- 30 Mar, 2016 5 commits
Add feature flag handle for ENABLE_MOBILE_REST_API
Kevin Falcone committed -
Brandon DeRosier committed
pass the read replica hosts list as external variables from secure repo
Arbab Nazar committed -
arbabnazar committed
Adding support for multiple auth credentials for nginx (OPS-952)
Bilal Ahmad committed
- 29 Mar, 2016 10 commits
mount ebs role
Kevin Falcone committed -
This prevents us from mounting a disk in two places.
Kevin Falcone committed -
This implements a role that consumes a volume list of dicts and ensures those are all mounted in the expected location on your system as well as formatting any drives with the wrong fstype. As a safety feature, it defaults to being unwilling to unmount drives (since that might result in data loss or mismanagement) and there is a flag you can -e to enable it. It is assumed you will run this role passing along your volume list from your main playbook and secure vars.
Max Rothman committed -
Max Rothman committed
OPS-1383: Add role for turning on enhanced networking
Kevin Falcone committed -
Go agent docker Updates
Brian Beggs committed -
Amazon wants 2.16.4, says elsewhere 2.14.2 is ok and that Ubuntu 14.04's 2.11.3-k is ok but missing some bug fixes.
Kevin Falcone committed -
Max Rothman committed
Updated go-agent dockerfile to override start script so container process captures the correct GO_SERVER_PORT
Brian Beggs committed -
Set ecommerce JWT_LEEWAY
Renzo Lucioni committed
- 28 Mar, 2016 1 commit
Makes ecommerce more tolerant of slight clock skew
Renzo Lucioni committed
- 25 Mar, 2016 5 commits
Added settings for edx-drf-extensions to discovery role
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Ensure libjpeg-dev is available on Programs hosts
Jim Abramson committed -
Removing HOSTNAME_MODULESTORE_DEFAULT_MAPPINGS to make preview domain…
Muzaffar yousaf committed -
muzaffaryousaf committed
- 24 Mar, 2016 9 commits
Brian Beggs committed
hackathon documentation updates
Fred Smith committed -
Fred Smith committed
Fred Smith committed
Fred Smith committed
Fred Smith committed
Fred Smith committed
Bilal committed
Restore ecommerce roles to analytics devstack
Braden MacDonald committed
- 23 Mar, 2016 5 commits
Added OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL setting to discovery service
Kevin Falcone committed -
Increasing file descriptor limit (OPS-728)
Bilal Ahmad committed -
jsa committed
Bilal committed
use dogwood box for release analyticstack Vagrantfile
Gabe Mulley committed
- 22 Mar, 2016 2 commits
Fix a bug in the git module: branches might not check out properly
Ned Batchelder committed -
OLIVE-19 Enable automatic provisioning of jenkins instance dedicated to running analytics tasks.
Jacek Bzdak committed
- 21 Mar, 2016 3 commits
Clinton Blackburn committed -
This has caused confusion in the past. Updated the value to actually be the OAuth2 endpoint, rather than the LMS host. ECOM-3895
Clinton Blackburn committed -
Clinton Blackburn committed