Commit bd9ef182 by Jim Abramson

Merge pull request #92 from edx/jsa/heartbeat

add heartbeat endpoint
parents 4960adbf 10d632a2
......@@ -170,3 +170,30 @@ end
CommentService.blocked_hashes = Content.mongo_session[:blocked_hash] 1) {|d| d["hash"]}
get '/heartbeat' do
t1 =
# any expected config / environment variables are set to sane values
# TODO: is there anything else applicable to check wrt config?
# mongo is reachable and ready to handle requests
db = Mongoid::Sessions.default
res = db.command(isMaster: 1)
if res["ismaster"] != true or Integer(res["ok"]) != 1
error 500, res.to_json
# E_S is reachable and ready to handle requests
res = Tire::Configuration.client.get Tire::Configuration.url
es_status = JSON.parse res.body
if es_status["ok"] != true or es_status["status"] != 200
error 500, res.to_json
status = {
"last_post_created" => db[:contents].find().sort(_id: -1).limit(1).one["created_at"],
"total_posts" => db[:contents].find.count,
"total_users" => db[:contents].find.count,
"elapsed_time" => - t1
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