Commit fb4956d5 by Ben Patterson

Merge pull request #1176 from edx/benp/vagrant-specific-config

Skip chown of motd.d files for vagrant machines.
parents a1aae5cf e7f26ce0
......@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@
- "{{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}"
- "{{ COMMON_CFG_DIR }}"
# Determine if machine is provisioned via vagrant
# Some EC2-specific steps would need to be skipped
- name: check if instance is vagrant
stat: path=/home/vagrant
register: vagrant_home_dir
# Need to install python-pycurl to use Ansible's apt_repository module
- name: Install python-pycurl
apt: pkg=python-pycurl state=present update_cache=yes
......@@ -103,10 +109,12 @@
# Remove some of the default motd display on ubuntu
# and add a custom motd. These do not require an
# ssh restart
# Only needed for EC2 instances.
- name: update the ssh motd on Ubuntu
file: >
path={{ item }}
when: vagrant_home_dir.stat.exists == false
- "/etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text"
- "/usr/share/landscape/landscape-sysinfo.wrapper"
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