- 24 Aug, 2016 8 commits
Downgrade opaque keys package
Renzo Lucioni committed -
0.3.2 has been removed from PyPI because of a bug.
Renzo Lucioni committed -
Bill DeRusha committed -
Type is required field for the admin. Otherwise it throws errors during adding the new program using django-admin.
Awais committed -
Adding data to program endpoint for program about page
mikedikan committed -
Adding a few more pieces of info to program endpoint to serve data for the program about page (ECOM-5334)
Mike Dikan committed -
Awais Qureshi committed -
Adding inline fields.
Awais committed
- 23 Aug, 2016 6 commits
Added facet for seat types
Clinton Blackburn committed -
This will allow programs to be faceted by the seat types of their related course runs. ECOM-5329
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Clinton Blackburn committed -
- Fixed bug that occurs if no associated course runs have a start datetime - Updated tests - Exposed value in search index so that Programs are returned when faceting for availability ECOM-5316
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Update Program Service to provide all metadata
mikedikan committed -
Mike Dikan committed
- 22 Aug, 2016 10 commits
Course/CourseRun bug fixes
Clinton Blackburn committed -
This ensures the level type for Courses, and their related CourseRuns, without a specified level type is serialized as None instead of an empty array. ECOM-5195
Clinton Blackburn committed -
"key" is a keyword for MySQL. This was missed due to tests being run against SQLite. ECOM-5195
Clinton Blackburn committed -
- Corrected data loader URL - Added migration to remove duplicated courses ECOM-5195
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Updated course and course run data models and data loaders
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Clinton Blackburn committed -
ECOM-5195 and ECOM-5196
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Updated search template for programs
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Clinton Blackburn committed -
App-specific templates should live within the respective app(s). This leads to better organization and less confusion for developers searching for templates. ECOM-5316
Clinton Blackburn committed
- 19 Aug, 2016 10 commits
Update the Swagger doc label for the catalog API
Peter Desjardins committed -
Update the label that's shown at the top of the swagger doc. It is currently "course discovery API," but I understand that the preferred terminology is "catalog API."
Peter Desjardins committed -
ECOM-5277 create the credit_redemption_overview programs field
Simon Chen committed -
Simon Chen committed
Code Cleanup
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Removed duplicated code associated with adding m2m objects. ECOM-5094
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Restrict serialized program organizations to authoring ones only
Renzo Lucioni committed -
Renzo Lucioni committed
- 18 Aug, 2016 6 commits
Update to course API to include (condensed) program info - https://openedx.atlassian.net/browse/ECOM-5095
mikedikan committed -
Mike Dikan committed
ECOM-5264 Make sure the banner image is stored at the correct path in S3
Simon Chen committed -
Simon Chen committed
Update program data loader to match drupal loader
Bill DeRusha committed -
Bill DeRusha committed