- 20 Dec, 2013 1 commit
Another wip commit resolving problems installing the util stack. Also, remove datadog from staging hosts where it's not needed.
Joe Blaylock committed
- 19 Dec, 2013 1 commit
* Making newly merged release branch get closer to working
Joe Blaylock committed
- 18 Dec, 2013 1 commit
Conflicts: playbooks/edx-west/carnegie-prod-app.yml playbooks/edx-west/prod-jumpbox.yml playbooks/edx-west/stage-all.yml playbooks/roles/common/tasks/create_users.yml (deleted) playbooks/roles/datadog/handlers/main.yml playbooks/roles/edxapp/defaults/main.yml playbooks/roles/edxapp/tasks/deploy.yml playbooks/roles/edxapp/tasks/main.yml playbooks/roles/nginx/tasks/main.yml playbooks/roles/nginx/templates/basic-auth.j2 playbooks/roles/nginx/templates/edx_logrotate_nginx_access.j2 playbooks/roles/nginx/templates/edx_logrotate_nginx_error.j2 playbooks/roles/xqueue/tasks/main.yml
Joe Blaylock committed
- 17 Dec, 2013 2 commits
Joe Blaylock committed
Joe Blaylock committed
- 14 Dec, 2013 1 commit
Ubuntu committed
- 12 Dec, 2013 1 commit
Giulio Gratta committed
- 05 Dec, 2013 1 commit
Go from copy to template so certs_home gets substituted in correctly
Joe Blaylock committed
- 04 Dec, 2013 2 commits
Joe Blaylock committed
Joe Blaylock committed
- 03 Dec, 2013 1 commit
Ubuntu committed
- 02 Dec, 2013 2 commits
Giulio Gratta committed
Giulio Gratta committed
- 25 Nov, 2013 2 commits
Joe Blaylock committed
Substantially similar to the certs role developed (in paralell) that exists on master, but this one uses pre-Croissant directory structure and variable conventions. Modeled on the croissant-era notifier role. Useful as a bridge to midterms, when Stanford can afford to port to the new ways of doing things. Includes updates to logging-related tasks for ansible and datadog. These are ongoing problems for us at the moment.
Joe Blaylock committed
- 23 Nov, 2013 2 commits
- 20 Nov, 2013 3 commits
Joe Blaylock committed -
Jason Bau committed
Jason Bau committed
- 15 Nov, 2013 3 commits
Add logrotation to Stanford datadog setup
Joe Blaylock committed -
* Datadog logs now get rotated like other system logs * nginx logs get rotated to have group syslog, so the datadog agent will continue to be able to read them
Joe Blaylock committed -
Giulio Gratta committed
- 14 Nov, 2013 7 commits
* Moving test() contents into doctests * Adding comments to the methods explaining what they're used for
Joe Blaylock committed -
Stanford-oriented Datadog updates
Joe Blaylock committed -
* Datadog explicitly sets hostname in style Stanford uses (relies on /etc/hostname being accurate, requires reboot) * Enables nginx status check module integration for datadog * Installs nginx access log processor that counts HTTP response codes * Updates to lots of other places to make sure that their logs appear where we expect * Has sample code showing how to emit events from log contents which make it into the Datadog event stream * Separation of stage and prod datadog configurations
Joe Blaylock committed -
vagrant-devstack-fix: Fix inverted names for nfs-mounted directories
Will Daly committed -
devstack-gitignore: Don't track external repositories
Will Daly committed -
Xavier Antoviaque committed
Xavier Antoviaque committed
- 13 Nov, 2013 10 commits
some final changes before the dosa release
John Jarvis committed -
John Jarvis committed
Use debian packages from S3 to fix the browser versions for Chrome and FF
Will Daly committed -
Jarv/vagrant releases
John Jarvis committed -
John Jarvis committed
Will Daly committed
Updates to Jenkins master
Will Daly committed -
Moved the role to using the root s3fs as it supports IAM
Carson Gee committed -
Carson Gee committed
Carson Gee committed