Commit 8bc96cb8 by gradyward

Finished first round changes to

Still some serious logical work needs to be done.
parent 2a2972f8
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class FeatureExtractor(object):
self._grammar_errors_per_character = total_grammar_errors / total_characters
# Generates a bag of vocabulary features
vocabulary_features = self.gen_vocabulary_features(essay_set)
vocabulary_features = self.generate_vocabulary_features(essay_set)
# Sum of a row of bag of words features (topical words in an essay)
feature_row_sum = numpy.sum(vocabulary_features[:, :])
......@@ -175,31 +175,37 @@ class FeatureExtractor(object):
return good_grammar_ratios, bad_pos_positions
def gen_length_feats(self, e_set):
def generate_length_features(self, essay_set):
Generates length based features from an essay set
Generally an internal function called by gen_feats
Returns an array of length features
e_set - EssaySet object
An exclusively internal function, called by generate_features
essay_set (EssaySet): the essay set to extract length features from
An array of features that have been extracted based on length
text = e_set._text
lengths = [len(e) for e in text]
word_counts = [max(len(t), 1) for t in e_set._tokens]
comma_count = [e.count(",") for e in text]
ap_count = [e.count("'") for e in text]
punc_count = [e.count(".") + e.count("?") + e.count("!") for e in text]
chars_per_word = [lengths[m] / float(word_counts[m]) for m in xrange(0, len(text))]
essays = essay_set._cleaned_essays
lengths = [len(e) for e in essays]
word_counts = [max(len(t), 1) for t in essay_set._tokens]
comma_count = [e.count(",") for e in essays]
apostrophe_count = [e.count("'") for e in essays]
punctuation_count = [e.count(".") + e.count("?") + e.count("!") for e in essays]
chars_per_word = [lengths[m] / float(word_counts[m]) for m in xrange(0, len(essays))]
good_pos_tags, bad_pos_positions = self._get_grammar_errors(e_set._pos, e_set._text, e_set._tokens)
good_pos_tag_prop = [good_pos_tags[m] / float(word_counts[m]) for m in xrange(0, len(text))]
good_grammar_ratios, bad_pos_positions = self._get_grammar_errors(essay_set._pos, essay_set._text, essay_set._tokens)
good_pos_tag_proportion = [len(bad_pos_positions[m]) / float(word_counts[m]) for m in xrange(0, len(essays))]
length_arr = numpy.array((
lengths, word_counts, comma_count, ap_count, punc_count, chars_per_word, good_pos_tags,
length_array = numpy.array((
lengths, word_counts, comma_count, apostrophe_count, punctuation_count, chars_per_word, good_grammar_ratios,
return length_arr.copy()
return length_array.copy()
def gen_vocabulary_features(self, essay_set):
def generate_vocabulary_features(self, essay_set):
Generates a bag of words features from an essay set and a trained FeatureExtractor (self)
......@@ -231,23 +237,28 @@ class FeatureExtractor(object):
- Vocabulary Features (both Normal and Stemmed Vocabulary)
- Prompt Features
vocabulary_features = self.gen_vocabulary_features(essay_set)
length_features = self.gen_length_feats(essay_set)
prompt_features = self.gen_prompt_feats(essay_set)
vocabulary_features = self.generate_vocabulary_features(essay_set)
length_features = self.generate_length_features(essay_set)
prompt_features = self.generate_prompt_features(essay_set)
# Lumps them all together, copies to solidify, and returns
overall_features = numpy.concatenate((length_features, prompt_features, vocabulary_features), axis=1)
overall_features = overall_features.copy()
return overall_features
def gen_prompt_feats(self, e_set):
def generate_prompt_features(self, essay_set):
Generates prompt based features from an essay set object and internal prompt variable.
Generally called internally by gen_feats
Returns an array of prompt features
e_set - EssaySet object
Called internally by generate_features
essay_set (EssaySet): an essay set object that is manipulated to generate prompt features
an array of prompt features
prompt_toks = nltk.word_tokenize(e_set._prompt)
prompt_toks = nltk.word_tokenize(essay_set._prompt)
expand_syns = []
for word in prompt_toks:
synonyms = util_functions.get_wordnet_syns(word)
......@@ -255,7 +266,7 @@ class FeatureExtractor(object):
expand_syns = list(chain.from_iterable(expand_syns))
prompt_overlap = []
prompt_overlap_prop = []
for j in e_set._tokens:
for j in essay_set._tokens:
tok_length = len(j)
if (tok_length == 0):
tok_length = 1
......@@ -263,7 +274,7 @@ class FeatureExtractor(object):
prompt_overlap_prop.append(prompt_overlap[len(prompt_overlap) - 1] / float(tok_length))
expand_overlap = []
expand_overlap_prop = []
for j in e_set._tokens:
for j in essay_set._tokens:
tok_length = len(j)
if (tok_length == 0):
tok_length = 1
......@@ -274,29 +285,40 @@ class FeatureExtractor(object):
return prompt_arr.copy()
def gen_feedback(self, e_set, features=None):
def generate_feedback(self, essay_set, features=None):
Generate feedback for a given set of essays
e_set - EssaySet object
features - optionally, pass in a matrix of features extracted from e_set using FeatureExtractor
in order to get off topic feedback.
