{% blocktrans with link_start='<ahref="' link_middle='">' link_end='</a>' trimmed %}
Preview for {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ course_name }} {{ link_end }} is available for review.
A preview is now available for the {{ link_start }}{{ page_url }}{{ link_middle }} {{ course_run_number }} course run {{ link_end }} of {{ course_name }}. Visit {{ link_start }}{{ preview_link }}{{ link_middle }} link to preview {{ link_end }} to approve or decline the preview for this course run.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% comment %}Translators: It's closing of mail.{% endcomment %}
Preview for {{ course_name }} is available for review. {{ page_url }}
A preview is now available for the {{ course_run_number }} course run of {{ course_name }}. Visit {{ page_url }} to approve or decline the preview for this course run.
{% endblocktrans %}
{% trans "Thanks," %}
{% trans "The edX team" %}
{{ platform_name }} {{ sender_role }}
{% blocktrans trimmed %}
Note: This email address is unable to receive replies. For questions or comments, contact {{ contact_us_email }}.