- 18 Apr, 2014 1 commit
John Jarvis committed
- 17 Apr, 2014 9 commits
Jarv/ansible 1.5 and certs
John Jarvis committed -
e0d committed -
removing sync'd folder for /vagrant change identity file default to none removing check for git identity typo typo adding python-yaml for dumping vars certs settings changes for local disk generation adding var dump var adding template for certs adding certs to default sites adding 400 condition to the certs nginx template updating update script for certs, removing discern adding cert to help giving www-data write permission to the web root typo adding download url fixing web root adding certs download url adding more config for cert template dir, verify url moving extra vars into the vagrantfile adding verify url to vagrantfile syntax look for valid.html adding ownertrust export adding the trust import removing skip-tags for reconfigure upgrading to latest released ansible adding carriage return to owner trust setting cert urls in extra vars moving extra vars to vagrantfile adding new accept_hostkey parameter to all git calls set key_file changing dir for userknownhostsfile adding more verbosity changing knownhostsfile in environment don't use userknownhostsfile setting accept_hostkey back to yes adding .ssh dirs for the 1.5 git module adding certs nginx site
John Jarvis committed -
Add a utility play to update the ora2 version installed for edxapp
Will Daly committed -
Will Daly committed
Han Su Kim committed -
e0d committed
e0d committed
e0d committed
- 16 Apr, 2014 1 commit
e0d committed
- 15 Apr, 2014 8 commits
Han Su Kim committed
Han Su Kim committed
taking out ansible.inventory, not needed for vagrant, breaks my vagrant provisioning
Han Su Kim committed -
Han Su Kim committed
changed default instance to m3.medium
Han Su Kim committed -
Han Su Kim committed
include AWS instanceID in prompt
Fred Smith committed -
Fred Smith committed
- 14 Apr, 2014 2 commits
Explicitly set ssh to insecure private key. It is default but sometimes...
Han Su Kim committed -
Ray Hooker committed
- 12 Apr, 2014 1 commit
Explicitly set ssh to insecure private key. It is default but sometimes does not work and requires public key
Ray Hooker committed
- 11 Apr, 2014 2 commits
roles within ansible-roles have been moved into a roles subdirectory.
Fred Smith committed -
Fred Smith committed
- 10 Apr, 2014 2 commits
Add LTI stub forwarded port.
Oleg Marshev committed -
Oleg Marshev committed
- 07 Apr, 2014 12 commits
mising stdout on var check
John Jarvis committed -
John Jarvis committed
Refactor key handling.
e0d committed -
e0d committed
check before installing rabbit
John Jarvis committed -
John Jarvis committed
John Jarvis committed
Jarv/rabbit from deb
John Jarvis committed -
John Jarvis committed
John Jarvis committed
John Jarvis committed
John Jarvis committed
- 04 Apr, 2014 2 commits
John Jarvis committed
Allow users to be removed from systems
Gabe Mulley committed