Commit fe5eeda4 by Feanil Patel

Merge pull request #2527 from open-craft/smarnach/python-requirements-order

Refactor installation of Python requirements.
parents c5563061 0ca7bdd2
......@@ -595,18 +595,6 @@ edxapp_sandbox_user: 'sandbox' # I think something about the codejail requires
# apparmor command
edxapp_aa_command: "{% if EDXAPP_SANDBOX_ENFORCE %}aa-enforce{% else %}aa-complain{% endif %}"
# all edxapp requirements files
- "{{ pre_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ post_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ base_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ paver_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ github_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ sandbox_post_requirements }}"
- "{{ sandbox_local_requirements }}"
- "{{ sandbox_base_requirements }}"
# TODO: old style variable syntax is necessary
# for lists and dictionaries
......@@ -995,19 +983,48 @@ edx_platform_repo: "https://{{ COMMON_GIT_MIRROR }}/edx/edx-platform.git"
# `edx_platform_version` can be anything that git recognizes as a commit
# reference, including a tag, a branch name, or a commit hash
edx_platform_version: 'release'
local_requirements_file: "{{ edxapp_code_dir }}/requirements/edx/local.txt"
pre_requirements_file: "{{ edxapp_code_dir }}/requirements/edx/pre.txt"
post_requirements_file: "{{ edxapp_code_dir }}/requirements/edx/post.txt"
base_requirements_file: "{{ edxapp_code_dir }}/requirements/edx/base.txt"
github_requirements_file: "{{ edxapp_code_dir }}/requirements/edx/github.txt"
custom_requirements_file: "{{ edxapp_code_dir }}/requirements/edx/custom.txt"
local_requirements_file: "{{ edxapp_code_dir }}/requirements/edx/local.txt"
base_requirements_file: "{{ edxapp_code_dir }}/requirements/edx/base.txt"
post_requirements_file: "{{ edxapp_code_dir }}/requirements/edx/post.txt"
paver_requirements_file: "{{ edxapp_code_dir }}/requirements/edx/paver.txt"
github_requirements_file: "{{ edxapp_code_dir }}/requirements/edx/github.txt"
private_requirements_file: "{{ edxapp_code_dir }}/requirements/edx/edx-private.txt"
sandbox_base_requirements: "{{ edxapp_code_dir }}/requirements/edx-sandbox/base.txt"
sandbox_local_requirements: "{{ edxapp_code_dir }}/requirements/edx-sandbox/local.txt"
sandbox_post_requirements: "{{ edxapp_code_dir }}/requirements/edx-sandbox/post.txt"
# The Python requirements files in the order they should be installed. This order should
# match the order of PYTHON_REQ_FILES in edx-platform/pavelib/ (Also check the
# edx-solutions fork of edx-platform when if you consider reordering this list.)
# private_requirements_file is not included in this list, since it is only installed
# conditionally based on the value of EDXAPP_INSTALL_PRIVATE_REQUIREMENTS.
- "{{ pre_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ github_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ custom_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ local_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ base_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ post_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ paver_requirements_file }}"
# All edxapp requirements files potentially containing Github URLs. When using a custom
# Github mirror, occurrences of "" are replaced by the custom mirror in these
# files.
- "{{ pre_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ github_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ custom_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ base_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ post_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ paver_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ private_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ sandbox_post_requirements }}"
- "{{ sandbox_local_requirements }}"
- "{{ sandbox_base_requirements }}"
edxapp_chrislea_ppa: "ppa:chris-lea/node.js"
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
- install
- install:code
- name: Stat each requirements file to ensure it exists
- name: Stat each requirements file with Github URLs to ensure it exists
stat: path="{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ edxapp_requirements_with_github_urls }}"
register: requirement_file_stats
......@@ -162,105 +162,41 @@
- install
- install:app-requirements
# Install the python pre requirements into {{ edxapp_venv_dir }}
- name : install python pre-requirements
pip: >
requirements="{{ pre_requirements_file }}"
virtualenv="{{ edxapp_venv_dir }}"
extra_args="-i {{ COMMON_PYPI_MIRROR_URL }} --exists-action w"
sudo_user: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
environment: "{{ edxapp_environment }}"
- install
- install:app-requirements
# Install the python modules into {{ edxapp_venv_dir }}
- name : install python base-requirements
# Need to use shell rather than pip so that we can maintain the context of our current working directory; some
# requirements are pathed relative to the edx-platform repo. Using the pip from inside the virtual environment implicitly
