will see the results of the peer grading process in the same place in the courseware that you originally submitted your response.&nbsp;</li>
<p>You can use the example embedded here to see the peer grading concept in action.&nbsp;</p>
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<html filename="625da8989bdc4b7fa0acdb98618c98ac" display_name="Peer-Graded Essay"/>
<p>Some edX classes use extremely large, extremely detailed graphics. To make it easier to understand we can offer two versions of those graphics, with the zoomed section showing when you click on the main view.</p>
<p>The example below is from <a href="" target="_blank">7.00x: Introduction to Biology</a> and shows a subset of the biochemical reactions that cells carry out. </p>
<p>Some edX classes use extremely large, extremely detailed graphics. To make it easier to understand we can offer two versions of those graphics, with the zoomed section showing when you click on the main view.&nbsp;</p>
<p>The&nbsp;example below is from&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">7.00x: Introduction to Biology</a>&nbsp;and shows a subset of the biochemical reactions that cells carry out.&nbsp;</p>
<p>You can view the chemical structures of the molecules by clicking on them. The magnified view also lists the enzymes involved in each step.</p>
<p class="sr">Press spacebar to open the magifier.</p>
<div class="zooming-image-place" style="position: relative;">
<a class="loupe" href="">
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<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="" />
<a class="loupe" href="//">
<img alt="magnify" src="//" />
<div class="script_placeholder" data-src="//" />
<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
JavascriptLoader.executeModuleScripts($('.zooming-image-place').eq(0), function() {
width: 350,
height: 350,
lightbox: false
$(document).keydown(function(event) {
if (event.keyCode == 32) {
$('.loupe img').click();
width: 350,
height: 350,
lightbox: false
// ]]></script>
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<h2>Lesson 2: Let's Get INTERACTIVE!</h2>
<p><img src="/static/interactive_x250.png" alt="Interactive" width="250" hspace="12" vspace="12" border="0" align="right" />Now that you know your way around an edX course let's look at some of the exciting interactive tools you may encounter. Use the learning sequence above to explore. &nbsp;</p>
<p><img src="/c4x/edX/DemoX/asset/interactive_x250.png" alt="Interactive" width="250" hspace="12" vspace="12" border="0" align="right" />Now that you know your way around an edX course let's look at some of the exciting interactive tools you may encounter. Use the learning sequence above to explore. &nbsp;</p>
<p>Once you have tried the interactive tools in this lesson, make sure to check out the week 2 homework where we show you several of the really cool interactive labs we&rsquo;ve created for past courses. &nbsp;They&rsquo;re fun to play with. &nbsp;Many courses will have tools and labs that you need to use to complete homework assignments.</p>
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<h2>EDX EXAMS</h2>
<p><img src="/static/exam_x250.png" alt="Exam" width="250" hspace="12" vspace="12" border="0" align="right" />Not all edX courses have exams; many do, but not all. When choosing a course, it's a good idea to check the exam and study requirements, as well as any prerequisites.</p>
<p><img src="/c4x/edX/DemoX/asset/exam_x250.png" alt="Exam" width="250" hspace="12" vspace="12" border="0" align="right" />Not all edX courses have exams; many do, but not all. When choosing a course, it's a good idea to check the exam and study requirements, as well as any prerequisites.</p>
<p>Of course &nbsp;- you can "audit" any edX course, which means you can study alongside other students using the same content, tools and materials, but you're not focused on grades and might skip the exams and assignments.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Follow this learning sequence via the links above to understand more about how we grade your work and track your progress.</p>
<p><img alt="" src="/static/getting-started_x250.png" width="250" />Welcome to the first week of the sample edX Course! We created this to give you &ldquo;the basics&rdquo; of how courses work at edX. Almost all edX courses have weeks, lessons, lectures, homework assignments, and exams. This demo course has three example weeks &ndash; most courses last 4 to 12 weeks.</p>
<p><img alt="Getting Started" src="/static/getting-started_x250.png" width="250" />Welcome to the first week of the sample edX Course! We created this to give you &ldquo;the basics&rdquo; of how courses work at edX. Almost all edX courses have weeks, lessons, lectures, homework assignments, and exams. This demo course has three example weeks &ndash; most courses last 4 to 12 weeks.</p>
<p>You are in Week 1, Lesson 1. Lessons typically include things like videos, readings, interactive questions, laboratories and more. &nbsp;These are presented from left to right, in&nbsp;the row of links above. At edX we call this a <em>lesson</em> or a <em>learning sequence.</em></p>
<p>Explore the lesson sequence by clicking on the icons above or the arrows below.&nbsp; We tried to make these fun, so make sure to check out each item. &nbsp;</p>
