- 17 Dec, 2013 1 commit
Joe Blaylock committed
- 05 Dec, 2013 1 commit
Go from copy to template so certs_home gets substituted in correctly
Joe Blaylock committed
- 04 Dec, 2013 2 commits
Joe Blaylock committed
Joe Blaylock committed
- 03 Dec, 2013 1 commit
Ubuntu committed
- 02 Dec, 2013 2 commits
Giulio Gratta committed
Giulio Gratta committed
- 25 Nov, 2013 2 commits
Joe Blaylock committed
Substantially similar to the certs role developed (in paralell) that exists on master, but this one uses pre-Croissant directory structure and variable conventions. Modeled on the croissant-era notifier role. Useful as a bridge to midterms, when Stanford can afford to port to the new ways of doing things. Includes updates to logging-related tasks for ansible and datadog. These are ongoing problems for us at the moment.
Joe Blaylock committed
- 23 Nov, 2013 2 commits
- 20 Nov, 2013 3 commits
Joe Blaylock committed -
Jason Bau committed
Jason Bau committed
- 15 Nov, 2013 3 commits
Add logrotation to Stanford datadog setup
Joe Blaylock committed -
* Datadog logs now get rotated like other system logs * nginx logs get rotated to have group syslog, so the datadog agent will continue to be able to read them
Joe Blaylock committed -
Giulio Gratta committed
- 14 Nov, 2013 3 commits
* Moving test() contents into doctests * Adding comments to the methods explaining what they're used for
Joe Blaylock committed -
Stanford-oriented Datadog updates
Joe Blaylock committed -
* Datadog explicitly sets hostname in style Stanford uses (relies on /etc/hostname being accurate, requires reboot) * Enables nginx status check module integration for datadog * Installs nginx access log processor that counts HTTP response codes * Updates to lots of other places to make sure that their logs appear where we expect * Has sample code showing how to emit events from log contents which make it into the Datadog event stream * Separation of stage and prod datadog configurations
Joe Blaylock committed
- 11 Nov, 2013 3 commits
- 08 Nov, 2013 1 commit
Jason Bau committed
- 06 Nov, 2013 3 commits
* Changed the way xqueue does basic auth configuration so that it would work with the old httplib on our prod ora instances. * this breaks the .org release's method of doing basic auth, but that doesn't matter for Stanford because we do it differently
Joe Blaylock committed -
Conflicts: playbooks/roles/ansible_debug/tasks/main.yml
Jason Bau committed -
Joe Blaylock committed
- 04 Nov, 2013 2 commits
* xqueue user creation fails mysteriously sometimes. We don't actually care if the user creation works because most of the time, the user has already been created. So, ignore these errors.
Joe Blaylock committed -
Joe Blaylock committed
- 01 Nov, 2013 1 commit
Sef Kloninger committed
- 31 Oct, 2013 2 commits
The ORA machinery gets gummed up when it gets very large submissions and throws a lot of 500s. Co-Authored-By: Jason Bau <jbau@stanford.edu>
Joe Blaylock committed -
Conflicts: playbooks/roles/edxapp/defaults/main.yml
Joe Blaylock committed
- 23 Oct, 2013 8 commits
logrotate is not a service
John Jarvis committed -
John Jarvis committed
openid workaround needs to happen before the syncdb/migrate
John Jarvis committed -
John Jarvis committed
Fixes to the xqueue and xserver roles.
Feanil Patel committed -
Feanil Patel committed
Create "pinned" files to allow upgrading plugins bundled with Jenkins.
Will Daly committed -
Will Daly committed