Commit 5cb6a8a3 by Awais Committed by Awais Qureshi

Adding a fix for the IE in publisher aap

parent e5d26878
$(document).on('change', '#id_select_revisions', function (e) {
var revisionUrl = $(this.selectedOptions).data('revisionUrl');
var revisionUrl = $(this).find(':selected').data('revisionUrl');
// on changing the revision from drop-down set the href of button.
$('#id_open_revision').prop("href", this.value);
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ $(document).on('change', '#id_select_revisions', function (e) {
//show revert button for any revision except current version.
if (this.selectedIndex > 0) {
btn_edit.prop("href", $(this.selectedOptions).data('revisionId'));
btn_edit.prop("href", $(this).find(':selected').data('revisionId'));
var reversionValue = $('select#id_select_revisions option:selected').data('reversionValue');
//show accept-all button.
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