Commit 9a92afda by gradyward

Gutted the file

parent 90bde0cd
......@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import numpy
from itertools import chain
import math
import nltk
import pickle
import logging
import sys
import tempfile
......@@ -39,21 +38,6 @@ class AlgorithmTypes(object):
classification = "classifiction"
def create_model_path(model_path):
Creates a path to model files
model_path - string
if not model_path.startswith("/") and not model_path.startswith("models/"):
model_path = "/" + model_path
if not model_path.startswith("models"):
model_path = "models" + model_path
if not model_path.endswith(".p"):
model_path += ".p"
return model_path
def sub_chars(string):
Strips illegal characters from a string. Used to sanitize input essays.
......@@ -176,32 +160,6 @@ def make_unique(sequence):
return list(set(sequence))
def count_list(the_list):
Generates a count of the number of times each unique item appears in a list
count = the_list.count
result = [(item, count(item)) for item in set(the_list)]
return result
def regenerate_good_tokens(string):
Given an input string, part of speech tags the string, then generates a list of
ngrams that appear in the string.
Used to define grammatically correct part of speech tag sequences.
Returns a list of part of speech tag sequences.
toks = nltk.word_tokenize(string)
pos_string = nltk.pos_tag(toks)
pos_seq = [tag[1] for tag in pos_string]
pos_ngrams = ngrams(pos_seq, 2, 4)
sel_pos_ngrams = make_unique(pos_ngrams)
return sel_pos_ngrams
def get_vocab(essays, scores, max_features_pass_1=750, max_features_pass_2=200):
Uses a fisher test to find words that are significant in that they separate
......@@ -255,41 +213,7 @@ def get_vocab(essays, scores, max_features_pass_1=750, max_features_pass_2=200):
return vocab
def edit_distance(s1, s2):
Calculates string edit distance between string 1 and string 2.
Deletion, insertion, substitution, and transposition all increase edit distance.
d = {}
lenstr1 = len(s1)
lenstr2 = len(s2)
for i in xrange(-1, lenstr1 + 1):
d[(i, -1)] = i + 1
for j in xrange(-1, lenstr2 + 1):
d[(-1, j)] = j + 1
for i in xrange(lenstr1):
for j in xrange(lenstr2):
if s1[i] == s2[j]:
cost = 0
cost = 1
d[(i, j)] = min(
d[(i - 1, j)] + 1, # deletion
d[(i, j - 1)] + 1, # insertion
d[(i - 1, j - 1)] + cost, # substitution
if i and j and s1[i] == s2[j - 1] and s1[i - 1] == s2[j]:
d[(i, j)] = min(d[(i, j)], d[i - 2, j - 2] + cost) # transposition
return d[lenstr1 - 1, lenstr2 - 1]
class Error(Exception):
class InputError(Error):
class InputError(Exception):
def __init__(self, expr, msg):
self.expr = expr
self.msg = msg
......@@ -324,45 +248,6 @@ def gen_cv_preds(clf, arr, sel_score, num_chunks=3):
return (all_preds)
def gen_model(clf, arr, sel_score):
Fits a classifier to data and a target score
clf is an input classifier that implements the fit method.
arr is a data array(X)
sel_score is the target list (y) where y[n] corresponds to X[n,:]
sim_fit is not a useful return value. Instead the clf is the useful output.
set_score = numpy.asarray(sel_score,
sim_fit =, set_score)
return (sim_fit)
def gen_preds(clf, arr):
Generates predictions on a novel data array using a fit classifier
clf is a classifier that has already been fit
arr is a data array identical in dimension to the array clf was trained on
Returns the array of predictions.
if (hasattr(clf, "predict_proba")):
ret = clf.predict(arr)
# pred_score=preds.argmax(1)+min(x._score)
ret = clf.predict(arr)
return ret
def calc_list_average(l):
Calculates the average value of a list of numbers
Returns a float
total = 0.0
for value in l:
total += value
return total / len(l)
stdev = lambda d: (sum((x - 1. * sum(d) / len(d)) ** 2 for x in d) / (1. * (len(d) - 1))) ** .5
......@@ -464,59 +349,3 @@ def get_wordnet_syns(word):
synonyms.append(pat.sub(" ", swords.lower()))
synonyms = make_unique(synonyms)
return synonyms
def get_separator_words(toks1):
Finds the words that separate a list of tokens from a background corpus
Basically this generates a list of informative/interesting words in a set
toks1 is a list of words
Returns a list of separator words
tab_toks1 = nltk.FreqDist(word.lower() for word in toks1)
if (os.path.isfile(ESSAY_COR_TOKENS_PATH)):
toks2 = pickle.load(open(ESSAY_COR_TOKENS_PATH, 'rb'))
essay_corpus = open(ESSAY_CORPUS_PATH).read()
essay_corpus = sub_chars(essay_corpus)
toks2 = nltk.FreqDist(word.lower() for word in nltk.word_tokenize(essay_corpus))
pickle.dump(toks2, open(ESSAY_COR_TOKENS_PATH, 'wb'))
sep_words = []
for word in tab_toks1.keys():
tok1_present = tab_toks1[word]
if (tok1_present > 2):
tok1_total = tab_toks1._N
tok2_present = toks2[word]
tok2_total = toks2._N
fish_val = pvalue(tok1_present, tok2_present, tok1_total, tok2_total).two_tail
if (fish_val < .001 and tok1_present / float(tok1_total) > (tok2_present / float(tok2_total)) * 2):
sep_words = [w for w in sep_words if not w in nltk.corpus.stopwords.words("english") and len(w) > 5]
return sep_words
def encode_plus(s):
Literally encodes the plus sign
input is a string
returns the string with plus signs encoded
regex = r"\+"
pat = re.compile(regex)
return pat.sub("%2B", s)
def getMedian(numericValues):
Gets the median of a list of values
Returns a float/int
theValues = sorted(numericValues)
if len(theValues) % 2 == 1:
return theValues[(len(theValues) + 1) / 2 - 1]
lower = theValues[len(theValues) / 2 - 1]
upper = theValues[len(theValues) / 2]
return (float(lower + upper)) / 2
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