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<p>It is also possible to hang out with your classmates using Google Hangouts. See who's in there now, or arrange to meet people at specific times.</p>
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<p>The demonstrations that professors are able to put together for their edX videos can be extremely engaging and informative at the same time. Here is an example of another kind of presentation that you might encounter in a class.&nbsp;</p>
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<p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 16px; vertical-align: baseline; color: #4c4c4c;">The progress tab (selectable near the top of each page in your course) shows your performance. Click on it now, and you will see how you're doing in this demo course.</p>
<p style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 16px; vertical-align: baseline; color: #4c4c4c;">The bar chart shows the overall percentage that you have earned on each assignment in the course, and how each of those assignments combine into your overall grade. Further down the page is a detailed breakdown of your score on every graded question in the class.&nbsp;</p>
<p><img alt="" src="/static/ProgressPage.png" /></p>
<p><img alt="" src="/c4x/edX/DemoX/asset/ProgressPage.png" /></p>
<p style="margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 16px; vertical-align: baseline; color: #4c4c4c;">You might notice that some of your assignments on the bar chart show an 'x'. The 'x's indicate the assignments that the edX system will NOT be counting toward your final grade, according to the course grading. The 'x's go to the assignments that you scored the lowest on. &nbsp;</p>
<p style="margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 16px; vertical-align: baseline; color: #4c4c4c;">Each course has its own percentage cutoff for a Certificate of Mastery. You can see where those cutoffs are by looking at the vertical description. In this demo, a "pass" is considered 60%. When you "pass" a live edX course, you will receive a certificate after the class has closed. Sorry - the demo course does not grant certificates!</p>
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<h2 style="text-rendering: optimizelegibility; font-size: 19px; margin: 30px 40px 30px 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-family: 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline;">Be SOCIAL</h2>
<img src="/static/social_x250.png" alt="Be Social" width="250" hspace="12" vspace="12" border="0" align="right"><p>A big part of learning online includes &ldquo;being social.&rdquo; EdX encourages all students to communicate within the course discussion forums &ndash; a great place to connect with other students and to get support from the course staff. Some students and professors also engage through other social mediums like <a href="">MeetUps</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</p>
<img src="/c4x/edX/DemoX/asset/social_x250.png" alt="Be Social" width="250" hspace="12" vspace="12" border="0" align="right"><p>A big part of learning online includes &ldquo;being social.&rdquo; EdX encourages all students to communicate within the course discussion forums &ndash; a great place to connect with other students and to get support from the course staff. Some students and professors also engage through other social mediums like <a href="">MeetUps</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>.</p>
<p>Recent research has found that if you take a class with a friend, or engage socially with other learners while taking a course, there is a higher likelihood that you will complete a course. If you haven&rsquo;t already, consider finding a study buddy!</p>
<p>Check out more information about the discussion forum by navigating to the next item in this learning sequence.</p>
<p>NOTE: To learn more about the rules of engagement, please visit the edX <a href="" target="_blank">Honor Code</a>. We actively monitor the forums. If people post inappropriately, or do not behave in a respectful way, we reserve the right to terminate their account. Simply put, treat others the way you want to be treated.</p>
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<ol><li><h2>Welcome!</h2>Hi! Welcome to the edX demonstration course. We built this to help you become more familiar with taking a course on edX prior to your first day of class.
In a live course, this section is where all of the latest course announcements and updates would be. To get started with this demo course, view the <a href="/course/courseware/d8a6192ade314473a78242dfeedfbf5b/edx_introduction/">courseware page</a> and click &#8220;Example Week 1&#8221; in the left hand navigation.
In a live course, this section is where all of the latest course announcements and updates would be. To get started with this demo course, view the
<a href="/course/courseware/d8a6192ade314473a78242dfeedfbf5b/edx_introduction/">courseware page</a> and click &#8220;Example Week 1&#8221; in the left hand navigation.
We tried to make this both fun and informative. We hope you like it. &#8211; The edX Team
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