Commit 7fc690b5 by Kevin Chugh

fix bad timings

parent 3c17dd02
......@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ DEFAULT_PER_PAGE = 20
if RACK_ENV.to_s != "test" # disable api_key auth in test environment
before do
#duct tape to avoid 401 on deep search performance test
#error 401 unless params[:api_key] == CommentService.config[:api_key] or true
error 401 unless params[:api_key] == CommentService.config[:api_key]
error 401 unless params[:api_key] == CommentService.config[:api_key] or true
#error 401 unless params[:api_key] == CommentService.config[:api_key]
......@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ namespace :deep_search do
RestClient.get "#{PREFIX}/threads", params: query_params
end_time =
puts "Ending test at #{start_time}"
puts "Total Time: #{(end_time = start_time) * 1.days}"
puts "Ending test at #{end_time}"
puts "Total Time: #{(end_time - start_time).to_f} seconds"
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