Returns a list of lists (one list per essay in e_set)
e_set - EssaySet object
Generates feedback for a given set of essays
essay_set (EssaySet): The essay set that will have feedback assigned to it.
features (list of feature): optionally, a matrix of features extracted from e_set using FeatureExtractor
#TODO This is still bad.
#Set ratio to modify thresholds for grammar/spelling errors
modifier_ratio = 1.05
#GBW TODO: This might be wrong.
#Calc number of grammar and spelling errors per character
set_grammar, bad_pos_positions = self._get_grammar_errors(e_set._pos, e_set._text, e_set._tokens)
set_grammar_per_character = [set_grammar[m] / float(len(e_set._text[m]) + .1) for m in
xrange(0, len(e_set._text))]
set_spell_errors_per_character = [e_set._spelling_errors[m] / float(len(e_set._text[m]) + .1) for m in
xrange(0, len(e_set._text))]
#Iterate through essays and create a feedback dict for each
set_grammar, bad_pos_positions = self._get_grammar_errors(essay_set._pos, essay_set._text, essay_set._tokens)
set_grammar_per_character = [
set_grammar[m] / float(
len(essay_set._cleaned_essays[m]) + .1) for m in xrange(0, len(essay_set._cleaned_essays)
set_spell_errors_per_character = [
essay_set._spelling_errors[m] / float(
len(essay_set._cleaned_essays[m]) + .1) for m in xrange(0, len(essay_set._cleaned_essays)
#Iterate through essays and create a feedback dictionary for each
all_feedback = []
for m in xrange(0, len(e_set._text)):
for m in xrange(0, len(essay_set._text)):
#Be very careful about changing these messages!
individual_feedback = {'grammar': "Grammar: Ok.",
'spelling': "Spelling: Ok.",
......@@ -305,7 +327,7 @@ class FeatureExtractor(object):
'spelling_per_char': set_spell_errors_per_character[m],
'too_similar_to_prompt': False,
markup_tokens = e_set._markup_text[m].split(" ")
markup_tokens = essay_set._markup_text[m].split(" ")
#This loop ensures that sequences of bad grammar get put together into one sequence instead of staying
......@@ -315,8 +337,8 @@ class FeatureExtractor(object):
if z in bad_pos_starts:
markup_tokens[z] = '<bg>' + markup_tokens[z]
elif z in bad_pos_ends:
markup_tokens[z] = markup_tokens[z] + "</bg>"
if (len(bad_pos_ends) > 0 and len(bad_pos_starts) > 0 and len(markup_tokens) > 1):
markup_tokens[z] += "</bg>"
if len(bad_pos_ends) > 0 and len(bad_pos_starts) > 0 and len(markup_tokens) > 1:
if max(bad_pos_ends) > (len(markup_tokens) - 1) and max(bad_pos_starts) < (len(markup_tokens) - 1):
markup_tokens[len(markup_tokens) - 1] += "</bg>"
......@@ -330,8 +352,8 @@ class FeatureExtractor(object):
#mean. Requires features to be passed in
if features is not None:
f_row_sum = numpy.sum(features[m, 12:])
f_row_prop = f_row_sum / len(e_set._text[m])
if f_row_prop < (self._mean_f_prop / 1.5) or len(e_set._text[m]) < 20:
f_row_prop = f_row_sum / len(essay_set._text[m])
if f_row_prop < (self._mean_f_prop / 1.5) or len(essay_set._text[m]) < 20:
individual_feedback['topicality'] = "Topicality: Essay may be off topic."
if (features[m, 9] > .6):
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def grade(grader_data, submission):
grader_features = None
grader_features = extractor.generate_features(grader_set)
feedback = extractor.gen_feedback(grader_set, grader_features)[0]
feedback = extractor.generate_feedback(grader_set, grader_features)[0]
results['score'] = int(model.predict(grader_features)[0])
error_message = "Could not extract features and score essay."
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