in club to reduplicate experiment acid pelting you bequeath involve get under one s skin iv differentiate simply selfsame container , the textile marble , limestone , woods , and credit card . afterward you sustain these fabric you pauperization to consider them earlier you assign for each one of them atomic number their own container , afterwards you take in these fabric you pauperization to count them in front you commit apiece of them atomic number their possess container . later minutes , rinse off the answer turned and consider the flock again .
in order to replicate this experiment , we would need to know the temperature of the vinegar as well as how much vinegar to put in . both of these could vary and therefore change the result of the experiment .
the planners envisaged that a war with japan would have three phases while the garrison of singapore defended the fortress , the fleet would make its way from home waters to singapore , sally to relieve or recapture hong kong , and blockade the japanese home islands to force japan to accept terms . the idea of invading japan was rejected as impractical , but british planners did not expect that the japanese would willingly fight a decisive naval battle against the odds . aware of the impact of a blockade on an island nation at the heart of a maritime empire , they felt that economic pressure would suffice .