# installs everything into that virtual environment.
shell: >
{{ edxapp_venv_dir }}/bin/pip install -i {{ COMMON_PYPI_MIRROR_URL }} --exists-action w -r {{ base_requirements_file }}
- name: Create the virtualenv to install the Python requirements
command: >
virtualenv {{ edxapp_venv_dir }}
chdir={{ edxapp_code_dir }}
environment: "{{ edxapp_environment }}"
sudo_user: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
- install
- install:app-requirements
- stat: path="{{ post_requirements_file }}"
register: post_requirements
sudo_user: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
- install
- install:app-requirements
# Install the python post requirements into {{ edxapp_venv_dir }}
- name : install python post-requirements
pip: >
requirements="{{ post_requirements_file }}"
virtualenv="{{ edxapp_venv_dir }}"
extra_args="-i {{ COMMON_PYPI_MIRROR_URL }} --exists-action w"
creates={{ edxapp_venv_dir }}/bin/pip
sudo_user: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
environment: "{{ edxapp_environment }}"
when: post_requirements.stat.exists
- install
- install:app-requirements
# Install the python paver requirements into {{ edxapp_venv_dir }}
- name : install python paver-requirements
pip: >
requirements="{{ paver_requirements_file }}"
virtualenv="{{ edxapp_venv_dir }}"
extra_args="-i {{ COMMON_PYPI_MIRROR_URL }} --exists-action w"
sudo_user: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
environment: "{{ edxapp_environment }}"
- install
- install:app-requirements
# Install the python custom requirements into {{ edxapp_venv_dir }}
- stat: path="{{ custom_requirements_file }}"
register: custom_requirements
sudo_user: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
- install
- install:app-requirements
- name : install python custom-requirements
pip: >
requirements="{{ custom_requirements_file }}"
virtualenv="{{ edxapp_venv_dir }}"
extra_args="-i {{ COMMON_PYPI_MIRROR_URL }} --exists-action w"
sudo_user: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
environment: "{{ edxapp_environment }}"
when: custom_requirements.stat.exists
- name: Stat each Python requirements file to ensure it exists
stat: path="{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ edxapp_requirements_files }}"
register: python_requirement_files
- install
- install:app-requirements
# Install the final python modules into {{ edxapp_venv_dir }}
- name : install python post-post requirements
# Need to use shell rather than pip so that we can maintain the context of our current working directory; some
# Install the python requirements into {{ edxapp_venv_dir }}
- name : install python requirements
# Need to use command rather than pip so that we can maintain the context of our current working directory; some
# requirements are pathed relative to the edx-platform repo. Using the pip from inside the virtual environment implicitly
# installs everything into that virtual environment.
shell: >
{{ edxapp_venv_dir }}/bin/pip install -i {{ COMMON_PYPI_MIRROR_URL }} --exists-action w -r {{ item }}
command: >
{{ edxapp_venv_dir }}/bin/pip install -i {{ COMMON_PYPI_MIRROR_URL }} --exists-action w -r {{ item.item }}
chdir={{ edxapp_code_dir }}
- "{{ github_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ local_requirements_file }}"
sudo_user: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
environment: "{{ edxapp_environment }}"
when: item.stat.exists
with_items: "{{ python_requirement_files.results }}"
- install
- install:app-requirements
# Private requriements require a ssh key to install, use the same key as the private key for edx-platform
- name : install python private requirements
......@@ -279,7 +215,7 @@
- install
- install:app-requirements
# Install any custom extra requirements if defined in EDXAPP_EXTRA_REQUIREMENTS.
- name: install python extra requirements
pip: >
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