Commit cf3b1785 by Greg Price

Merge pull request #67 from edx/gprice/commentable-ids-param

Allow more endpoints to use commentable_ids param
parents 693cb4a6 e5b50f4e
......@@ -14,3 +14,5 @@ Christina Roberts <>
Calen Pennington <>
Ed Zarecor <>
Jay Zoldak <>
Jim Abramson <>
Greg Price <>
......@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ These are notable changes in cs_comments_service. This is a rolling list of cha
in roughly chronological order, most recent first. Add your entries at or near
the top. Include a label indicating the component affected.
**api:** Add the ability to filter by commentable id to more endpoints
(in particular, /threads).
**models:** added a new sorting key and index to `Comment` documents, removing the need
for certain hierarchical db queries. Also added a copy of the author's username
to `Comment` and `CommentThread` models, to reduce the number db queries.
......@@ -138,6 +138,10 @@ helpers do
if params[:commentable_ids]
comment_threads = params[:commentable_ids].split(","))
sort_key_mapper = {
"date" => :created_at,
"activity" => :last_activity_at,
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ class Content
index({comment_thread_id: 1, sk: 1}, {sparse: true})
index({comment_thread_id: 1, endorsed: 1}, {sparse: true})
index({commentable_id: 1}, {sparse: true, background: true})
before_save :set_username
def set_username
db.contents.ensureIndex({commentable_id: 1}, {sparse: true, background: true})
db.contents.dropIndex({commentable_id: 1})
......@@ -26,6 +26,24 @@ describe "app" do
res["course_id"].should == "abc"
it "returns only threads where course id and commentable id match" do
@threads["t1"].course_id = "course1"
@threads["t1"].commentable_id = "commentable1"
@threads["t2"].course_id = "course1"
@threads["t2"].commentable_id = "commentable2"
@threads["t3"].course_id = "course1"
@threads["t3"].commentable_id = "commentable3"
@threads["t4"].course_id = "course2"
@threads["t4"].commentable_id = "commentable1"
rs = thread_result course_id: "course1", commentable_ids: "commentable1,commentable3"
rs.length.should == 2
check_thread_result(nil, @threads["t3"], rs[0])
check_thread_result(nil, @threads["t1"], rs[1])
it "returns only threads where course id and group id match" do
@threads["t1"].course_id = "omg"
@threads["t1"].group_id = 100
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