Commit 5e0b70cb by Awais Committed by Awais Qureshi

Fixing bug for track changes issue.

parent 8b863f96
......@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ function loadRevisionHistory(revisionUrl) {
currentObject = $('.history-field-container').find('.' + key);
if (currentObject.length && value != null) {
currentObjectText = getComparableText(currentObject);
value = decodeEntities(value);
currentObjectText = decodeEntities(currentObjectText);
value = decodeEntities(value.split('<br>').join('<br />').trim());
currentObjectText = decodeEntities(currentObjectText.split('<br>').join('<br />').trim());
showDiffCourseDetails(value, currentObjectText, currentObject.siblings('.show-diff'));
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